Lets talk about your tips! ;)

Don’t chew when using IEM’s it never works x2 for HP’s :+1:

Ok, so swallow food whole or just don’t eat…issue resolved! Seriously, tho, without wings or something, are any tips especially known for staying put better? Even without chewing, especially when warm, my ears just seem to reject IEMs. Trying to jam them further in or using bigger tips generally results in discomfort and skin irritation with no better results.

So the Xelastec tips sort of grip your ear and with body heat they change shape for your ear. For foams I cant help much. Another intresting silicone option is something like the spiral dot ++ due to their incredible soft and slightly sticky nature, they feel alot like skin and they are great with body heat. The issue,with silicone is that the moisture has to go somewhere so they may not work at all for you. For a good foam I can wear from time to time that doesn’t mess,with thw sound alot would be the spiral groove linsoul/tripowin tips.


Ugh… How much time do you have? Of all the issues I have with IEMs, getting a perfect seal with no inner ear suction and a comfortable fit is the biggest hurdle I struggling with constantly.

Unfortunately, the best advise I have is you have to do the hard work yourself and figure out what works for you personally. There is no, one size fits all answer to this problem (see what I did there?) Everyone’s ear is different, every IEM is different and tips are all different sizes, shapes, nozzle sizes, colors, different materials, some slippery, some sticky… The list goes on and on and everyone seems to prefer something different from someone else.

I can say that getting that perfect comfort for your ears, with a perfect seal, with the perfect IEM can give you an incredible listening experience. Good luck getting there.


Really liking the spinfit cp100 tips that arrived last week. So much so that I actually ordered another pair just now


Nice! I have another 3 sets of CP100 L coming tomorrow. Starting to realize M isn’t always cutting it.

I’m beginning to prefer the CP100 over CP145 due to the tighter nozzles and the thinner silicone. It gives me a better seal.

Still keep messing with tips two years and onward…I’ve not tried the AZLA Sedna Earfit’s yet because at £30 for two pairs delivered to the UK they can do one lol…Foamies (been there) absolutely no, Final E’s don’t do my sets justice :man_shrugging: they do fit well but seem to blur somehow what I’m listening to, where as my bankers CP145’s and Spiral’s are focused in what they do… the 145’s are the most balanced tips i’ve used, fast in both bass, mids with a very slightly rolled off treble…where as the Spiral’s are a tad lacking their in bass presentation but with their open mid presentation :heart: they’re forgiven…the treble seeing as they’re wide open can be hot’ish especial if your set leans that way.
Mix, match, try and enjoy the music :+1:

I was stuck also being n the UK, but I see Linsoul are now selling Azla tips. Will take a while to deliver but atleast now have a cheaper option for the UK.

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Tip addiction is worse than pad rolling…pure fact! LOL

My 6 pairs of pads for my TR-X00s that total around $320 would beg to differ.

(Please send help, I’m pad swapping too much)

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Well if you have different sized ear canals then dropping 70$ on 2 sizes of tips can suck big time. I have at least over 200 in tips and prob closer to you on those pads lol.

I have more pads. And my ears are different shapes, so a tip that works in one ear often does not work in the other. I know of the struggle.

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very nice to see some extra attention on these puppies :smiley:

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A quick observation even if you’re hygienic with your ears, sometimes if you have a problem getting your regular silicon tips to seal then try some pre-injection wipes on the tips and ear channels (carefully)…works a treat getting a solid seal :+1: I’m not a doctor just a music lover so go easy lol.

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Just got xelastic tips, they’re fine if you leave IEMs in for a long time, but taking them in and out a lot makes the skin around the canal a little painful… owie

the final E tips just dont fit long… they slip out fairly easy… maybe silicone just doesn’t work for me… and im using what looked like the smallest tips

I’ve been trying my Sony silicons that came with my Z1R’s with all my sets and they are now my go to’s for the Z1R’s, Tin P1’s and Vega’s…just ordered some more and hopefully they are the same :crossed_fingers: they even manage to get the P1’s to stay in place :pray:

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AZLA tips: One set brand new and the other set after falling asleep with them in the next morning.

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LOL Gross. They do get messy sometimes, but the upkeep is worth the comfort and sound. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: With my EX800st all day every day for work and pleasure.

Besides the fact that they are used, they melted to the point of being unusable.