Lets talk about your tips! ;)

Could be a make or break?..good and now my go to for Z1R so :man_shrugging:

This is the image that actually makes sense / a difference to me. A circle buckles if the diameter is a bit off, breaking seal when otherwise it could be a happy snug fit. This in theory at least is a neat alternative buckling mechanic.


All I can think of looking at this are Wankel Engines and “The Power of The Dorito”. Really neat idea if it pans out though!


Thats actually a good point. And speaking of breaking seal, for my ears that happens more often with softer tips and im pretty certain a softer one would buckle easier as you said.


So the Coreir’s have arrived, M seem a pretty good fit like the M H570’s but I might order a pair of large too just to a/b out of curiosity :man_shrugging:


TRN T tips work really well on Vulkan.

They are very soft/thin like Spring tips, sticky like CP100+ or Azla Crystal and are very short.
I’ll still try H570 in size MS but for now this will do.


If they fit your ear well, they’re so hard to beat at the price. Its a shame they’re harder to get because they would be an easy rec for most people if you could just buy off of amazon.

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I didn’t realize they were so short, kinda like the bgvp w01.

Just today I received a pack of Divinus Velvet, which come as standard tips (along with Azla Sednafit Standard) for Symphonium Audio Crimson.

What can I say… They quickly turned out to be one of the best tips I’ve ever tried.

At the beginning I had some doubts about their inner diameter - which is said to be only 3 mm.
3 milimetres? Oh man… Do any of my IEMs feature such a small nozzle? How am I going to fit them on?

Well, I shouldn’t have worried. Velvets easily accommodate even 6 mm IEM nozzles, such as Night Oblivion Butastur. Putting them on doesn’t require any unnecessary force and they seem to take it on very well, with no visible deformation.

Sound-wise Divinus Velvet seem to be quite neutral without emphasizing any particular frequency.
Bass remains tactile, fast. Trebles are still sparkling clear. Mids seem to be unaffected, as well.
I may hear some improvement in soundstage compared to Feaulle H570 (my second favourite tips), but this could be just my mind playing tricks.

Divinus couldn’t name them better, since they really slip into ear canals just like velvet. They are not tacky, nor tactile, but due to their shape they still provide a stable seal. Most of the default tips don’t work for me - Velvets just do.

If you asked me to pick any similar offerings, I’d say that they remind me of slightly reworked KZ Starlights, just a bit wider and with no grooving.

They run true to size.

Overall: a solid contender for some tip rolling.


One other piece - these help to relieve pressure buildup for unvented IEMs. My new go to for meteors

Just received the large Coreir’s although both the medium and large work ok with Z1R the large with it’s shallower fit works best and omg these tips can deliver detail, separation and stage like no other tip I’ve tried, what surprises me is even though they’re medium bored the bass is super solid, in fact if you like mid bass especially, detail, separation and soundstage then these bad boys have you covered :+1:


Tried em on the NOB, great but not as good as the h570’s. on the O2’s fantastic; really opens them up with great detail space n air + punch of bass is :exploding_head: :sweat_smile: :v: :sunglasses: :+1:

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Yeah that makes sense seeing as H570’s were used to tune that set…but the Coreir’s on my Z1R are next level :notes::sparkler:

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There’s this new Spinfit OMNI.
Has anyone tried it?

I have, I got my pair in last week. They are similar to the W1 tips but way smaller in size overall. I have a pair in the medium size and they are smaller than the smallest W1 tips I have. They are similar in material and slightly wider bore so the sound is a touch more open while retaining bass response due to the shorter stem. It’s mostly a neutral tip, it doesn’t emphasize anything in particular. I hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:


Hows the fit compared to the W1? Im really liking the W1 after trying them again and have them on my Aures now. The tips that are tempting me the most are the Divinus Velvets but honestly I gotta stop buying tips. I have so many as is…

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I would say I prefer the Omnis because they’re smaller with a shorter stem, but in terms of comfort, they’re about the same. If you already have the W1s and they work for you, the Omnis are a bit redundant imo - I just wanted to try them due to curiosity :sunglasses:


good to know. I think they the W1s are super comfy so seems like the omnis wont add much value

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If you had neither, which would you lean towards?


Yeah if the W1s are good for you, you can comfortably skip the Omnis, brother.

for me, the Omnis. They just simply fit my ear better. Once I get the chance, I’ll do a quick A/B between them and come back to this for sure.