Meze Audio 109 Pro

If anyone is looking for cheap replacement cables. The meze 99 cables from aliexpress fit but look a little off. Openheart cables with a slim connector fit as well and are looking better.


have similar issues with my t1.2 and found that the tripowin cables also have connetors that are small enough to fit :wink:


The open box 109 pro I got only came with the one stock cable which is pretty long, so I am actually using the cable that came with my Meze 99 noirā€¦ Its shorter, made for mobile I would say, fits perfectly, black and alright - the top cables above the Y split are the same rubbery type, while the lower part is fabric covered, not too thick but ok, the fabric is tight so it does have a little stiffness so not perfectly looseā€¦ One nice aspect, this mobile length cable has a decent quality in cable volume control and I believe micā€¦ In case you ever receive a phone call while listening with the 109 proā€¦

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Nice to see a couple nods by reviewers for the best of 2022 to the Meze 109 pro:

I also really love this headphone, just got it open box and havent put it downā€¦ Its definitely among my favorite headphones at the moment, it sounds really great and unique, engaging and natural, sounds and feels very immersive and comfortableā€¦ I find it perfect for kicking back and relaxing on my sofa headphone amp setup, but also I really like how easy it is to drive - I have also been just playing it around the house off an iphone dongle

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Okay having listened to this for a while now, here are my thoughtsā€¦ If you have a chance to give the 109 pro a listen, I think its in a totally different class than the 99 classic (I also own the 99 noir), a better comparison would be maybe the Focal Clearā€¦

The 109 pro is nothing bloated in bass, bass feels full and present (if you have a bit of bass guilty pleasure you wont be disappointed, especially for an open back) but it is controlled its not muddy at all - mids are full, vocals sound for the most part amazing, there may be just a little recess in some specific tracks but its never at a point where they arent present, more like a part of the soundstage placement of the vocalist, stage is not massive but has good resolution, to me the 99 classic is nice at its price point, but not really in the same league as this setā€¦

The 109 pro is a very clear level above, its a very good headphone in the $600 and above bracketā€¦ immersive dynamic open back DD set, its much more resolving than the 99 classic, very clear and natural soundingā€¦ Its not very similar imho to the 99 classic, there is if anything a little bit of treble spice, but honestly I kindof dig itā€¦ I dont find it at all fatiguing, this set is beautifully designed and if you find the 99 classic comfortable, you will like this - it takes the amazing industrial design innovations that the 99 classic had, the comfort and aesthetic feel and carries it forward into the next level in terms of performance, I feel like its a full and engaging sound that while may be slightly more relaxed than say a focal, it sounds rich and does not lack in any area for meā€¦ Like, right now I find its the set I naturally want to listen toā€¦ the Focal Clear at times comparing the two, I find I actually enjoy this set more.

The Clear I think is a bit more detailed and precise and it has that good Focal energy but listening to it now, I find the 109 pro a bit more comfortable, its a bit more relaxed maybe but not in a bad way, its still fully engaging just more like being in a plush sofa if that makes sense, the comfort of the headphone itself and the plushness of the stock pads probably contribute to this feelā€¦ I could wear this for hours, it is also easy to drive and plays well IMHO on both a mobile and higher end setup (I have been listening to it on my Burson Soloist, a magni modi stack, as well as directly off an iphone with a dongle, an iFi go Blu, or Qudelix 5kā€¦ It performs well on just about anything) - the Clear somehow feels just a touch more artificial and a little light on bass IMHOā€¦ I still love the Clear, it is one of my favorite headphones but I think this set can hold its own against the best in this price bracket.


Ayo! Glad to see the GO Blu made the testing rotation. Fascinating insight as Iā€™ve tried all these cans at shows, but am still working on my articulation of these headphone differences. Good stuff!

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I am not the seller nor do I know him or her so Iā€™m not vouching for them, but this looks like a good price on some Meze 109s so I figured I would post it here.

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Just got my pair of these today. Very excited to play around with them


Donā€™t know the seller but a solid priceā€¦


Yeah, so itā€™s official now, lol?

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Lol I was gonna say the same thing haha! Itā€™s even more of an Aha!!! Moment for me as the song he starts the review off with is the one my wife and I entered into our wedding reception with. So now itā€™s like I basically have all the signs to say I need to get these.


@Bobbyninefingers Fell in love with these at first sightā€¦art. That they sound good is a plus.


Iā€™m curious, how do these compare to Argonā€™s? Does anyone who ownā€™s either the Argon Mk3 or the Argon T60RP also own one of these Meze 109 Proā€™s?

If so I would love to hear their opinion on how they sound in comparison to each other - discounting everything else, does one beat the other in sound? And if so, how exactly? What is better about one vs the other sound-wise?

I would just buy them and try them for myself, but I just dropped a couple thousand dollars on new audio gear recently, and I donā€™t feel like doing another thousand at the moment.

I have one of Ryanā€™s Bstock argons coming to me and Iā€™ll let you know how they compare. Only issue is Iā€™ll be using it with my ifi micro iDSD signature and it might not do the argons justice.

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Nice! Just curious, which version are you picking up ? The Mk3 or the T60RP? (The T60RP is the one with the wood)

So thatā€™s another oddity, rayn built some regular argons off of the T40 but he said they sound exactly the same as the T50 MK3 Argon.

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Ahh yep, the T40 and the Mk3 argon are basically the same sound signature. They are great bass headphones, I personally enjoy a little more bass in my music, so I usually wear the Mk 3 version. The T60RP is a sound that is closer to what a lot of people would call ā€˜referenceā€™. Both are great though.

I checked into the power from the iFi amp you mentioned, it should be alright, you may have to adjust your gain setting on the iFi unit up a bit though, play around with it and see which sounds best to you.

The Argon Mk 3 are great for dropping you into the middle of a heavy metal rock concert, theyā€™ve got the bass covered. I also quite enjoy them for just general listening, and I really like them in gaming - they have a very ā€˜funā€™ sound to them.

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Which pads did you end up with? did you get any of the updated pads? I have several different versions of pads for my sets of argons, so iā€™ll know what yours will sound like if I know the pad type.

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Oh yeah I had a good idea I would be running the ifi full tilt. I am a bass fan as well thatā€™s what drew me to the mest, th900s and 109s so everyone talks about argons so Bstock was a good enough price I jumped.
Pads Iā€™m not sure but I would assume not the xeons since itā€™s Bstock.
I have a stash of Ori pads I might try on it to see how it sounds when it does finally arrive.

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