Night Oblivion - discussions

Thanks for info about the switches. I wondered if adding bass would have a good effect, even though I never felt I missed anything so far.


When you pair Butastur with Cayin house sound and amp it with class A Amp (preferably tube amp), Butastur will sound unworldly​:flushed::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:


Another happy owner of the Buzzard -


final E tips on Butastur is very sad combination….

Why kill Butastur’s natural timbre with that extremely unnatural ear tip…

Only reason I can see is Final E Is an old school extremely small bore one used to take harsh sounding treble of a single DD, so I think the person you posted is extremely treble sensitive.

I only use final E to tame old chifi-V tuned KZ.

that’s a waste of Butastur, you lose all the technicality of it😞 I have to say pairing final E on Butastur is a bad choice.

Let me put it this way, it is a waste of 5 star Michelin restaurants cuisine if you paired with tomato ketchup on top of it.

For that case try out Tanchjim T-APB (Bass). It’s close to tomato ketchup, more like tomato paste used for pastas.

It tames treble a lot better than old Final E.

Final E, the tomato ketchup is good to pair with fast food that I admit.

Also I think he is pairing with too analytical source, try out warmer source if possible.


Oh don’t worry. H570 is already on the way to him.


Finally played around with different configuration on my eartips (wide-bore)… And… FLIPPIN WooooooooW!

Now previous comments about her sound signature make so much more sense… impactful ethereal bass, solid soulful mids, rock-solidly realistic treble, sublime vocals (to me anyway).

Expect significant changes in playback with small-ish changes to the chain (source-cable-tips)… unbelievably noticeable differences.

I’m gonna get stoned for this, but…
She (in 0-0 setting) sounds like Dunu Talos (no BA) & SoundRhyme SR8 (1-1) squigs had a baby… and that’s one helluva mix!

Controversial… probably, but for this simple knucklehead who loves music, it’s a simple way to approach, understand, & appreciate this beautifully complicated, sophisticated, & special set.

Having SR8 & Butastur in the same iem inner circle feels like leaving the hobby is realistic & possible…maybe?

Excellently executed AS… well done, Bravo, Bravo!


You kids are all having fun, I’m jealous because mine came in and went right back for repair or replacement. I did get a couple days with them. Very nice tuning, the best I’ve experienced. 1-0 seems to be the magic for me. 570 tips are right for this set, I just wish they were a bit stickier, find myself pushing them back in …already at the lg size.
Meanwhile, an opportunity came up to procure a Monarch MK2, its a very long drive but priced attractively. Does anyone here have experience or some comparisons between the 2? Redundant, or complimentary? Wondering about depth of stage, expansiveness, handling louder volumes on the MK2.

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There you go​:smile::sparkles::+1:

Hope we all reach to the point to realize

IEMs are not the tool for show off, but it is your partner to the world of vast ocean of music.

Those playing “brand premium “ and charging $$$$ shall be ashamed to treat IEM as one of “trophy earphone”. And I deeply hope they change their mind. Err…Unique Melody especially. What is that Amber Pearl thing…sigh


Earphone showcase prototype #2 ver1

Will exhibit Butastur later (after cleaning the dust from the case)


That room is zen meets Marie Kondo

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I did have Monarch MK2 before but I have a problem with comfortable and fit so I sold it and get Dunu SA6 Mk2 and then Butastur.

From my memory I think a mid from MMK2 and Butastur really similar ( that I really like ) It’s forward but not too forward, full and lush, layered and detailed.

For detail retrieval I think MMK2 little bit better and stage depth MMK2 also little bit deeper.

MMK2 is harder to drive so you get lower volume when give it same power.

For me I really happy with Butastur. You get around 90%-95% performance of MMK2 but 40% cheaper and the size and comfortable wise just incredible.


Thanks to @AceBee I got to demo the Butastur. I must say this is brilliant iem and I did not expect it to be so good.

