Meze Audio 109 Pro

Well you just did cause half of the potential buyers to be disinterested in them cause how can we now justify our amp and DAC purchases :smiling_face_with_tear::joy:

Very simple, just buy more headphones



Hahahahahahaha! Heart says yes…wallet has a different opinion at the moment.

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Thanks for this - have you had any issues with it being too bright? Some other reviewers have noticed that.

Question, are those Sivga PII in the drawer?
Im guessing but that looks like their grill
P.s. Im all for the approuch of more is better though my collection is less impressive


Only when I connected the Meze straight out of the box to the amplifier and briefly listened to it for the first time.

After I “burned in”


the headphones for the rest of the day and then in the evening I “seriously” enjoyed samples of various songs for the first time, they sounded clear, powerful and soft like peach skin.

I had previously tested the 109pro at my dealer in connection with the Feliks Audio Envy & my own mobile DAC’s,

and this, as one of the very few headphones, immediately “clicked”, and I liked it both tonally and technically skills, & the comfort.

A no-brainer in this price category, in my humble opinion.


Blon B20, these have a very special sound quality!

As if the artists are positioned in front of a tunnel and play their performance there, it sounds open and hollow at the back.

This is a unique selling point that none of my other headphones have.

A factor that, by the way, every headphone in my collection has to meet, otherwise it wouldn’t be there.

Oh yes, the Blon has the same, highly praised, flexible headband system that the Meze now has, only at that time “experts” reviewed ChiFi devices:

Too sensitive and a predetermined breaking point that has the potential to break quickly.

Now it says “groundbreaking in terms of comfort”


Sound preference is never a question of price, but how you, me, or whoever perceives and enjoys preferred tonality.

And the top 5 headphones that I like the most are all, some well under $1500.

I always have the opportunity to test the latest in-ears and headphones because one of my best friends owns an exquisite headphone shop.

But all the Focal Utopia’s 2022, Audeze LCD 5’s, Dan Clark Expense’s… are technically outstanding, no question.

However, in the evening, in my wing chair with a glass of wine, I don’t want to sit at an operating table and dissect the music, but grab some headphones that have unique sonic capabilities that let the music genre shine I’m in the mood for at that moment.

For example the reason for my Grado’s & something like:

= unique

And the Meze is a very balanced all-rounder that has almost no weaknesses.

He has exactly this property because he does NOT want to use any outstanding technical or tonal skills that individual customers might prefer.

BTW if you get a chance try out Denon, i recently got the D 7200 open box on amazon, reminds me of the 99s but a lot more refined, great bass, warm but still natural, a very fun headphone (there are certain flaws but im really enjoying it)



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That’s the 9200 right?
God i wish my Hifiman stuff were built half as nice as Denon or Meze

Idk if I’ve heard a headphone under $1k where the timber is as accurate as the 109s.


Yeah these things are making me consider selling off my collection. I don’t want to hype them but honestly I’m probably just going to keep my Atrium, Liric, maybe the Aeolus, and the 109s.
Ugh seriously made a ton of my collection irrelevant.


That was my feelings about the 99 Classic’s. It was my go-to mobile headphone and awesome out of my phone or DAP, but I never felt it scaled up with my amps.
When I got more centered at home, I sold them. But I still kind of miss them. :grin:

How would they compare to something like the HD 6XXs, do they have a Warm Neutral signature? I adore my 6XXs…but those Meze’s look way too sexy to not buy. My wallet won’t currently let me buy a higher end headphone, but I’m curious to how they compare to stuff like the 6XX, or the Focal Clears. The Clears were originally my future upgrade due to them being basically a better 6XX, but with Focal’s poor record of QC and bad warranty, I’m not as sure anymore. I know for a fact that just about everything Meze is built to last.

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The Denon AHD9200 and the Meze 109 Pro are the two headphones I am most interested in hearing… Thinking of trading the senheiser HD800s I recently bought on Ebay for one of these… Thoughts?

Any idea which is better? The 99 classic or the 109 pro?

I enjoy the 109 more, bass is accurate/not over done, miss are more forward and sound stage is wider/deeper. 99 is great for the price but not in the same league as the 109.

I’ve never tried the 109 Pro. But I call the 99 Classics “Beats in a tuxedo.”

The sound signature of the 99 Classics is bassy as hell. Blooms into the mids, too. The bass isn’t as bloated or flabby as Beats, but it’s not exactly controlled, either.

But unlike Beats, the mids and treble are nice. And the look and build quality of the 99 Classics are sublime. Another plus is that they can be driven easily from a phone.

The 99 Classics are guilty pleasures. Very fun to listen to if you like bass or just want real kick to your tracks. But there nowhere near neutral or accurate. Very colored.

That’s why I always recommend the 99 Classics or 99 Neo to anyone graduating from the consumer sound signatures of Beats, Sony, Bose or Sennheiser wireless over-ear cans to a more audiophile headphone.

If they go straight to a wired, neutral, audiophile headphone, they’re immediately going to wonder, “Where the hell is the bass?” The 99 Classics is the perfect gateway drug between Best Buy and or 46 Audio. :slight_smile:

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Wow. I guess i have what i was looking for. Thanks guys.