Night Oblivion - discussions

I just posted this if this lyric line sounds familiar

I’m a drummer myself and used to play 90s 00s like Limp Bizkit, Papa Roach, System of a Down, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Rage Against the Machine, etc etc, and many Japanese indie band music like these:

I also love postrocks like 65days and instrumental only ones.

I’m also not a pure nostalgia type of music lover, I still follow latest font lines and enjoy attending EDM clubs.

I found a modern Japanese rock band named Yorushika, is doing something unique.

It trims the excessive analogue timbre of rock sound and softens with semi-analog digital recap.

they don’t simply use the digital inputs, a reverse Digital to Analog, Analog-to-Digital conversion they are trying.

I feel Yorushika is also after wabi-sabi spirit, the philosophy of reduction.

It sounds like analog, but not really. They took the essence.

Butastur is tuned based on my music preferences from classical /jazz/ electronica/ pops /rock/ ethinical / and lastly binaural as realistic sound reproduction.

I have a most favorite female vocalist, a Japanese vtuber singer Inui Toko, Butastur is especially tuned to pitch her vocal into best possible sound , just like Timmy did to Galileo for Suisei Hoshimachi (Inui Toko’s good singer buddy) ’s vocal.

So I’d say Butastur sounds like her vocals if you take a look at some of her singing.


Lovely voices and mellow sound, like it. I’m a purist by nature so realism in sound is probably my preference- even if I’m not fully confident of that yet. Any demos I’ve heard of earphones in the last days it’s the neutral or neutral with a bit of extra bass that I seem happiest with. Thanks for the info

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never came across a soft rock :rofl: but the sound of these is like being on stage with the instruments all around you & they sound almost real; depending on your chain. BTW if you love music, you are an audiophile :v: :sunglasses: :+1:

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maybe a super duper overpriced set might sound a little better/ different to someone :man_shrugging: also my most expensive IEM & my first all BA. Mostly use headphone’s & never thought an IEM could match some of my cans :v: :sunglasses: :+1:

Some more info on IEMs having Air pressure balancing/regulating/equalising system:

G4 Audio uses a 0.25mm ID vent tube that connects the nozzle with the outside to reduce the pressure inside the ear canal.

NXears uses AGL (Aperiodic Ground Loading).

Occlusion Effect occurs when earphones are inserted into the ears forming an airtight seal. This, combined with the acoustic output of the transducer, can cause the middle ear to become subject to asymmetrical pressure from the ‘Push and Pull’ of the transducer in the earphones - generating high levels of stress, discomfort and fatigue. Furthermore, the asymmetrical pressure offsets the eardrum and produces high self-distortion.

NXEars invented U.S. Patent No. 11,405,717 “Aperiodic Ground Loading” (AGL) to eliminate the occlusion effect - the build-up of excessive ear canal pressure can be channeled and dissipated back to an “acoustic ground state,” i.e. the ambient pressure. AGL operates at way below 10Hz and is asynchronous to the frequency response of earphones.

The problem with NXears is, although the reviews are rather on the positive side, the graphs are quite atrociously wonky, and even though I do not think graphs tell the whole story, the general idea that the graphs portray are so very much away from my preferred curve that I do not feel confident at all.

Neosound from Thailand also uses a pressure release system like the following in their Ninlapat II IEM:

The problem with them is this is a new model and I cannot find any review of them anywhere. The BAs are custom BA, manufacturer not disclosed. The version 1 earbud used Sonion BA drivers. I am a bit apprehensive because of the absence of review and the unknown BA drivers. However, the graph seems quite promising. I am on the fence about whether I should invest $250 in them or not.

Inearz use their proprietary ADEL technology:

ADEL™ will enhance the way you hear music. This technology adds a second eardrum into all of our in-ear monitors. This second eardrum takes the punishment of the pneumatic pressure caused by sound in the ear canal, and delivers clear, crisp sound that’s unlike anything you’ve ever heard. And it’s not louder noise coming from your earbuds.

It is like the Apex modules of 64 Audio iems. FatFreq uses these too. The problem with their earphones, like the Zen4, is again the somewhat unconventional graph:

I do not understand why NXears and Inearz are going for such a midbass heavy subbass reduced tuning. Are there any actual benefit of them that I perhaps am missing, @AmericanSpirit_JP ?


That’s a very colorful in terms of sounds😄

I’m visiting Japan next month and will one of those if e-earphone has it readily available for public auditions at store front.

And yea…custom BA generally is a term used to
Hide Bellsing name.

There are other BA namer like E-Audio, which is used on AuR’s Aurora which does great job for mid range though. But again that’s not hidden under “custom BA”.

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A.S., don’t doubt for a moment how good these are and what you have accomplished. I’ve owned/heard many kilo buck IEMs and the Butastur beats them all. No other IEM sounds as realistic, correct, “you are there”. Some tracks sound fuller or whatever with my Neon Pro or my SR8 but for 80% of everything I own the Butastur blows my mind.
I WILL buy your next offering!


Thank you!:laughing::raised_hands::+1:

Next model will be 2,999USD :face_with_hand_over_mouth: (jk)


Yes, on stage experience is what I wanted Butastur to sound like too.