Tried out with various sources (combinations): Lotoo Paw Gold Touch, Aroma A100TB, Earmen Angel, and Shanling M7. I must say that the IEMS really impressed me a lot. And for the price, it’s too good. I think the IEM has great potential.


  1. The fit is quite good. The shells are small and light.
  2. The cable is good enough. The SpinFit W1 tips paired well with the IEMs.
  3. I preferred the 10 tuning. I don’t think the default treble needs adjustment.
  4. The bass is really good for an all-BA IEM. Bass is clean and fast. I do not think that I am missing a DD bass much.
  5. The mids are sweet. The staging is decent. The overall cohesion of different frequencies is done really well. I don’t find the frequencies poking each other. They get enough space of their own.
  6. I don’t find the IEMs to be thin sounding. In fact, with the LPGT, the notes have enough weight and sound quite well-bodied.

Overall, I think, if you give the Butastur a good source, it shines a lot. I really liked the tuning. It’s not one of the iems where the maker has just thrown multiple drivers. Good tuning is the real deal. With the LPGT and Aroma amp (high-end setup), it really blew my mind. It’s an iem that delivers way above it’s price range. It’s definitely a Mid-Fi King. I really want to buy one for me.


Thanks for that impression. They look similar enough, just maybe MK2 bass is tilted more sub than mid.
But you verified what I was hoping about depth, which is my only nitpick with Butastur on some tracks turned up a bit. But I really didn’t have them long enough to get a solid impression. Penon has been very responsive about a remedy, just have to wait a bit.

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Wow, you know Marie Kondo.

Yes, she is my interior mentor.:smile:

I just completed another room (guest bedroom) with BMR1 speaker set up. Still waiting white speaker cover so that shall match with the while scheme.

Here is speaker test video that uploaded yesterday.

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I have Monarch OG and you can find my review here.

It’s not a perfect IEM, comes with some hybrid syndrome and EST implementation is less engaged when compared to ones Empire Ears and Sound Rhyme do.

So Monarch stays S- on my ranking list.

For the same scale ranking Butastur is made to overcome weak points of Monarch.


Hope you try Butastur with H570 someday😄

As a ear tip master, W1 “was” good and one of my daily usage ear tip up until I met H570. Basically an upgraded version of W1.

Only nitpick for H570 is that it’s pretty fragile and the size is relatively small for L, it’d be better if the manufacturer make an XL one.


Eagerly waiting for some impressions! :wink:

Can copy from head-fi post. I haven’t listened much to it yet, but the more I do the more I like it.

Gave Butastur some more head time last day, must truly be the most resolving IEM you can get for the price.
I find it neutral bright, with correct music it excels and with wrong it crash.
Also similar to other BA sets its very fast, a good contender for fast music.

My preferred music is probably technical IDM eller techno if it’s not to boosted in the treble.

Bass is snappy and punchy, only a little lean in its body. Vocals are rather neutral, clear and resolving. Upper mids and treble is quite forward, so cymbal hits and brass can get tiresome and shrill.

But overall this I very good IEM, and perfect entry for people who want a super resolving BA set.

Also copper cable and a tip that relax the upper range is best for me personally, the H570 is good but slightly to sharp and intense for me. And I need longer stems for better comfort and better seal.

Spinfit CP100 has worked pretty good, my go to Tri Clarion I often use on shorter nozzles is not good here. As Clarion and Butastur gets quite piercing.

Still think this is a totally solid release, and deserve its praise.


H570 saves smaller iems for getting a better fit on them. They are great!

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I finally got around to listening to some classical music: my box set of Mahler’s symphonies by the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra under Bernard Haitink.

I happened to go to the Concertgebouw as a kid and listen to them during rehearsals. Probably the same conductor.

I have played the cd set many times and the quality was usually good but never came close to the live experience. Until now. There I was again, on the balcony, listening on Saturday mornings. Back then I could hear an instrument and look for it on the stage. Now I could place it there again just by listening.
