Night Oblivion - discussions

Yes, the tap 2 mini does not have a dac. But that isn’t really an issue if you are using it as a desktop source. The issue is when you are trying to be portable with it, since then the added necessity of a dac is bothersome and the weight of the tap 2 mini is pretty heavy and thick.


:nerd_face: uh, yeah ok :crazy_face:

got mine today so rolling tips and cables; initial impression are very positive : extremely detailed yet polite IEM; fantastic for vocals but still have my doubts about energetic tunes where it lacks punch and wow effect


think this might be one for listening to in quiet environments only?

I would like to introduced to you guys a new tips: Zhu Rhyme Bamboo tips.
Material wise, it’s solf and supple, reminds me of the H570. The shape and length of bore is definitely not the same, but it’s cheaper. I think you should give it a chance.
I bought it on taobao, but it has since appear on Ali


And they come in a 3 sizes a pack!


what are the dimensions?

Thanks for sharing, I have those, that is good for longer nozzle IEMs as the shape of the tips are more of trapezoid.

Soud wise I do not consider they sound similar, especially for bass region though.

Trapezoid shape of the tip limits resonance of the sub-bass.

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Here, it’s pretty small, that’s why I mentioned those tips are made for longer nozzle IEMs, so that tips slip in deep into the canal in order to have a proper fit for regular size ears.

For smaller size ears, those are good options if the sub-bass mute isn’t your concern.

The areas exposed for bass resonance is smaller than H570 despite they both share similar silicon material build.

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Some full view of these.

I’ve been playing cables with Butastur thesedays, and keep getting back to stock cable when it comes to the balance.



Next project…N O ear tip tweaking and manufacture :+1:


Which one do you prefer to match Butastur.

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Haha, those maybe coming under AS tips🤣

But the way, jokes aside.

I am really working on some other project, making prototypes myself and with the counterpart to find best solutions.

Not an IEM. But IEM-related stuff​:smile::ok_hand:

For IEM project, it going back and forth within the group (Night Oblivion and professional tuner group).

The EST model targeting Blessing3 segment I proposed is getting some objections about the cost vs performance. Long long way to go…


So far,

Stock (it’s actually already high-end grade) x H570 : most balanced

Dynamic: DragonScale(or PWA Ignis) x Tanchjim APB (Bass)

Rich and Detailed : MoonGod x Pentaconn Coreir


Sonion EST? Honestly imo, those drivers are quite overrated considering their price/performance and low gain issue…

Could otherwise lower the price by making a hybrid of DD + Sonion EST only, rather than having BAs as well.


Yea…the cost is too high and the gain level is too low… :smiling_face_with_tear:

But there are bunch of folks who are not capable enough to extend their arms over Sonion EST, and I l’d like to develop a model that is reasonable enough for those demand.

When I made announcement about Butastur to Japanese market, I got quite a few backlash about the affordability.

$300-400 segment is the next target for me to set a new diminishing return bar, which is very hard.


Could use my method i used for my (meme) DD + LRA earbud. add a very high resistor to the DD only. (I think I used a 600ohm resistor lol.)


The model I’m trying is EST+BA model,

qdc Tiger, Oriolus Trailli, or Moon Drop Solis type, which is very challenging one.

We can make IEM without DD and yet sounding natural, from the experience and know-hows developing Butastur.

$300-400 EST-BA model shall have enough potential.


If cost is an issue, going with a DD will be cheaper though.

But I assume you will just lower the driver count instead. Using the same Sonion 38 series woofer and maybe some other drivers. If you are going with a 4 driver setup in total, I would probably try the Sonion 2356 full range driver alongside that 38 series woofer and the sonion est.

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That’s the plan I’m offering. Full Sonion.

It is 2EST+4BA, but as you know, the overhead costs for the distribution platform and many at least some margins to keep the life of the team also needed to be considered. Also the inflation is getting tough for Europe too🥲

The gain level of Sonion EST is low and implementation is pretty challenging.

We can make large stack models but sizing down is actually another level of engineering panacea :face_holding_back_tears:

Will keep working to find best drivers/hardware config.