That experience,

The heated audiences, indistinguishable sea of chats, almost blinding bright spotlight, the actual heat you can feel from the spot lights, the huge amps, wide open views full of people. Your buddies on stage. The emotions. The almost visible vibrations of sound waves.

Many IEMs are tuned based on listeners experiences, from the side of ones watching, but I felt lack of engagement of the “on stage” illustration. Many are vocal oriented, and instruments were the second priority. That works for vocal main rock/pops, but lacked “on stage musical engagement “ .

Unique Melody knows “on stage engagement “ and is practicing in their releases, but…what the heck happened to their pricing…latest flagship Pearl Amber is priced at whopping $20,000 USD as a limited set with Cayin’s 30th anniversary model, N30LE, which is $6,000. If you do the match that little IEM costs $14,000 alone😩

I see only private doctors and capitalists buying those and showing off, without any analytical output, nothing more than “omg this thing sounds good”. So no matter how good those IEMs are, it’s sold to people who don’t really have any saying into hobby🤷‍♂️

Surely it will sound good but their mentality is exactly what I mentioned earlier.

“If we sell cheap, people value sound based on price. So we have to offer expensive, let some Elon Musks enjoy these high-class sound and status”

Unique Melody, once a friendly private remolding servicing company of Ultimate Ears IEMs, is making Trophy earphones for richest people’s showing off toys. Sigh.


thank you for your insight :v: :sunglasses: :+1:


Not to knock anyone in particular but over at the “watercolor” on Head-fi, most of those guys won’t even consider an IEM any good unless it’s mega buck. I have to laugh when I see these same guys playing these $$$$ IEMs through $600 DAPS. Or only listening to streaming. Or listening to low res files. Most of them are professional types with large salaries. I’ve been in the audio hobby/audiophile sphere since the late seventies and it’s always been like this. Some are relentlessly chasing perfect sound and some are into the status thing, or a combo of both. But I know great sound can be had for less than buying Wilson Watts and megabuck amps , dacs and transports. In many cases sounding much better. My modest $15K system sounded better than most $100K setups.
The same can be said for portable audio. I enjoyed my L&P P6 Ti with my Trailii but I am brought to tears listening to the Butastur with my Hiby RS6/ Micron card setup. Yes the P6 is a better dap but the synergy my new setup has is truly astounding. So about $1,800 vs. $12,000. For more pleasure. If I posted this on the “watercolor” thread I would get utter silence in response. For me it’s ALL about the sound. And if I can do that and save a ton of $$$, all the better!!!


Totally agree and wow from seventies😳

Hope somebody bring their best sounding Butastur set up to CanJam and have them auditioned.

Price tag sometime may not reflect the performance , the sound doesn’t😄


I’m bringing mine to CanJam So Cal, but not like I have a booth. Letting a few people from Superreviews check it out. Is a good set!


I think a lot of onus lies on us as a fan of Butastur. We should shout out loud and sing praises on every platform possible. Something which is good, worth every penny and more should be brought up in every discussion.


@AmericanSpirit_JP did it cross 70 yet? I am touring my set here in India. Getting SR8 tomorrow from a guy, will listen and send that and Butastur together to him. Till date 3 people have listened to them. All of them currently have or had IEMs worth kilobuck or multikilobucks.

Two of them have kilobuck single DD (D’s Audio Fire Phoenix, Sennheiser IE900), the other has Noble Audio Kublai Khan, 64 Audio Fourte.

All of them unequivocally loved the Butastur. 2 of them are thinking of buying it, but they will decide only after listening to the SR8.

BTW, I for sure am never buying the Tia Fourte. I do not know if it was the cable or not, but the midrange of Fourte sounded somewhat bloated. Yeah more spacious than Butastur for sure, but that bloat threw the balance off. It is quite criminally priced at $3599! The Kublai Khan, at $1000 lesser price, had a much more pleasing and balanced sound overall. But still, to think that I have to pay 5 times the price of Butastur to obtain just a bit more spacious sound is very hard to reason with.


been mentioning it on utube :v: :sunglasses: :+1:

“Processing” - this is what Penon has to say to me the day after I broke through and ordered a Bustatur :dizzy: The most beautiful word in the English language to me rn!

Thanks for making this possible American Spirit!

I’m pretty much stunned rn - already ordered my H570s in two sizes just to be safe…off to re-read the thread from the top :stuck_out_tongue:


How are you all, greetings from Peru. I have been following the entire Butastur thread and I decided to order it almost two days ago. Those from Peñón told me that today they would send me the tracking code but still nothing, the truth is that it bothers me a little that they say something and it is not fulfilled, even if it is for 1 day hehe.
In any case, I don’t know anyone from the Latin American community who has requested Butastur, so I will probably be the first in my region to have it, and much more certainly the first Peruvian to have it.
psdt: forgive the English in case it is poorly written, I take help from the translator because my English is relatively basic


Yea I guess it’s 70-80 mark. Last past few days I saw at least 5 or 6 new Butastur landed to Japan, who publicly announced.

SR8 is very high density rich and gorgeous sound, you probably would find vocal and lower register very very amusing✨


Welcome to Night Oblivion family from Latin America😆

Yea Penon shipping is manually handled and would delay by couple of days. No worry they will eventually ship.

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