Lets talk about your tips! ;)

Tried resetting it back to shape, but it got torn as I did it. Never again, I am sticking with my SpinFit CP145s or at least an alternative to that but more durable.


Yeah me too, the Xelastec are kinda meh for me…gonna stick to my Sony EX10A’s :+1:

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Nice, I appreciate more alternative ear tips. The Xelastecs are a good experiment as long as it works and not accidentally breaking it like an idiot like me. I think long-term there are better ear tips out there that are much cheaper and a good deal for the price.

I might want to look for those ear tips you have mentioned as well, and I hope they are good.

Just got the SednaEarfit in, these things are big. I use the Final E tips in M for my left ear and ML for my right, but the M of the SednaEarfit is at least as big as the ML of the Final E tips.
I prefer the feel of the Final E tbh, but at least I now have a nice collection to roll with if the urge/need arises.

Final E, SednaEarfit, Xelastex, Spinfit CP100, Sony Ep-ex10A and some random foams.


I guess I am super lucky as I’ve not had a real issue with the Xelastec outside of them getting dirty. They deform on the outer flange a bit for me, but the seal is always perfect since its not affecting the barrel/stem.

+1 Spinfit for ever! I can rarely get a complete seal with anything else.

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Which spinfit tip do you like for deeper insertion IEMs? And what size is the bore in comparison to something like the Final E?

I use whatever works… CP100 are my main go-to. They have thinner silicone vs CP145 and it seems to seal better for me.

A lot of tips will just fall right out of my ears including tips that a lot of people recommend. I wouldn’t be able to enjoy most IEMs without Spinfits.

Different IEMs have different insertion depths so you can’t simply say your ears are a L or S. Different IEMs will require different tip sizes. In addition, I also have found I need to change tip sizes on the same IEM at different times of the year. I think my ears are pretty dry. I probably clean them too often for my own good.


SpinFit CP145s are great for deeper insertion, and imo based on what I am hearing from my Starfields with those being used, the soundstage improved though the bass recessed a bit. Comfortable as well and sound isolation is just right, not as sound isolating fuckness as the CP240s but just right enough that you cannot hear your annoying sister talking all the time.

Deeper insertion IEMs, as in tips that are short to make up for that? CP360s. They’re pretty much CP100s just shorter in the stem, which are similar bore size to Final.

The Final Audio E Type ear tips that I have ordered earlier would be arriving soon, probably tomorrow or Tuesday this coming week.

There is an another one however that caught my eyes, and that would be the Radius Deep Mount, and I blame RikudouGokuou putting in his tier list at the highest, therefore I am planning to get one soon, too see if it’s true or not.

lol, keep in mind that tips are highly personal. So if it doesnt work for you, dont kill me. :joy:


No promises, jk :smile:

yo big thanks for all the tip recommendations you’ve given btw, has turned iems from being something i only use when i leave the house to something i collect because of how picky my ears are, love you lots xoxo

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Thank you for the trust

I am not even mad, I am just disappointed especially when I receive this order of Final Audio E Type ear tips from the ones I got the Koss KPH30is from, and they are very well received sellers online. I said 2 pairs of E Type ear tips not 2 pieces lol. I messaged them about the issue and I hope it can be resolved as soon as they can.

Also @Rikudou_Goku, your review about the E Type is mostly accurate, therefore I made the right decision giving it a try, though would have been much better if I got the exact amount of ear tips I ordered.

wow, thats bad. Where did you order them from?

Amazon should be a good place to get them from (I got my pairs from the E series though).

a Filipino-audiophile store called Scaramouche, they are chill and cool guys but I guess it is one of those days that they can sometimes mess up, for most of the time they have done me very well in the past, like no issues. I just hope they can resolve this by just delivering me an another pair.

Hopefully you get it resolved.

I hope so too, because I need to control my purchasing urges for a while since I am saving up for a thing that is part of my list at the moment and they are important for sound improvements.