Night Oblivion - discussions

Butastur is designed as a long term listening partner, which does not only mean for hours of listening sessions, but also means years of the journey down the road.

As I’m starting suffering from tinnitus as a sign of age related hearing loss, this BRAS system is what me and Jinny concluded we need to make both sound to land in natural and openness as well as hearing protection.

By covering the vent holes with mesh filter can increase bass gain level, but I’d suggest try get used to neutral level of bass for your future hearing life.

If listening with raised bass with Butastur, 30minutes a session with some break time and less than 80db of volume is recommended.

If you want to increase sound pressure, consider covering the hole on nozzle which also is air pressure balancing hole.


That sounds like street performance scenes

Well I’m not having much experience with street lives, only few occasions while there were many of them on the street of Boston when I was young.

From my memory, Butastur does sound pretty close, an open and near field listening session.

Dynamic drivers has gain levels that is too front sometime, it can be translated to energy but sometime that energy is not realistic when you actually hear in live. An agitated one.


Thank you for all the information :+1:t2:
It is really useful

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Hi everyone - signed up for the forum just to post in this thread. :smiley:

Been engaged in extreme near field monitoring for a long ass time but only started paying serious attention to IEMs as something other than a commuter experience this year.

I found this thread about a month ago and have been visiting regularly ever since enjoying all of the information, viewpoints and general air of excitement…

I’ve never spent as much for a set of cans as this, let alone earphones, but this project is hitting on so many fronts it’s like an all-out onslaught, and I find myself not just enjoying vicariously, but seriously consider how I could wrangle a set.

Anyway, kudos to @AmericanSpirit_JP and the Night Oblivion team for making a true labor of love a sweet reality.


Hey @Merhumblegrumble, welcome to HFGF! Super appreciate you taking the time to signup for just the one thread. There’s a pretty active community of audio enthusiasts here so hopefully you’ll be able to find other reasons come by and hang out.

Enjoy the Music :notes:


Thanks @Delta9k - spent some time looking around and found HBB and JayAudio’s threads - def think I’ll be sticking around :ok_hand:


I was listening to Decapitated. This specific track:

Compared between the First Heart and Butastur. First Heart gives a more thundering and much bigger bass response. The mid and treble are a bit pushed back, but are still reasonably clear, albeit a bit smaller in size.

Butastur, at a slightly higher volume level, produces a really nice bass slam. Yes, more controlled in terms of body but the weight still feels pretty natural. Midrange and Treble notes have a bit bigger body and more pronounced textures. Separation is slightly enhanced as well. The overall presentation feels more clean due to less bass bloom. This cleaner presentation, more mid and treble information, with reasonably pleasant bass slam is beginning to sound more inviting compared to the DD’s sharp V-shaped presentation.

Here are a few other observations:

  1. The thundering bass presence of First Heart is beginning to sound a bit fatiguing.
  2. The Butastur can get loud without causing discomfort in bass or treble.

I love Decapitated. How does Butastur faster tracks in transient, resolution and separation? For example like this:

f it seems too brutal to you, you might as well not reply to me :wink:



Thanks for your warm cheering that is very heartfelt :sparkles:

Oh hey, near-field listening what a coincidence.

I just received Drop’s BMR1 today and quite impressed with its resolutions and layering.

The bass do lack the extension so I added to my existing subwoofer.

Here is latop set up:

Desktop wired-config recording

TV set up with subwoofer:

Wireless config recording

I use Burmester speaker system as my main reference and Audioengine A2 as living room TV speaker (I don’t play loud, so A2 is just enough).

That BMR1 is $129 and I’m fairly impressed.

Hope you get a chance to try Butastur someday😄


Very analytical comments and yes, that’s straight to the point.

“Butastur can get loud without causing discomfort”

It is a very contradicting attempt to host “dynamism / detail “ in a same house, because they are trading off , musicality and analytical technicality couldn’t co-exist before, and it was the bottle neck I wanted to solve.


I have another two questions:

  1. Can the Butastur shell not be made transparent or semi-transparent? I would have really loved to have the neatly stacked drivers on display.
  2. Would it have been impossible to achieve the current tuning with a DD as the bass driver?

After trying many IEMs I would say that for metal music IEMs do not need a DD for bass. BA bass is faster and textured and not boomy - it does a lot more work if it’s well tuned. :wink:


Daaaamn man sounds absolutely mind-blowing!! Butastur simply excels effortlessly in transient, resolution, and separation. Freaking loving it!

Gotta explore this band more. Perfect for speed-walking or working out.


An unrelated question - does anyone understand the growling/grumbling lyrics of such death metal tracks? I mostly vibe to the rhythm and the instruments, and the vocals also become part of the instruments.

I understand the lyrics, but it’s hard at first. You have to get used to them. :nerd_face:


Slow Clap GIFs | Tenor


I have been enjoying full BA IEM very much for some time now. I have a hard time resisting pulling the trigger on the Butastur, especially since there is such a nice guy in the hobby as American Spirit who very scientifically and accurately explains everything needed for this IEM. Although I’m enjoying my SA6 MK2 a lot, maybe I’ll add a “small Japanese bird of prey” to my collection! :slightly_smiling_face:


ordered yesterday, penon audio were very responsive & helpful, this will be my first all BA EP, congratulations to american spirit & Jinny Tan, has anyone else from britain ordered this?


I place my order on 22th august, I hope it will be shipped next week :grinning:


Do it. Believe me, it’s worth it…coming from a DD-head, I believe that should mean something :smiley: