Metal music thread & IEM for it

They never disappoint, but they have had better albums. EJ KL MK2 presents:

BTW out of all the IEMs I have, EJ have the best dynamics! :metal:


SA6 MK2 never disappointed. The bass here is very fast, the guitars are lightning fast. Everything moves around you with impressive resolution for the price. Feel like all hell is in your head with this song and this IEM. Impressive work by DUNU. :fire: :metal: :purple_heart: :heart_on_fire:


"Listening to harder music like heavy metal and hardcore makes people more creative, inspires them and at the same time reduces their stress level. This is shown by a study by scientists from the University of Queensland, who studied the influence of heavy metal on the psyche of people.

For many years, there was a false claim that harder music led to aggression and provoked anger. However, a number of psychologists today disagree with this.

Published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, the study shows that loud and more chaotic music does not induce negative emotions, but rather leads to positive ones. Each of the volunteers (40 people between the ages of 18 and 34, who preferred to listen to hard and loud music - called for the purposes of the study “extreme music”) had to tell within 15 minutes about some strong memory that caused the anger his. After that, the participants had to meditate in silence or listen to music for 10 minutes. The results have been definitive, the level of hostility and stress has decreased significantly, and people have become more creative.

Scientists from the University of Queensland have found that heavy metal and hardcore music positively affects not only their fans, but also others who listen to such songs from time to time."

:slightly_smiling_face: :purple_heart:

PS: My posts are not very heavy metal. They are a bit more brutal, so you should feel even happier with this music. :sweat_smile:


Sennheiser HE1!


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@SoundEater do you still prefer your s12 for drums and faster songs compared to other iems you own rn or not? i can buy a timeless with a good deal so idk if i should get it or not.

For fast tracks, planar speed is unbeatable. Planars lose in other technical characteristics. For example, the dynamics do not even come close to the EJ KL HBB2 . But even the IE 600 loses in dynamics to the EJ KL . But for speed - yes, you can’t go wrong with S12 or Timeless.
The “bite” of the guitars is good. However, the treble extension is a problem with the cymbals! For drums and double pedals, I don’t own an IEM that is better than the KL HBB2 for now! Maybe Prestige :woman_facepalming: :moneybag:


The timeless graph is not my favourite at all tbh, will it worth it to buy it just to try the planar thing in your opinion?

Tuning is a bit bright for metal. If you’re only going to take it for speed, maybe it’s not worth taking it.

If you want metal and planar.


Hidizs finally made an IEM? :astonished::face_with_raised_eyebrow::thinking:

They have quite a few but nothing that caught anyone´s attention before (afaik).

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@SoundEater i just tried prestige ltd and mona3.

For your style, Ltd wins by a mile :slight_smile:

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Wow!!! Have you listened to the HE-1’s?

I use OG Wu balanced for Meshuggah, other metal Hook X as well