Night Oblivion - discussions

The pace is slowing down as the waves of initial offerings has settled.

Finally Jinny could have some spare time👍


Don’t want to derail this thread but could you please tell me if EQ and MSEB works when using R3II as Bluetooth DAC/AMP?

Apart from that have you already written some impressions anywhere? :see_no_evil:

at this time of year many are caught between vacation costs & the run up to thanksgiving/ black friday & xmas; so abit of a slow down was probably anticipated. + yeah expect Jinny Tan could do with a break, good for him :desert_island:

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you cant listen to them at night, or you will be struck with an amnesia attack :rofl:

I haven’t yet written any impressions, just using it on a daily basis. Loving it.

I haven’t checked its bluetooth DAC?AMP functionality yet. Will do and let you know via PM.


You ain’t wrong there :laughing:

Damn it the Butastur won’t stop growing on me. My other sets haven’t touched my ears in a few days of now. Every time I’m reaching for another I go right back to it. Could just be a mood as of lately I’ve been just kind of really mellow and life has been real chill. Sets like Glam and Aurora have their sauce in the fun factor whether it be the shear slam or absolutely trippy staging. There ear time almost seems directly related to my mood. I’m usually drinking some brews and in hype mood when I reach for them.

Butastur though wow it’s still got pizazz and punch in the staging and bass but, it just dials it down and says,”Hey let’s lean back and relax. MMag05 why don’t you go grab a cigar and a scotch on the rocks while your at it. I’ll still show you a good time but, let’s take it easy and just do some gentle toe taps and head bobs. You look like an absolute fool waving your shirt like a helicopter or slam dancing on those other sets. I’m to articulate for that but, will still have fun.”

In other words my other favored sets are your bro showing up to your house in a tshirt and jeans with a six pack and joint ready to P-A-R-T-Y! Butastur is your homeboy showing up in slick khakis and polo, two fat stogies and bottle of scotch ready to sit back and discuss life and politics.


In my opinion every audio enthusiast should have those 2 types of buddies… erhm, IEMs for different occasions and mood - one fun and loud and second calm and chilled out. For me it is MEST and SA6 respecitvely. Both OGs


Agree :+1:

Me Z1R and og Andro :yin_yang:


It’s weird right? It’s just so chill, snug, and relaxed but sounds exactly how I want an iem to sound. I really like it.


For me IE600 & SA6 MK2. For a walk and sometimes at home AirPods Pro OG!
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You are right, one would need also a beater set for on the go - some TWS would do. That gives 3 sets to rule it all. And bud equivalent of each of those types.
Oh well… :see_no_evil:

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Yes. If Apple works a bit on Air pods resolution and a bit on FR they will be TOTL. I `m not joking. Now they are just a very good all-round IEM for listening to music and they do it well! :ok_hand: :fire:

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So good to have Serial and SR8. :heart_eyes:

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What’s the craziest to me is to date it’s the closest IEM that gets me a near perfect balance of being super clean, extremely transparent yet not analytical and some how still be musical and fun.


@AmericanSpirit_JP how is the floor noise of this AMP?

I fly lower than you guys: my partyman is the fan2. It’s not my usual/preferred type of sound, but I still listen to it way more often than I thought.

The smart guy is currently the Olina OG. I tried the panda and the tali’s to replace it, but they are less “friendly” and engaging than Olina to me, so can’t dethrone the king. I now place my hopes in Quintet to bring something more refined with it. We’ll see.


That’s a very respectful round up made of two great sets. Whether your flying at 15000 feet in a Jumbo Jet or only 3000 in Cessna were all getting to the same destination and experiencing the ride. I’d argue sometimes that the person in the Cessna is sometimes even experiencing more fun. Hell one of physically wildest listening sessions was with a six pack and the $20 Bonus IE I only paid $10 for.


This IEM => friend type analogy is getting harder and harder to get right, but if you are looking for mellow, laid back buddy Quintet is not the one you are looking for. He is more of a well knowledgeable, well spoken type of guy who is willing to share with you all the details of geopolitics, religion and philosophy. So as long as you have time for proper engagement it is really really fun time, but if you don’t and just want to chill out he may be slightly annoying.
But let’s move to IEM discussion thread with it not to derail @AmericanSpirit_JP’s thread even more :slight_smile:


When I wanna party, I whip out my D’s Audio First Heart! You wanna see how it graphs?

A good 15dB rise in bass - It’s a total party in my head!! Love it! Total opposite from Butastur, Single DD, fun V sound with lots of space!