Ah yea, their IEMs are very talented as well👌
For switch I use 1-0
Tips H570 is nice but I found Softear liquid crystal is really nice with it too
I found that stock cable is good even I have Eros S but I found stock cable is more suitable for me
For source I use Questyle M15 for portable and E70 Velvet + SMSL HO100 for desktop and I found M15 more suitable in sound because Mid of this IEM is already full body and lush and M15 is lean Mid a little bit and add extension to both end
I had that IEM the 64 Audio one and honestly I didn’t notice a difference between it and my invented BA IEMs
I just noticed that it had much worse passive isolation and better bass and maybe that’s the secret to bass is venting even with BAs but yeah in terms of like ear pressure couldn’t notice a difference
Venting is definitely a HUGE factor in bass presentation.
If you like Softears UC and would love wider stage, definitely try get a pair of Pentaconn Coreir ear tip👍
You can find it from MTM audio with ridiculously high asking price😭 (2 pairs for 49.99USD)
Bass is very hard to tune…
It’s not a simple one dimensional 50hz stick in reality. It’s a live chaotic wave functions that we are dealing with.
Speaking of cymatics.
Remember showing this to my physics teacher and he showed that to the whole class (I was so proud back then lol).
Penon Turbo came out recently that’s a vented all BA set
Looks like the usual vented BA set, not sure if that will prevent pressure build up.
thank you for giving even more positive insight into these little hawk buzzards
I’ll literally buy anything you make.
Yea I’m in a big love of this basshead IEM👍
It beats SA6 IMO
It’s still a regular vent though as Riku mentioned.
Butastur has two way vent with air pressure reservoir within IEM’s shell.
EST model under discussion….not even started the concept but more of a brain storming about the capabilities and grand scheme of sound designing.
Main target segment is blessing class.
No business platform partner discussion yet.
@AmericanSpirit_JP Make merch…get rich!
/JK. I know you ain’t in it for the money, only for the satisfaction of a beautiful creation!
Yea, I’m already financially self-sustainable👌
No need any financial contribution from the hobby projects.
I’d like to give up my portion of financial commissions for the benefit of community and prospect community member of this wired earphone world. Keep pricing as lowest as possible while providing best of the best sound.
But one thing I’d want is I hope Jinny Tan to be able to buy a better 3D printer and other lab equipment. He was only making very very small volume before this, likely 1 or 2 IEMs a month.
That’s a very unfortunate waste of talents.
He shares same philosophy with me, “finest sound for the rest of us” or hifi for masses, so I hope we, the community keep supporting this rare soul gifted man for a better world.
Counterbalance to trophy earphones.
paid full price, so hopefully that is a small contribution toward a better 3D printer
How much does a better 3D printer cost?