Night Oblivion - discussions

Before now, even with my extensive experience with almost all types of IEMs, I could never be confident about any with which I could retire from the hobby.

Butastur changed that.

I am now craving Butastur even when I am listening to my other single DD iems, earbuds which are not TGXear, and even a tribrid IEM of thrice the cost.

Got the Hiby R3 II today. Playing Apocalyptica now, with Butastur - this is a magical out of the world experience!

@AmericanSpirit_JP I’ll look forward to more of your creation. I don’t think others can tune BA better than you. I did not feel so much joy out of VE8 also. Will listen to the U12T to gauge the performance and its alignment with my newfound preferences


wow, you have received R3II already?
I am looking forward to hear Butasur at some point and compare it to SA6 - SA6 is the first set that allows me to play throughout my whole library with ease (though sometimes it is not as fun as it should be due to “hollow” bass), all bad mastered albums or just piercing recordings that on sets like MEST are unlistenable as they just sound wrong.


Suggest me some such tracks and I’ll let you know how do they sound on Butastur.

The magic of Butastur is, while the bass certainly isn’t overly boosted to provide fun, it is very dense - so at no point it sounds hollow at all!

Yeah received a unit from Hiby for review today. It’s a very definite and distinct step up from R3 Pro Saber. Loving it immensely.


I haven’t posted much here as of late. I’m kind of a barbarian 2-year-old stumbling around the audio world, but this iem is just stupid. Like stupid good for the price. The tuning and fit are just fantastic, and its presentation is subtle enough I can take it out in public without worry. My tips H570 are still coming… Will post impressions when they arrive.
But if you are on the fence. Don’t be, it competes with other iems much more expensive.


I have SA6 MKII and Butastur, so I can do quick comparison for you.

First thing I need to use different source to pair with them to get the best result for each one of them

Butastur : Questyle M15
SA6 MKII : Topping E70 Velvet + SMSL HO100

Quantity : Butastur +1
Quality (Texture) : Butastur +1
Extension : Butastur +2

Fullness : Butastur +2
Layering : Butastur +2
Cleanness : SA6 MK II +1

Quality : Par
Extension : SA6 MK II +2
Sibliance control : Butastur +1

Soundstage Wide : SA6 MK II +2
Soundstage Depth : Butastur +2
Detail : Butastur +2


Same here man…

Butastur is dangerous in a way.

I’m happy the raw voices confirming the true aspects.

Here is another raw voice I received today.

As from developer side, I can’t speak too much of a big-mouth about it.

At best I’d say Butastur is par with TOTL, but from my heart, Butastur is made to be a masterpiece without any price bracket in concern.

The reason why Butastur is sold at this price range is simply my ego. We need a counterbalance to expensive trophy earphones to justify their positions.

These days, I’m trying to motivate myself trying other IEMs, but at the end of the day, I’m back to Butastur.

As someone who needs to listen variety of IEMs in order to voice, “this thing is good”, lack of listening experience is dangerous.

Endgame comes in an unexpected way.


By the way, Penon finally agreed to sponsor a demo tour unit of Butastur.

I’m not familiar with touring procedures, so it is greatly appreciated some touring experts could help about how to proceed.

[Details are TBD, but please feel free to post this info to elsewhere (As I’m detained on the other forum by some undisclosed reasons😄)]


Thank you a lot for trying it out- two very clear examples are as follows though nowhere fitting metal taste :wink: :

Norah Jones and Q-tip - Life is Better -

a bassline (more in mid than sub frequencies) along the whole track. In most sets it rumbles and purrs very nicely tickling the listener’s ear. In SA6 it is hidden in the background, sometimes barely audible

Nick Mulvey - A prayer of my own -

at around 1min10sec a bass guitar kicks in in the background, but distinctly. In SA6 it does not hold any weight along, but in MEST it is very physical and carries the listener along with the song

For reference SA6 I use with Spinfit W1


Do you think it is possible to equip an IEM with an active (miniaturized) crossover, powered by a 3V coin cell battery?

The battery could only be used to power the DSP, or even all the IEMs (including drivers).

The limitations of passive crossovers (attenuation, phase distortion) could be overcome.

In short, creating something like Moondrop Droplet, without having to resort to USB.

You could even have a PEQ inside the IEM. (how to interface it with the outside world would have to be studied).

Crazy idea?

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Well this idea is widely implemented and it is called TWS :smiley: joking, not joking


I think the size is gonna be a problem. But otherwise that is essentially a TWS lol.

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Yes, but wired, without the limitations of BT codecs/transmission.

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Well, it sounds like Butasurs completely wipes the floor with SA6 MK II! Very interesting, thank you for your feedback! Would you say you library is more vocal or instrumental centric? If vocal - male or female? :slight_smile:

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IMO, its not the BT transmission/codec that is the limitation with TWS.

Oh yeah, okay.
But if I listen to the IEMs via DAC in BT or with the same DAC via cable, there is some difference, especially on the high tones.
Not from night to day, all right.

Anyway ok, stupid or useless idea.

Dont think there is any TWS where u can actually do that but yes, a straightforward A/B would have some effect with the upper-treble depending on codec and optimisation.

@Ferdinando1968 probably was talking about cases like using Qudelix5k as USB DAC vs as BT receiver with same IEMs :thinking:

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Yes, 5K or Gryphon or xd05-pro
or anything with both BT and USB or SPDIF input.
In short, an input able to supply the bitperfect with a given digital audio signal.


Butastur was tearing up some Punkabilly tracks tonight while carving around the neighborhood on my board. It’s a really clean sound that strikes a good balance between an upbeat fun musical approach and never goes to neutral our analytical.

There’s no denying that my hopes were high for Butastur however, it was bought mostly to support @AmericanSpirit_JP as a member of the forum. I really didn’t think our libraries would cross enough or our preferences and it would be a turn and burn.

Definitely was wrong on thinking that. Butastur somehow sits right there as a favorite. It’s slowly creeping in my top 5 IEMs of all time I’ve owned or heard. Current spots go to Aurora, Meteor, UP, Glam and Supernova. With the P1 Max and Bonus IE being ones I also tremendously enjoy. Which if any Butastur is lining up to knockout Supernova.

Here’s some tracks from tonight that I was jamming.


Loving all the tip (and tube amp) recs up in here. I’m still scheming out how to bust a move on the Butastur, but come what may, I will end up an eartips kingpin ;p

Also, tangent alert - really digging on the irl Butastur.

In college I took an animal behavior course and the term assignment was to observe a species in captivity for 100 hours and report out on behavioral patterns with an eye towards the effects of captivity and adaptation to the extent observable. After getting shot down by the prof on my first choice (“the scientific term for the gibbon is ‘shit slinger’”), I chose the American Kestrel (against the prof’s further advice - he didn’t believe they would demonstrate any adaptive behavior). I stubbornly refused to believe there was an inherent limit, and felt in the end that I adequately demonstrated some interesting adaptation. I’m not sure the prof agreed, but he gave me a B for trying, lol. In any case, I developed a lifelong interest and affection for raptors beginning in those 100 hours - especially the smaller, spunky ones :smiley:

These days I mostly observe the turkey vultures that hang out on the barn roof and the red-tail hawks that want to snatch my chickens… maybe a direction for future N.O. naming?.