Night Oblivion - discussions

A very interesting line-up you have there. Will be looking forward to a comparison with Supernova and Aurora. From my previous experience with Meteor, Butastur is already miles ahead of it.

What is the Glam though?


I listened various of genre like K-pop J-pop PostRock Jazz Classical Vocal (70% female)and I think Butastur serve me well for that.

For reference I use this song

It has a nice female vocal and really deep male voice. Atmosphere is wide with small detail of instruments.


think he means the ‘Glamdring’, which is a modified Letshuoer S12 by Michael Bruce


Meteor is just different and equally enjoyable for me depending on my mood and how I want the tracks to come through. The extra midbass slap paired with the lower 1-2k presence just brings so much funk appeal to the bassist and lets the drummer punch a little deeper on kick drums. It’s not as accurate in the bass staging as Butastur but damn is it fun when I just want bass forward and authoritive with the faster decay that comes from BAs usually. That’s why it’s my go to fun IEM for crazy bassist presence to highlight legends like Bootsy Collins.

I like this qoute from Carol Kaye particularly as someone who thrives on music that has an upbeat bass presence, “THE BASS IS the foundation and with the drummer you create the beat. Whatever you play puts a framework around the rest of the music.” Meteor is that qoute in an IEM for me.

Also @fred is correct in saying it’s a modified S12 in this case the S12 Pro. It’s the love child of Micheal Bruce aka Shortbus Audio and his masterful voodoo retune on it. I say that because the S12 And Pro in stock tuning where a hard no from me and modded by Micheal they are a throat slaying beast in my roundup.


I’m a qdc fan, and do respect DUNU as well.

I bought SA6 with my own hard-earned money, and still see SA6 as a S-tier gate keeper.

For that as a private owner, not from Night Oblivion side, SA6 and Butastur are very very different in many aspect.

One is a casual daily ride sporty-car, and another one is lap-record ready racing machine.


RU7 just arrived.

Great match to Butastur especially powered by ADV tube amp (Class-A, fully balanced, 7Vrms output, No feedback circuits)

RU6 and RU7 sounds different though.

RU6 feels organic and analog, while RU7 certainly has better technicalities especially image positioning and layering.

Timbre wise I like RU6 more, but RU7 certainly feels a higher grade in tonal expression.


Very well said. One IEM cannot be underestimated at the expense of another. SA6 MK2 is a very technical and at the same time musical IEM. I believe Butastur is as good too, but probably different. :wink:


been trying to get a Glamdring for some time now. tried discord & email from utube to MB with no luck so far. he may be busy making more, hopefully… :crossed_fingers:

nice gadget, but as a non cellphone person, have no need for it.

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:grinning: had an email from Penon this morning & my NOB has been shipped & 4 days early! :v: :sunglasses: :+1:


was interested in the sa6, but didn’t like the bulbous bit on the back; concerns about fit. no doubt it plays well.

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The bass guitar at 01:11 is very distinctly present with perfect note weight. But even before that, from 0:20, the atmospheric bass presence surprised me even more! A very gentle but distinct and natural presence. Loved it.

The bassline has a forward and natural presence - dense but not overblown. Rumbles and purrs pretty well - overall very fun presentation.

Butastur rocks on both these tracks. In fact, Butastur rocks on everything I have thrown at it so far. Outstanding performer.


TBH, I never liked the Meteor very much. The bass was a bit too thick, the midrange a bit too recessed and thin, and the treble slightly spicy and tonally not very natural - felt kind of incoherent, as if the thickness of the bass was trying to be compensated by the extra spiciness in the treble.


Do you not use any cellphone at all? Not even basic buttoned ones?

not at all yes, have a landline, email & a hole in my front door for letters. not a luddite, just got fed up of the ball n chain you know? a year in & don’t miss it at all :dove:


So you must not travel much. Or even if you do, do you use payphones to stay connected and update about your well-being to your near and dear ones?

Amazing, thank you for spending some of your precious private time for me, that is why I love this community! <3
It looks like Butasur completely rocks and not one bad word was said about it yet :exploding_head:


can always pop into an internet café or somesuch :nerd_face:


Well that we have disagreements over there.

I don’t consider SA6 a S-tier technical set, it’s A tier in technicality with S-tier timbre. 90/100 on my book.

Butastur is 97/100 for that scale. S+ tier. Hits both S on timbre and technicalities.

But YMMV, as a long time audiophile, we all know everyone has got different perspectives :+1:


I kinda feel this dongle culture is coming to another age of audio hobby.

About these little dongles, it’s not only about phone interconnects

DAPs are generally sold at whole complete kit, with depreciable components (OS/batteries/ phone chips), so every couple of years it becomes obsolete. A branded consumer electronics computer. We pay our money for the time engineers developing the whole system.

I feel my FiiO M11Pro is already an obsolete and no longer meeting my demand these days, moving from old A&K and Hifiman flagship DAP.

For that, smaller modulated DACs are very cost effective and long lasting piece of components that is flexible depending on usage. It can be portable or stationed. And when used as preamp, it works just as good or even better than under kilobuck DAPs.

The other way is stackable stations which definitely is a stable option too.

It’s just that I’m not rich enough to keep both expensive phones and DAPs coming to by credit card bills every 2-3years😄