Night Oblivion - discussions


10 char

It’s a blissful night…


Sawano stans unite!

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I’ll forever be grateful to you for Hiroyuki Sawano


Last week I’ve spent most of my listening time with the Butastur + AceOrpheus and I changed my opinion a bit.
Depending on the album, the Butastur can be amazing with metal, specially live albums, and of course, well master studio albums…

As time goes by I love them more and more


How long will Butastur be produced for?
And how do I DM American Spirit

Well previously you shared a broken face plate image due to cleaning, to me that is hell funny how on can break the face plate from cleaning. I can’t imagine how much force is required to break the faceplate from cleaning. These uv resin stuff is strong, they are used as nail polish on women’s nails so believe me they are strong.

Dirty faceplate with stuff inside is a totally different issue all together. If the ashes in inside the resin there is no way you can clean it out from the outside.

I said it as a joke but I truly I am skeptical about it being broken from cleaning.

It is probably wise to get a replacement to begin with than to take matters into your own hands by ‘cleaning’ it.

Welcome to HFGF :smiley:

If click on his user profile it will bring up a box which will allow you to message him :+1:

I was told a replacement was warranted.
In August…
3 months later man…
Nobody said they need to look at it so send it back, it was obvious by pic that ash had gotten on the cap pre oven(Jinny’s diagnosis) …so I’m still waiting. Happy to replace was the term

I’m happy to have it replaced is my reply.

I did say no rush in response but 3 months later i got no set,


That’s fair, it surprised me…but, if this set was recapped it wouldn’t

This pic has a timestamp in it’s name
(before I thought I’d be replying to you…we don’t know each other obviously )

The W10 was shelved but the shells and drivers and BRAS etc were carried over to the N.O. product as mentioned by American Spirit himself who said there was some cross polinating and some sets that were a combo of
Forget night Audio (still printed on cable terms after the move)

The caps being moved/switched/repurposed makes total sense…I know the hobby well. And again, he alluded to a few (3) sets being out in the wild as the project moved in the direction of N.O. so cap rolling makes a buncha sense.

The white paint blemish came off with rubbing and tried to do the rest and it came off. This can spiral into OEM talk which is not something anyone wants to get into so lets leave it alone.

Shit happens, it makes sense, the set was already deemed worthy of replacement, I gave it away to a subscriber and tried to polish/rub it out myself.


How do you like that ADV amp? I already have a Dragonfly Red and recently got myself a Q11 and thinking of maybe picking the ADV to complement the two.

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I’ve put my Butastur up for sale if anyone’s interested.

Had the set for about two months, bought direct from Penon.

The cable and tips are completely unused. The two smalls bags included in the box which contain the modular plugs and tips themselves are still unopened.

Only looking to sell within the uk, but I’ll post by Royal Mail Special delivery (guaranteed by 1pm the following day).

Link to the ad here - Night Oblivion Butastur | Headphone Reviews and Discussion -


already have a set, but would grab these if not :v: :sunglasses: :+1:

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I ended up buying the ADV amp and a pair of Muses OP AMP on this black friday.

Let’s see how they work with the Butastur and the rest of my iems.


How does the AceOrpheus compares to the Dragon scales?

Just want to share that my copy is fine, none of the workmanship problems that you experienced.

Guess he was’t smoking when he made mine :slight_smile:

Don’t know, I don’t have the Dragon Scale
@AmericanSpirit_JP have both I think

Must be dust unless the guy actually smokes cigarettes :nauseated_face:
Anyway…coming up on a month with no replies about a replacement
@Ohmboy you said a new brand around here had better have some service for QA/QC stuff…well…I’m only in this thread because of non service…that was promised 3 months ago (I started asking about 1 month ago)


@AmericanSpirit_JP any follow up on this?


This market is way too competitive for any manufacture especially a new one to be complacent about QA/QC imho…there’s a saying that sums this up very well "Begin as you mean to go on, and go on as you began” folks don’t forget bad experiences but if situations are resolved quickly and efficiently this’s not forgotten either. Hopefully Penon or whoever will pull their finger out and do the right thing now rather than later :crossed_fingers: