Night Oblivion - discussions

Good looking out - thanks!

Also - welcome!

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To all Butastur owners, just give this track a spin… My goodness - the dynamics, the attack.
Lovin’ it.


Hi. How does the Xenns Top compare to the Butastur? I was thinking of buying one of the two. I want something with good details and where I can listen to all kinds of music. Thanks for the help and sorry for my english


Welcome - your English is just fine! :dizzy:

I don’t have any experience of the Xenns Top, but I am a recent owner of a Butastur - I left some comments above. I’m liking it more as time goes on. :star_struck:

I’m happy to give more detail, if you have specific questions…


I was out of town for a while. It’s a busy job season for me.

Will check back any posts. Sorry for the late reply🙏



finally got the h570s last week & now can hear what you guys have been on about; Butastur is really something, like a live experience, image stage & tone/ timbre very natural sounding. :100:% :v: :sunglasses: :+1:


how does it compare to the h570s?

have thought this, but if the nozzle were longer, it might be detrimental to performance? BTW my right ear gives a bit of trouble sometimes, so pulling back twice with opposite hand usually works. let us know if the O rings work?

As I said in the PM, for every kind of music the safe choice is the Xenns Top.
You will get almost all of the details that the Butastur give you, but it DD bass and an amazing subass.
Also the timbre in the Top is very natural :+1:

Mind you, I’m using a M11S as my source. This is a very neutral Player and I think in the end it benefits the Xenns Top more…
If you source is warmer the Butastur may sound warmer to your ears…


Since then, I’ve been enjoying a less painful experience wearing the Butastur. Not sure what happened. I have quite a rise in the tragus (tragic, you might say), especially with my left ear, and that’s where I was feeling a building painful sensation. Maybe I’ve just adjusted psychologically, or the area has become less sensitive to the pressure, or maybe I’ve subtly adjusted the angle of the left earpiece.

Whatever it is, I haven’t been noticing the pain, so I’ve put the o-ring experiment on hold…

I will add that I find the Butastur quite easy to seat in the ear, and very quick and easy to find the right seal point with the 570s.

In that regard it joins the Dunu Talos and Akoustyx S6 of my collection, and stands in direct contrast to the EPZ530, which, while admirably small, has really annoyingly angled nozzles which don’t work at all well with my ear topology, especially my left, where I have not only the high tragus wall to deal with, but also a non-linear path into the canal, again due to the tragus creating a need for a hard left. Sorry for tmi :stuck_out_tongue:

i don’t have h570 so i can’t compare. sorry.

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the spinfits cp100+ is also 10mm (xl size 14mm wide) long & works pretty well with most iems


@AmericanSpirit_JP are you still using the ADV AMP with the Butastur?
How is the background noise with this?


After a few months of hiatus from the hobby, I’ll finally get to try out the Butastur in a few days. While the tour package from my good buddies in our tour group includes some other incredible IEMs, I can confidently say that the Butastur is my most anticipated IEM to listen to in the said box. I look forward to taking some pics and having them at home to finally see what the project offers. I’ve been following since the very beginning over on Head-Fi, and hearing all of the positive feedback surrounding the set has me excited.


Butatsur gonna get that Dom touch with the photos. Looking forward to seeing some pictures and reading your thoughts.


I’m breaking out the Nikon and LED lights to make em’ shine, thank you for the opportunity, Mags! My plan is to make em look as good as @Leonarfd makes them look :sunglasses:


Dom gonna seduce the Buzzard and then keep her home with him. Boy is gonna fall hard and he don’t even know it, yet


Head/Dead-Fi is the wrong place. I think you weren’t on a break from the hobby, you were just there :wink:.
But… cheers for Butastur…

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No sir, before @AmericanSpirit_JP came over here exclusively, he frequented the discovery thread which was one of the only threads I enjoy there. He began speaking on the Butastur (before it had a name) on the discovery thread. That’s what I meant :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome back chap - looking forward to your take on these and also your pics… :eyes: