Night Oblivion - discussions

My BattleStar, I mean Butastur arrived yesterday and I have spent a few hours with it.

I use the stock cable, which is almost identical to the NiceHCK cable I use for my Aful P8 (except for the 2-pin connectors and the ear guides, which are both better on the Butastur cable). I also had a fresh pair of H570 waiting.

My source is M11 Plus Ltd. I switched off the EQ (I increased the bass and lowered the high mids for the Performer 8, but no need for that with Butastur.)

First couple of songs were astounding. I rediscovered songs like:

The Hunt by Barry Ryan
Flying by The Beatles
Eruption by Focus
The Hope album by Klaatu
Several songs by Chris Rainbow,

hearing details I never heard before, despite listening hundreds if not thousands of times to those songs.

Not every song improves that dramatically, but so far I have not heard any problems and no sibilance at all, which is important for me.

It was everything I hoped for and more. Very happy so far.


yes details are very good with this set, love that mid bass doesn’t interfere with lower mids. first track listened to was the last thing Lyle Mays released ‘Eberhard’, sounds like a different version with the Butastur. prefered configuration 1-0, but for large ensembles’ or orchestral either 0-0 or 1-1.


Will I be lucky enough to still get my hands on a copy of Butastur? I cant afford it now as I dont have budget for this, maybe I can get my hands on it on Christmas or so…


according to a previous post here from american Spirit, there are enough materials to make 100 units, or maybe more. think about 70 - 80 have been sold. have you reached out to AS?

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The waves have settled and yes we shall have enough raw materials good until Christmas time👌

Butastur will not follow nasty “fake” limited edition sales that many brands are conducting. If we hit 100 then we just order maybe 20 units more worth of raw materials.

As an audiophile myself, I’m tired seeing “give us money” type sales techniques used for this hobby,

Whenever I feel “money is first priority than sound” from any brand, I instantly lose interest.

As far as there is need, and Jinny is sound, there will be one made for you.



I totally forgot another tech expert IEM brand who cares air pressure balance for the IEM, it a Japanese startup, named Lifelike. My twitter pals.

He is making prototypes right now.

A former Japanese camera / copier company engineer ( Canon or Ricoh).

One of the IEMs that I’m expecting highly from.

He is making a single DD, and considering hybrid.

It’s the only time besides Jinny/Abel of AuR/ Tanchjim that I felt someone knows what they are technically doing.

He cares a lot about “stealth acoustics” which is a complex science dealing with internal echoes of the IEMs.


G4 is a bit busy keeping up with current orders, the questions you sent to him may take some time, but he surely will get back to you.

Please let me know about Dracula​:+1::+1:


A.S., have you done an impression/review of the SR DTE900 anywhere yet?

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Night Oblivion Butastur
High Quality cable, but too heavy for my taste
Fits very well and is incredibly small for 10ba
Bass slams well with clean authority
Tuning is balanced, neutral, mid focused. Not thin, not warm, just right.
Blows my hexas out of the water technically. More detailed than my dt1990, not as much bass slam as it obviously (its a headphone). But digs as deep in the bass.
I can actually perceive the reverb and small nuances recorded from instruments, actually sounds like its supposed to.
Bass switch for +1db. Treble switch, dont use unless you have hearing loss in upper treble
Rolls off after 15khz, I can’t tell since my hearing ends at 16khz.
Imaging is just better, i dont have anything on par to compare it with. Its just better, period.
Staging is above average, my a4000 stages a bit better.
Still need h570, theyre very tip sensitive. Some tips dont get full bass extension


It’s a but busy job season for me, but eventually I will work on the review.


Awesome, great to know. I’m looking forward and eager to get my hands on the Butastur :grin:

Great point that Butastur is tip sensitive, she’s also cable, DAP/DAC sentitive, which ultimately means Butastur can reveal the “colors” of each components of your set up👌

Thus, fun. And you can play with Butastur over and over with your own taste of colors😄

The original color is almost transparent with slight slope toward micro side.


Thanks a lot! My next purchase after G4 Audio Dracula is going to be from him!

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He already replied to me this morning. All my queries are answered. Now I am just waiting for him to be ready to take payment via paypal, and I will transfer the amount pronto! Very excited!

Thanks a lot for recommending them. The person who was talking with me is an wonderful person - he took time to explain in detail whatever I wanted to know.

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find the dt1990 with the analytical pads has as much detail as the Butastur. mine are modded to dual entry, not sure if that is much of a factor. Butastur doesn’t do binaural recordings very well; which is the only weakness found with them so far.

Do folks actually listen to binaural stuff?..I found Dolby Atmos total garbage with IEM’s…might be ok with speakers and maybe HP’s :man_shrugging:

yes knowingly or otherwise; quite often an element in a mix., but completely binaural recordings are not common.

Ok, so my Butastur arrived yesterday. They are flawlessly finished and I’ve had a bit of time with them using the stock cable and recommend H570 tips.

On first listen, I was a bit disappointed, thinking that they were good but didn’t really bring anything to the table that I wasn’t getting with my Kiwi Ears OL. So I went back to the Kiwi Ears and oh my! The Kiwi Ears were really lacking compared to Butastur.

If there’s one word to describe the Butastur, it’s ‘airy’. But that doesn’t do them justice. I can use additional words like detail and separation, but again, that doesn’t do them justice. It’s because the the air and separation aren’t a thing in themselves, it’s what they allow the music to do. They allow the music to ‘breathe’. It’s a strange description but what I’m hearing is that the Butastur teases apart the individual instruments and vocals in the music and gives them room to breathe - for sounds to bloom and decay. This is why the timbre is so realistic and the details so easy to hear.

Some will hear the air and separation as greater soundstaging or wider image placement but for me, that’s not the ultimate benefit.

Detailed sets can often be harsh - here it isn’t
Separation can often be boring - here it isn’t

Kiwi Ears OL in comparison to Butastur sounded homogenised. All the elements of the music were there but blended into one. Like the difference between beef stew (Kiwi Ears) and steak and roast vegetables (Butastur ).

Another analogy is that by teasing apart the strands of the music, Butastur gives you greater insight to the individual elements of the music and a picture of the whole. Visually, it’s like a thin vs dense forest.


Kiwi Ears OL

I think that this ability to deconstruct the recording has led to accusations that Butastur is ‘thin’ sounding and for sure, there is a lower weight or density of the recording as a whole but individual instruments or vocals carry their full weight. As a result, the whole is lighter but everything is individually present.

I experimented with the switches but the bass switch has no observable impact on bass weight while reducing the air and space between the instruments which is a poor tradeoff. The treble switch makes things unnaturally bright. So both my switches are in the off position, just as the maker intended.

Bravo American Spirit and Jinny. What a masterpiece.


a slight elevation can be felt in lower frequencies in the 1-0 configuration, the 1-1 or 0-0 is good for orchestral music. only my 3rd day in, but have a good enough idea after about 16-18 hours of listening in a quiet environment. dont think these are suitable for OTG.

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It’s called brain burn in or mental recalibration…it takes a while to hear what’s really being produced, not the normal noise/playback you’re used to…the veil slowly lifts and you start to understand what a well tuned set has to offer…enjoy :+1: