Night Oblivion - discussions

Yea should be not far.

HD560S is just a bit closer to HD600, actually the bass is much more neutral than HD600.

It’s a bit colored arouns 3-4khz for sound stage though.

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take a pic of em in your ears :hear_with_hearing_aid:


Edit: sorry first post landed in the wrong thread…

But as I am here anyways, I would again like to express my deep satisfaction with the Butastur being 2 weeks in. It has almost not left my ears the last 15 days. The effortless detail retrieval as well as the amazing imaging, large soundstage and long wearingtime comfort makes it a definitive keeper for me. The only thing I sometimes would wish for could be a tad more bass weight.

PS and sorry AmericanSpirit: extensively tried the 570ies but still prefer my Complys :slight_smile:


which tips are you using? TonyTex used Kbear07’s. I usually find a slightly smaller circumference tip allows a deeper insertion.

Comply TSX 500 size M…

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even with foamies eh, are you a basshead? :loud_sound: :exploding_head:

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Nah :slight_smile:

Guess I prefer foamies because of the - for me - better and more comfortable seal…


My love of birds of prey is combining with my interest in boutique IEMs to make this set a hard one to resist even though I told myself I’d stop buying IEMs.


TRN T-Ear tips work good for me.
With them, I can wear Butastur for hours. They provide adequate seal and a satisfying bass response. A rather shallow insertion and softish, but grippy material.

I tried Dunu S&S, but couldn’t get a proper seal in one of my ears - not surprising, since my ear canals are wicked. Waiting for H570 in a S size, since M turns out to be slightly too big for me (a M/S guy).


stop buying IEM’s (after this one) :rofl:


I found a perfext synergy with this balanced tube amp that I snatched for $74USD during AE summer sale😄

Discrete R-2R Cayin RU6 > Balanced Tube Amp > Butastur (stock cable with H570) = :+1:

If anyone interested: their regular price is around $99USD


Oh, the GAD (Zishan) ADV. That one was the other candidate for me but I ended up buying the KAEI TAP 2 mini instead mostly because you can turn off the tube and use it as an SSD amp. (also because it looks like it glows more lol.)

The ADV is Cheaper here btw:

GAD also has a cheaper AD3 model.


Haha yea that Kaei one and another one was one of my candidate, I may try it during 11.11 sale then :+1::+1:


The Little Bear B4-X?


Saved for 11/11.
Keep the recommendations coming :wink:

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Right, that one

I removed The B4-X from my candidate list early on because it is pretty old now. the ADV and the Tap 2 mini are quite new. (not that it necessarily means it will be better…)

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& its heat resistant too :sunglasses:

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Been using the AD3 for a few years now with a Toppings BC3 strapped to it!
How do you like the TAP2 as I just saw it with a DAC inside and that could be a nifty little tube desktop setup?

EDIT: Was only the TAP1 apparently.

This is the real way to burn in.:joy: