Lets talk about your tips! ;)

Before you order make sure to measure the nozzle diameter. The M550S fit my Tin P1 just fine but are a bit loose on my Tin T2/T4. I can’t personally confirm but I think the M410S might be a better option if you need small or large.

The nozzle is 5.5mm so I guess I’d need the M550s, though I can’t really find a specification about the diameter of the nozzle.

I figured out the 400 core size of Comply tips actually fits barely on the BLON BL-03. Actually a better fit than the 500 core size since it is more snug and secure. For those who are wondering. :wink:

Try the M430S medium first. The M550S will probably be a bit loose. Also the Amazon page has a picture with measurements for small, medium, and large. Maybe measure your comply tips and see which size of the Misodiko tips match.

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I tried those, they are good for people with smaller ear canal than me, but they don’t isolate very well. If you don’t care about isolation much though they are decent.

So many suggestions to go through. I’ve decided I prefer the smaller & easier to store form factor of IEMs, so I’m taking notes for tip replacements.

I’m currently using just the stock foam ones I got with my second pair of T2’s and they fit okay. Seal somewhat well but I might prefer the larger size like I do Silicone. I do know what Mufflertape means by the foam tips getting gross over time though. Maybe it’s because of the bright blue foam Tin used but after using the foam extensively at home, they look pretty … yeah. Anyways, thanks for this thread! My IEM list on Amazon is going to have a lot of items.

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Am I the only one who seems to need a different size of foam tips than of silicone ones? When I use silicone tips I always take the medium size, but bothe the M430s and the Comply foam tips in medium are uncomfortable/itchy, while the small INAIR 2’s in small seem to isolate pretty decently and are way more comfortable to the point where I barely notice I am wearing them.

I also find I need larger silicone tips. Unless I use the largest size most IEMs provide I can never get a seal. Sorry the Misodiko tips didn’t work out for you. It sucks that the M430S only come in medium because I think most people would like them but might not be able to get the size they need.

Yep large in silicone and med in foam.

So I went and tried to buy Spinfit Cp360 to try them out ( I normally use the Cp145) as many of you guys like them, and find that if I want to purchase size L must buy a LM package, for 15 bucks and eventually use only one of the two pairs!

Yea thats the downside to the cp360 package, but for someone with different canals it actually works out great, just depends on the situation I guess.

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I’m using the small siliconce Newbee tips for my Shuoer Tape IEMs. Very nice snug fit.
All the tips which came with the IEMs didn’t fit, so i had no bass at all.

I’ve got those on aliexpress, i will review them if no one has before. Havent received them yet. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000493425366.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.1d9a4c4dFVonfy

Those look interesting, please let us know when you get them.

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Ah, I tried those. They didn’t work for me surprisingly. The smaller sizes actually would work very well for someone with tiny ears I think though.

I just got foam tips from Aliexpress for $1.93 for 2 pairs for my KZ ZSXs.

They’re legit, about as good as my premium Spinfits ($11 for 2 pairs) and the Complys that costs several times as much and are often called “disposable.” The material feels sturdy. I went with the small blue ones. Soundstage and bass are coming through nicely. Accurate to the photo and comes with a little resealable case. They run a bit big so I would get a small if you wear medium silicone tips. They don’t go deep into my ear canal like silicone tips do. Not sure if they’re supposed to.

Otherwise I use Spinfit CP100 Mediums, which are also nice.

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Anybody tried the Final E Series tips? I saw them recommended somewhere and they look pretty nice. Plus you can get them in a pack of mixed sizes if you don’t know what you need.

They are great, although they might boost bass too much on some iems.

Recommend buying the Final Audio E1000/E500, the Type E tips are included so the iem itself is almost for free.

That is brilliant! I just ordered the Shozy Form 1.1 and I read that these were a good match for them.

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what a coincidence, I also use the 1.1 with the Type E tips and got those tips with the E1000. Got me interested enough to get the E5000 too, they are supposed to come tomorrow :slight_smile:

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