Lets talk about your tips! ;)

Shit, as I see on my sales pic of Olinas in the end I used S400 as well (I don’t have olinas since end of April), so those tips may have been better than I initially wrote :slight_smile: I thought I ended up with SpinFits CP100+, but now I am not so sure…
I also struggled a lot with tips for Olina in terms of fit (and seal, same with Mele), but in the end I was quite happy with what I had.

Just for clarification I sold Olinas due to the fact that I had too many IEMs which overlapped each other in my usage (much more expensive, ergo better). Olina is a beast of its own :slight_smile:


I use cp100 to get the “neutral/default” sound, and cp145 a size below (that makes it S size for me, as I usually wear M sized tips) to achieve deep insertion and get more bass extension.

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:+1: - CP100 L on Olinas here as well.


I have tip rolled a lot, and I like the following:

  • Kbear07
  • Final Type E
  • BGVP W01. The E01 is a copy of Final E tips
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thank you all for suggestions…!
currently using L sized KZ tips. its a bit large … but M was too small. glad that I see CP100 because just bought it yesterday and waiting for it to arrive. It was easy to get locally. I hope it fits me well. otherwise I have to import some…

The Vivid edition from Azla gives more treble and vocals to my Airship, though the downside of using this is that it makes the bass a bit weak for my tastes. Would still use it though, on my IEMs that are too warm for my tastes.


Well, I’'ve tried many (but not all) the tips people seem to like… Spinfits, Azla, the new Moondrop ones, Final e-tips, and others, but the ones that best fit my dinky ears so far are the ePro horn tips (small size). A pair came with the Penon Vortex, and felt most comfortable of all the tips I’ve tried… good sound, too! So I ordered two more pairs from Amazon for my small collection of IEMs. (They have the added virtue of not being as expensive as some of the others, also.)


Hey @nymz can I ask you an update on this post? specifically to be used on Olina.
recently got CP100 but I feel the sound lacks body and stage depth compared to my KZ Starline (current favorite.) but the problem with KZ is that the M is a bit small for me and L is a bit large…!!
stock Olina tips aren’t that comfy.
I was considering Epro tips. have you tested them enough after this post?

They are clunky for me and I’ve dropped them, but I have the EP00 which are the long ones. On Olina I like BGVP W01 and A07. Spinfit also work good for me.

For stage depth I always prefer wide to semi-wide bores.

Edit: double filter olina, not stock. On stock I like CP100 and Final E.

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Has anyone tried the new Spinfit W1 tips?

They seem very similar to the CP100+ other than the new core design.

On Facebook groups they get a lot of praise fron people from Singapore and China (as azla Xelastec without its’ main flaw of being the black hole for all shit and dust from 10 meters around). But I cannot see it available anywhere for me

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They are on the US Amazon, but only in the S/M/L combo packs

Which is fine for a first purchase, but I would much rather buy 2 pairs of a single size, like I do for the CP100+

At least I will use both of those, but the W1, I will likely only use 1, so it seems like a bad deal.

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Nothing in EU in my case and shipping from US kills the purpose. Once I thought as you btw, that one size fits them all, but now I use all tips from MS to XL depending on the nozzle and shell build type for different sets. And this is where this set is usable

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I have them.

Size wise they are as long as CP100 but with a wider bore like CP360.
The stem is more rigid but also thinner.
The material is more like Azla Crystal, different than CP100+. They are thinner walls and stick to my ear canal much more.

They replaced CP360 on Chu because they are longer and therefore i don’t have to deep fit it as much while still having the wide bore.


I always tend to buy one with all the sizes, to use that way, but given enough time, most of IEMs end up with CP100+ Small or Final E Small. I still have stock tips on the Timeless, but that might be the only one I regularly use that does.

I know that the KZ CRN, I used a medium but mostly so it pushed them further out of my ear, because those were too uncomfortable if they sat too deep in my ears. The wings on those hurt.

The W shaped stem sense, since I am guessing it helps on the thinner stem.
The material sounds interesting, and like something I will want to try out.

I always thought the Azla Crystal was too wide bore, and therefore more bright than I like. The W1 seems closer to the bore of the CP100.


Helpful comments, guys. I’m still new to iems so appreciate the info on your experiences. I do know already that tips matter…a Lot. :wink: Ps using CP 100s
on the stock Olina.


I can confirm that W1 is wider bore than CP100.

I had the same issue with CRN.

I use CP360 on Timeless.

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Raptgo Hook large stock tips solved my FH3 fit issues.

Pioneer Rayz Pro large tips solved my Raptgo Hook fit issues.

BeatsX medium tips substitute perfectly on the Pioneer Rayz Pro since I raided its tips. :joy:

It’s been a good day. Full of lessons.


Well looks like the Azla Sednaearfit Regulars that I ordered just arrived earlier, will check it out and hear how it goes along with the Seek Real Airships I have after work. I am not expecting much, since so far I find the Final E Types the perfect tips for it, but the only gripe I have for the E Types that it would get slippery and the Airships will slip off from my ears.

New tips for my Airships, will do a lot of listening with these on and see how it compare to the E Types which performed superbly.