Night Oblivion - discussions

I received the iem and started listening to them briefly for a few short sessions the past 2 days. Really appreciate the details and clarity of the instruments with this Iem.

I was considering SR8 before but the low impedance was a concern as I would probably need to add a NX7 to deal with that output impedance for my player. Decided to PM you for the code and that sealed the deal. Thank you for bring this iem at this lower price so many more can experience this level of performance.

I kind of prefer the bass with the blacksoul cable over the stock using the H570 tips. Have to spend more time to figure which works better for my collection of music.


Your English is great. I hope you enjoy your set.


think Alex Acuna has a set :v::sunglasses::+1:
BTW thought Penon where great; saved me a bunch of money from the bandits at customs :rofl:

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Was able to compare the Butastur and Sound Rhyme SR8 today. From tgx78’s graph database:

My impressions pretty much reflects what can be depicted from the graph above. Let’s break them down.

  • Technicalities-wise both are completely comparable. Note details, textures, and resolution are at par on both.
  • SR8 has a slightly bolder midbass with bigger notes and more slam. The subbass has slightly less emphasis but does not feel hollow. In comparison, Butastur has a more evenly emphasised bass region with mid and subbass having comparable energy. Midbass is definitely less bold on Butastur even with 1-0 position, but the slam is still pleasant enough for my ears. Subbass depth is slightly more.
  • Butastur is considerably more airy because of the more controlled bass. The presentation is more spacious.
  • SR8 midrange is distinctly more warm, with slightly thicker notes. Butastur midrange notes feel slightly leaner, but definitely not thin.
    This may be a personal preference, but to my ears the slightly thicker and warmer midrange of SR8 feels a bit unnatural. Butastur mids sound more akin to DD mids comparably, and hence more to my preference.
  • Treble-wise both are comparable - similar energy and extension. SR8 treble has a tinge more warm.
  • SR8 soundstage feels slightly smaller due to the slightly thicker notes, but still quite well-defined. Butastur has a bigger soundstage with more enveloping presentation.
  • Separation and imaging are comparable on both.
  • Was not expecting it, but surprisingly, the SR8 fit is quite comfortable! I was using the T-APB T300 tips, so not sure if that was the reason. But I had very very less pressure build-up inside my ear. Butastur is more comfortable, but SR8 is not bad at all.

@AmericanSpirit_JP Do Neon Pro and Turbo have a similar level of comfort like SR8?


How is the bass and overall signature as compared to DDs in these two IEMs?

I have try Neon pro once so for me it’s not comfortable at all. it’s chunky and has a wired shape that poke my ears so bad.


Comfort depends. SR8 shell is more universally comfortable.

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See Audio Neko was also not very big, but it created uncomfortable pressure build up and was quite painful. SR8 was a nice surprise.

Thanks for the heads up. They are big indeed. I don’t think they will be much comfortable.

Fits my ears more or less like a custom. Super comfortable for me.


And the new ones is a little different to the older handbuilt shell.

No pressure build up issues? Do they have vents?

I have never had any problems with pressure buildup, in any unvented IEM. NP is unvented, and I know people have sold only for this issue. Also know one person that has problems with unvented IEM’s, but not with the hand built NP, so this is truly different from person to person! The “wing” on hand built units ar bigger than on the 3d printed version.


Put the SR8 in 0-1 mode and compared again today with Butastur (1-0)

  • First of all, the change in sound with the bass switch is profoundly radical compared to Butastur. It completely changes the sound of SR8. The bass becomes flat, and yet the body of the notes is not severely compromised. Just the energy in them is noticeably reduced, but the slam and rumbles have quite nice weight yet. Kind of reminded me of the Tanchjim Ola. The subbass roll off is more noticeable. In this setting of SR8, Butastur has a fuller low-end presentation in comparison.
  • The midrange warmth and body are not reduced greatly. May be slightly, but still the midrange has thicker notes compared to Butastur, with just a tinge less warmth, but still more than Butastur.
  • Owing to the reduction in bass power, the stage cleans up and transparency improves, surpassing the Butastur slightly. The midrange notes gain slightly more tangibility compared to Butastur.
  • The soundstage still seems a tinge less expansive compared to Butastur. Butastur soundstage seems to have a bit more height.

Overall, Butastur still remains my preferred set.


Here is size comparison

SR8, MEST2, Butastur, VX, Neon Pro

You can see Butastur is significantly smaller being a full size 10BA.

Turbo is similar size with SR8.



Jeez still waiting for the h570’s to turn up (aliexpress slowboat :rofl:) BUT the pentaconn coreir one’s did & sound so good on the NOB that from now on more likely to use configuration 0-0 or 1-1; significant lift in sub bass + very detailed sound throughout.
Thanks to American Spirit for the recommendation :v::sunglasses::+1:


can only compare it to the tanchjim oxygen; NOB has less bass quantity, but has more natural bass quality., which surprised me as dd’s usually give better timbre. hope that helps :v::sunglasses::+1:
Butastur’s only weakness is that it doesn’t do binaural recordings well. overall sound is as mentioned before is like being on stage surrounded by the instruments; very natural & refined tuning. Jinny Tan knows exactly what he is doing, and American Spirit aint too shabby neither :grin:


I haven’t had long with it so more to follow, but I’ve given a listen to @MMag05 ‘s Butastur and it’s for sure a fantastic set, a real genre chameleon. Doesn’t give me that “all BA” vibe that even the venerated SA6 do (I like that set, but it sounds all BA from the get go, a clear flavoring)


I got a DM from Akros the other day that he got H570 and found it very much matching with Butastur👍

Hope you will receive yours soon!