Lets talk about your tips! ;)

Another shout-out to @domq422 and @GooberBM for TRN-T tips! Never had such a perfect fit and seal while being deep down the ear with MEST up until this point. I guess it is what W1s were supposed to be for me.
The texture seems perfect, not as much of a dust collector as xelastecs, but still gripping walls of the the canal making the seal stellar.
They sound the most bassy out of my all tip collection, even borderline muddy on some tracks (like the treble sparkliness went back on Replica of The XX for example very evidently). It is contrary a bit to what was said on them previously, so I guess I may have never had a proper seal throughout one year with my most favourite IEM :see_no_evil:

All in all fantastic value for money!


Outside of AE, they are tough to find.


Anybody in here have suggestions on companies that do or can make custom silicone tips for any iem?

I only know of this.

But they don’t have everything.


Yeah I already know of them too, also Custom Arts in Poland who make tips that just involve the nozzles.

I had my custom tips made by Custom Art and even though they look quite funky, they provide massive improvement to the sound quality and comfort.
My ear canals are problematic and finding a pair of tips, which would fit them well enough, was always a challenge.

That’s why I opted for going custom. And why I tend to pick up earbuds more and more often.

Craft Ears Aurum + Custom Art black metallic custom silicone tips


Nice man, I’m looking to probably going with them in the future unless I can find a company closer (preferably in the states) that can do the exact same tip work that don’t need the iem sent in to make them if they don’t have them.

Hello guys, my Final Audio Type E (S) tips are on the way. With all the praise the Deep Radius has got in this forum, Imma also order it but I’m confused what size I should go for. Type E Small size is 11.1mm in outer diameter while Deep Mount Small size is 11.5mm. Is the 0.4mm increase negligible, or should I go with the Deep Mount XS size (10mm)?

Since deep mount is not an even size the 11.5 should be just the maximum at one point in the umbrella portion. Your prob. Better trying that unless you want an extra deep fit to get the same seal with the smaller size. It may come down to what iem your using and how deep a fit it is designed for to properly match. Also you can get multi sized packs and go from there too.

@JAnonymous5150 im caving in and buying some of your TS-400 foam tips. If these are no good I’m gonna hold you personally responsible :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Also grabbing some Whizzer SS20s because I like spending too much money and stupid shit lol. But at least I didn’t grab another cable I don’t need!

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If they’re not good, I’ll buy them from you. So now you have a money back guarantee. Doesn’t get any better than that. ,:+1::sunglasses:


I got S and M. You sure that works for you?

When it comes to tips Sony’s EP-EX10A don’t get enough props…similar profile to Final E tips but they’re softer and don’t reduce the sound stage as much…they also deliver a more neutral and open sound signature :+1:

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Those whizzer tips are really nice. I think you’ll enjoy them, very similar to the Cap tips but with a thicker flange!


Are you able to get them in the uk at all? Been wanting to try some other tips

Hell yeah, I use all the sizes in various applications. Just let me know when your ready to sell.

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I got my sets from Amazon UK but they do go in and out of stock so you have to patient and keep checking :+1:

My preferred tip.


I just got my whizzedrs last week and already ordered another set. Also ordered the “soundstage set” will see how those are as well. Super comfy and balanced

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Thanks, I’ll keep an eye out for some, hopefully they’ll come back into stock soon

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I’m still waiting on my TS-400. They have been stateside and out of customs for a week but still MIA :frowning:

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