🔶 Letshuoer S12

Yeah I’m using it, along with Final E tips and front vent tape mod. I find the treble to be manageable now, but I may sell my S12 in the near future


Thanks. Do you actually have to replace the micro pore tape on the nozzle from time to time, or is it ok to be left like that?

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No it can stay on there indefinitely. But just fyi, I do the mod where you cover around 70% of the metal grill with micropore tape. You can add tape to the front vent, but planars don’t respond to that mod the same way as DDs (according to Michael Bruce)

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Thank you so much. Will try that 70% mod as soon as my tape arrives :slightly_smiling_face:

Good luck! This is a useful resource: IEM Modding • Audio Reviews

@Rikudou_Goku is a modding guru, so you can ask him as well


Here is a big list of mods I compiled.


thanks a lot guys ! :slight_smile: this is very helpful!

I have been planning on some experiments with the bore to see if I can dial it in a bit. It is very good stock, but I agree, it needs a gain shift to be ideal for me. I might try a filter under the grill to tame it too.

I don’t really want to tear them completely apart to get what my ears likely can’t pick up. I have become such an Olina SE, Tea, Kai fan, that the S12 gets a bit bright for my ears.


If you manage to get some, try sony foams under the grill.


Tried the tape mod yesterday (± 60%), but I felt like losing a lot of clarity. I used 3 M Micropore Surgical Tape. Is it the wrong tape or did I do something wrong? :wink:

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I guess that may be the consequence of taming down the treble region. You can try a smaller area coverage first? Otherwise you may need to look for Sony foams per Michael Bruce’s mod

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Thanks a lot, I will try that :slight_smile:

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I’ve been trying to get someone to graph with and without the front grill tape mod but no success yet…

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I use my S12 with this Prometheus mod, it turns the s12 to a bass cannon and tamed the harsh highs, i like it very much .


Anyone got regular S12 (enjoying mine with pac480 cable which tamed the uppermid shout with just 2db low shelf 60hz) and Wu Zetian?

Would like to know if Wu is just sidegrade or different flavour and nice addition to S12? Only looking to get Wu on discount if possible on 11.11 though.

S12 and S12 Pro are the same IEM with a different cable. At least that’s what Shuoer told me.

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Check my WZ review or Hook X. Compared them

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I know too, but this Facebook reviewer says otherwise

They changed the nozzle metal mesh filter, so there is that at least