Night Oblivion - discussions

I definitely will. I also have an IE600 and enjoy my DUNU much more for my library. So I will join Butastur for even more musical enjoyment.



There are various other full BA IEMs that have a vent hole. How is the comfort compared to Butastur? Do they not have the vacuum seal-like uncomfortable sensation, just like the Butastur? Or is Butastur’s pressure-optimized design unmatched in this regard?


I haven’t tried other full BA IEMs, but DUNU have no suction and are very comfortable. They fit my ears like a glove. I don’t feel any pressure build up or if there is it is very very minimal. And the other good thing about them is that you can listen at high volume without fatigue and piercing.
Maybe someone else can share thoughts on some cheaper BA IEMs!


@SoundEater l’ve been listening to a lot of the tracks you post on Butastur. What I’m finding really enjoyable about Butastur bass is it seems to naturally place it on the stage yet, still maintain a good punch. A lot of my other IEMs give kick drums more punch and oomph but, they don’t seem to place the drummer at the back of the stage like I’d imagine. Take for instance Glam it’s absolutely a slamming beast and it works amazing for EDM where I don’t expect the bass to be coming from a particular spot on a stage. However it falls short on bass staging on band based songs.

Butastur also does a phenomenal job at keeping the energy and bite in guitars while not also losing their correct placement to the drummer. Of my roundup it has one of the most natural staging and instrument presence for Metal. How do you find the layering? For me it’s top notch and you can really hear it shine on alot of these busy fast track you share.


I don`t know. I haven’t ordered it yet, but I’m considering pulling the trigger. I imagine it will be a beast for fast and overloaded metal. :wink:


You are probably thinking of something like this.

(SeeAudio Bravery)

Those vent really doesnt prevent you from having pressure, but they do help it from building up too much like those ventless ones.

But some people, do report not having any pressure even with ventless ones, so I do believe it also depends on your own ears.

Only BA iems I am aware of with (supposedly) zero pressure is the 64Audio U12´s Apex system, the KZ BA10 (I have it), and this Butastur.


Ordered on aliexpress on 8/21 and shipped yesterday. I am looking forward to its arrival!

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1: Believe me, that’s the first thing we tried, the short answer is with the current equipment, transparent shell finish is not attainable.

2: Down the road, maybe.


@ian91 and several others did, welcome to Night Oblivion😄


I have around 50 of vented full BAs maybe 100, most of modern full BAs are vented, and it’s actually hard to find unvented (Softears RSV is a rare unvented full BA).

As you can hear many who supposedly the pro of full BAs are surprised by Butastur’s air pressure system, it is very unique👍


thank you.
with the Butastur, i have read that some have considered blocking the vent on the nozzle, doesn’t seem like a great idea.

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I guess BA’s move very little air compared to DD’s which can suffer from insertion crinkle…CF Vega and iBasso IT00 firsthand experience…og Andro’s suffer no such ‘pressure’ build up, a 5 BA set with no vent and a solid aluminium chassis…go figure :thinking:


@AmericanSpirit_JP Niiiice rig! <3

I may give the BMR1 a try, once I get my IEM game in order, that is - eyes on the prize :eyes: :stuck_out_tongue:

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That one is probably due to bad design, a TON of people complained about it including me.

As I said, it seems to also be from person to person case. (due to ears/tips.)


Loving the focus on ear care here - gotta preserve the prime transducer :dizzy:

Pressure build-up is one of my primary challenges in extending my IEM time…


Defo as I use Spirals with my Andros :smile:…but to be fair I’ve tried lots of tips even foams :japanese_ogre: and again never experienced any pressure problems :man_shrugging:

You are one of the lucky guys then. iirc, Super reviews (mark) is also one of them that doesnt seem to be bothered/notice that stuff.

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To stop more off topic @AmericanSpirit_JP how does pressure build up in a sealed space, surely it just ebbs and flows?

Edit and balanced by the eustachian tube.

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Been following this topic since AS moved from the other forum, after following the Butastur there since the start. Now I pulled the trigger and ordered it on Penonaudio.

Hope I don’t add to the work stress for Jinny :wink:

Anyway, I look forward to this one. The described profile sounds good for my taste.


How did you know that the item has already shipped?

I had the following situation: I registered on the site on 08/18/23, made an order and received a notification by mail that the payment was completed, the status of the order was Processing. After some time, I decided to visit the site again on the weekend of 26.08 to my personal account and check the information, but I got the error “The page you requested cannot be found.” To this day, when I enter my Penon profile, I go through authorization and the system sees me (wishlist is displayed), but when I select any tab, I get the error “The page you requested cannot be found.” I did not receive an email about the shipment, but the site states:
Customers who ordered after August 15th will be shipped by Sep 1.(SHIPPED OUT) I made an order on 18, that is, in the interval from 15 to 20, and I get to be sent.
