Night Oblivion - discussions

How is the Prestige LTD, Monarch MK3 as compared to the Butastur. Not necessarily better or worse, but if someone has any opinions on comparison of signature, SQ, and fit?

I have the Butastur and MK3. The MK3 fits a bit better. Sonically… it’s tough but both are very good. Monarch is a better iem, but not sure if it is 400 dollars better.


ordered another pair just in case. maybe this time AE will put it on a plane :grimacing:

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Mine might be on the same boat, lol. My Butastur is less than 80 miles away, awaiting USPS pickup - won’t be long now. :crossed_fingers:. The H570, though? No idea. When it gets here, I plan to roll whatever comes stock along with Xelastecs, W1s and CP155s first, then some other funkiness I always give a shot. Coreir will have to wait, but I expect my IEM- related expenditures to go down, so once my bank account recovers a bit, I’ll probs go there :stuck_out_tongue:


The azla xel’s work quite well on the NOB, kbear07’s just ok, but the coreir’s are best yet. if the Butastur sounds even better with the h570’s that’d be amazing!
Hope your NOB arrives asap :v::sunglasses::+1:

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Are you still using the ADV tube amp with the Butastur?
How did it changed/improved the sound when compared with your Fiio Dap?

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Thanks :pray:. I have found the Xelastecs to be fairly reliable problem solvers when I’m having trouble with nozzle geometry (both in terms of dimensions and angle), and the wide, firm bore serves up the sounds my ears like to hear…

Just checked the tracking, though, and it’s looking like the H570s should be here within a day or two of the Butastur :dizzy:

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Is there anyone with the Supernova here? I need to know if Supernova has the pressure build up issue like the other regular BA iems, or is it much less, similar to SR8? Not expecting it to be similar to Butastur.


I’m very interested in these tips, as I’m sensitive to pressure build-up (tried only one full ba set, so it could be the set’s fault; I doubt it though : I have difficulties bearing pressure of anc headphones, too).

I checked on aliE and it’s 17€ for 2 pairs in one size, one pair being “treble” and the other one being “bass”.
At the end of the day you have to spend 17 bucks for a pair of tip with pressure relief… I’ll try to get used to pressure build-up, should be less expensive :innocent:


Can become more expensive in other ways if tinnitus sets in.


would love to get AS’s opinion on these too. noticed the sizes are small; T300B max’ size is 13x9x4; bore may be ok at 4mm, length is good at 9mm, but the diameter large size is 13mm :man_shrugging:


@MMag05 help him out


The only IEM that has really given me pressure build up is the Neon Pro. Comparing Supernova to Neon Pro is a night and day difference. Now comparing Butastur to Supernova would be a further reach. I don’t want to say pressure build up isn’t an issue some may face just that it’s not apparent like it is on NP for me.


Yes but as you may know I do not have problem with pressure buildup. Will shortly send it to my friend who do sometimes struggle with this. Long delivery time on Supernova. Would be sad to wait many months just to be dissapointed!



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Or if you buy Tanchijim KARA you get full S/M/L of both T-APB (Treble) and T-APB (Bass). A total of 6 pairs.


Yea the size is very small, I’d
consider L as ML or even M size.

T-APB is a unique ear tip which has built in pressure release vents inside the ear tip.

The sound is fairly natural and I find Tanchjim did a great job making a ear tip.


I have been reading this forum for the past couple days and decided to make an account to let you know I just made the purchase! This is definitely the most I’ve spent on sound but I am excited. I currently have the Kiwi Ears orchestra light but was rather disappointed due to discomfort and non venting. I hope these make me retire those pair and can be worn all day for gaming and music. Thank you for all your hard work!


Oh you’re in for a party! Butastur sounds remarkably better than Orchestra Lite. OL is bigger, has bigger bass and thicker mids, and more uncomfortable. Butastur is a bliss on the ears in comparison - both from comfort and sound.

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Got my NBO today, and the H570s - perfect combo :dizzy:

I haven’t had nearly enough time with them, and I really need to tamp down some serious gush right now :stuck_out_tongue:

So, I’m going take some more to listen, and I am really going to enjoy it. :wink:

Then I’ll be back…