Night Oblivion - discussions

That’s so kind of you brother, thank you for the warm welcome back! I’ll make sure to deliver the goods in the coming days!


Yea I’m using ADV balanced tube amp with Butastur, I replaced stock OpAmp with Muse02 x 2, you can find those Muse02 in high end stackables.

IMO you don’t need to buy Cayin’s fullsize DAP if you have this Amp, it’s Class A.

I have both Cayin’s RU6 and RU7, and despite many people claims RU7 as a better dongle, I like RU6’s analog timbre better. Yes sure you get better technicality from RU7, but that’s what L&P is good at. The tube amp like timbre from RU6 combined with ADV is hard to replace.

To your question background noise, is pretty dark with RU6, only time I can hear the noise when not playing the music is when you plug a bad AC USB power directly to the amp. If you mobile battery to charge the amp, no noise.

The amp has class A, class 2A switch, alongside with single end (1tube only), and balanced (2tubes).

DD hifi’s TC09S.

It has separate shielding between power and data, and it does work well to reduce noise levels especially when you are charging the upstreams.


And here is my latest IEM hobby booth😁


Thanks for the reply.

Where did you get the op amp? AliExpress?

Is it easy to swap the op amp? I Never did that. Does it need to be soldered?

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Yea from AE.

Here is the link. It’s not cheap as you need 2 of them.

Switching OpAmp on this amp is pretty easy, no soldering required. Just pull old one with flat head screw driver, and put the new one in.

As easy as adding RAMs to desktop computers.


Just ordered this NiceHCK best flagship cable, AceOrpheus.

Trying to seek a possible synergy with Butastur.

Exact same composition with PW Audio Orpheus.

-8N OCC, Independent insulation + multilayer enamel + outer layer TRP insulation

Anyone interested can refer this tweet:

They offer exclusive discount code “HCKISBEST” so you can get the cable for $100.

Total of 200 units. First 7 days for $100, the. $119 after that. First in first serve.


Interesting…I don’t think I have ever noticed an 8N designation before - that is a super-high purity level, no?

So, do you think this would take the Butastur in the same direction as the MoonGod, only perhaps… moreso?

Edit: or does the silver plating in the MoonGod have more of an influence?

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Just order one.

Regarding the ADV AMP I will wait for 11/11 and by then I will buy the Amp and the op amps.
Are you thinking on changing the tubes?


I absolutely love how this cable looks. Regardless of the materials used inside, the aesthetic is fantastic. The code still works and I am tempted…


Dag, just read up a bit on the PW Audio Orpheus :eyes:

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Already ordered!!


Would love to see some comparisons of Butastur with some of these heavy hitter cables like this one, MoonGod, BlackSoul, etc.

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Thanks for the AceOrpheus link and code AS.

I just ordered it on a whim. If it’s a clone of the PW Orpheus and only half as good, it’ll still be a bargain at the price :grin:

Here’s hoping that it’s an upgrade on the stock NOB cable (which already seems to be pretty good!).


Still not too sure about synergy.

I have DragonScale and MoonGod of NiceHCK, then this AceOrpheus incoming, I found Butastur marches well with MoonGod better.

As DragonScale looks similar to this AceOrpheus, the synergy maybe limited. We will see.

Unfortunately, I’m out of town in USA for most of October, and will visit Japan in November, so I can only confirm that in December.

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Yea! Let’s hope!

NiceHCK received a total of 800 unit order from a German high-end cable maker for this, and they purchased raw materials worth of 1000 units.

They removed the brand name from that cable and are selling under NiceHCK factory OEM product.

They mentioned the German one will be retailed at 650 Euro.


Gotcha - thanks; gonna re-read your earlier comments on the cables :+1:

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That German seller sells to crazy buyers. :upside_down_face:
NiceHCK Moongod is quite irritating around the ears. I’ll probably need to insert silicon hooks.

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All the cables are sold out… :frowning_with_open_mouth:

That went fast…

Just got my Butastur and WOW. The pressure relieving alone is worth the purchase. Is this the only IEM with this kind of passive ear pressure venting?