Lets talk about your tips! ;)

What would you say are the differences between Coreir and Softears UC?

I thought Coreir was Softears UC with little brass acoustic chamber tip inserted, but I was wrong.

The nozzle design is different, Coreir has smaller lips when compared to UC. The UC lip will bounce back some of the outlet waves back in the tip, resulting slightly more bass interference (as well as amplified )

UC : An old school sub-bass boosted U shape

Coreir: U shape unique Gain / Sound Stage booster

Iā€™ve never experienced such a gain boost coming out of an ear tip, it is a must try. Itā€™s not natural, but very fun.

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Did not know them before, I will try these out as Clarions could be a bit more tacky, especially in summer
Thanks! :slight_smile:

You made me feel better about the JVC Spiral Dots I thought were absurdly priced.

I have recently become a huge fan of the Dunu S&S tips, which are about $15 for 3 pair. These seems to get a decent seal on all of my problem IEMs, which is a huge win for me. Plus they are a little cheaper than the CP100+ I was getting.


Just order my Corseir set,looking forward to the comfort and sound of it. Been using the nf ms42,and radius deep mounts


And a couple of these as well!



Another ā€œluxuriousā€ eartip entered the ring :smiley:
Eletech Baroque
Just look at all these spec sheets for a ā€œsimpleā€ eartip
They sure know how to advertise their products :smiley:

Any recommendations for tip rolling with Symphonium Meteors?

SpinFit cp100+'s (XL) fit perfectly, great seal and sound but wondering if there are some alternatives that others would recommend. Basically - there is no need for me to find alternative tips but I may as well since I like this set so much.

Atleast you get 2 pairsā€¦not the usual one pair for $20šŸ¤Ŗ


I donā€™t have Meteor, but if you like CP100+ (one of my personal favorite too), I would rec trying: CP360 (shorter), Spinfit W1 (longer with stiffer stem), Tri Clarion and Moondrop Spring tips.
They are all grippy and work pretty well for me one various IEM.


Does the Coreir present the sub-bass similarly to UC? I find UC will have waves of sub-bass but itā€™s not that dense. UC also can sound a little analytical/sterile depending on iem. Thatā€™s good to know they differ a lot though as I donā€™t want something too samey.

aint heard the softears uc, but the coreir tips present good quantity & quality of sub bass well below #A1 :v::sunglasses::+1:

I just ordered a bunch of tips on AliE:
Latex H570
Letā€™s see how they are


Just wanted to report that i received the H570 tips and am really digging them.

Very comparable to my beloved TRI Clarions but with better seal.

These are the first tips next to Clarions that give me that very open and clear presentation I am looking for, definitely would recommend them! (Xelastecs are smiliar but I started hating them because of how fast they deform/degrade, would not buy them again)

Only downside is the price (8,50ā‚¬ for one pair) compared to Clarions (9,50ā‚¬ for three pairs)

Just received Tangzu tips and H570 Latex tips.
At first listen, Tangzu seems like a better fitting Spring tips with maybe a slight decrease in warmth/bass and slight increase in treble/stage.
H570 seems to reduce bass and extend soundstage.
I will have better impressions soon.

Edit: after using H570 on Vulkan for a few days, itā€™s great. It really bring a little extra stage and separation. I think fit will be better with a size MS so Iā€™ll be ordering that soon.


h570s really good on the Butastur

Reducing bass and increasing treble on Vulkan???

I love that set, but thatā€™s a bold strategy, to emphasize the treble MORE on Vulkanā€¦

Glad that works for you, though!


H570 seals well and doesnā€™t decrease the bass. I think I need MS size for deeper insertion.
I donā€™t hear what many reviewers including you complain about the treble on this set.

Tangzu tips on the other hand didnā€™t seal well for me on Vulkan so it decreased the bass.

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Oh Iā€™m not complaining because I like the treble, but I do hear where that mid-treble emphasis can hit harsh for people more sensitive there. I havenā€™t bought H570 tips because of cost, but I have plenty of tips I can go through, to get a sound I want.

But perhaps some time not too far out I will give them a go

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