đŸ”¶ Moondrop Aria

The TripowinxHBB Mele has better bass for hip-hop, female vocals are slightly better on the Aria with Moondrops tuning, and natural timbre and soundstage are fine on both.

I would go Mele for hip-hop though since the bass is quite a bit better suited for the genre.



I also got mine in July and both cable connectors are wiggly, and it seems like that is a pretty common story. Sadly it didn’t happen until after the 30 days, for the Amazon no questions return goodness.

I really like the sound but they are not built very well, when you put that together with the chipped paint on the Starfield, it gives a picture of the QC. That is sad because the SSP has been my “beater” for a while, and take more abuse than any IEM should be expected to.

If the wigglying thing is common, I’d say it is a conception fault rather than a QC problem, to be honest.
But I do agree in the end: they’re not very well built.

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It is giving me another reason to recommend the Mele over the Aria.
You can save $30 and get a better made set.

I really like the Aria, buy kept reaching for my CCA C12, because the fit was simply so much better. The Aria would have a very loose fit and it always took some work to get a seal. I tried the spinfits and they were a slight improvement, but the issues persisted. I tried foam tips and they are great, but slightly discomfortable and I can’t just put them out and in if I have to check on stuff in the kitchen or have to go to the toilet.

So while I was playing with my 3D printer I came up with nozzle adapters, which effectively make the nozzle a little bit longer and gives it more girth around the tip (this somehow sounds dirty

It’s not perfect, but a significant improvement. If someone is interested I can host the stl somewhere I guess


The 2 pin plug on my right aria is loose. Will it affect the sound? And is it common?

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It’s common after a long heavy usage, no need to worry about.

The Arias for me are just the right fit, no issues of it falling from ears while listening to long sessions of music and sleeping sideways.

It can be a bit of a bummer when you have IEMs that short nozzles, meaning it cannot fit everyone like a glove immediately for our ear holes varies in sizes.

Mine became loose after 2 weeks

Found the exact same thing. Makes them a no-go for me. Even when I hold them both in to get a good seal, they didn’t live up to the hype for me

Would it be safe to say that if I didn’t like the sound signature of these, that I probably wouldn’t love the AKG K361s either?

Haven’t heard the k361 yet, but what do you think is wrong with these?

In that case you should swap the cable, Moondrop’s known for bad cables.

It depends on what you call “loose”.
Do you have the feeling that the cable can go off too easily? Or do you notice some wiggle with the part that receives the cable pins?

I have a wiggly cable receiver, and noticed after 2 days of use. I use a cable that fill pretty much the whole receiver, so it doesn’t wiggle that much now. I didn’t notice any channel imbalance though.

Are you saying because of the Harman tune? If what you didn’t like about the Aria was “too much bass” or “too much sparkle” it’s possible. But TBH I would not compare IEM and Headphones based on FR curve alone. Both reproduce space, imaging and other technicalities very different, at least IMO.

I found it had neither of those problems. It just didn’t wow me like everyone said it would. I prefer the fit and sound of my TFZ Live 3 IEMs to be honest. Better detail and imaging, and I prefer the sound signature. I’m not saying they’re garbage or anything, maybe just not for me, tried swapping out the tips from the TFZs to the Aria to see if it would help- they still didn’t seal well. Sitting at my desk and holding them in to achieve a good seal they still didn’t do much for me. I agree about the comparison of IEM to headphone- I just know people throw the term Harmon Curve around for both.

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Don’t particularly know about the TFZ so no comments on that. Moondrop usually uses the Harman Reference, and they mention this on their materials. They’re also very focused on tunning the FR of they’re IEMs so I would trust them on this part. But yeah, there is more to phones than just tunning, so I completely understand you.

Hopefully this experience helps you finding what you’re looking for in you future cans.

Hi,I’m new here,is the Aria still good today?

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The aria is not old at all, why would it be not good?

Not only it is good but it’s one of the best value headphone in its price bracket. It is sitting on the top of the mountain of 0-100$, with Mele and thieaudio legacy 2 (according to a majority of reviewers).