Night Oblivion - discussions

Hi - I’ve noticed that there’s a pretty wide price spread for these opamps - any reason to think one seller is a more reliable source than another? Thanks…

I saw a couple of sellers and end up buying this one:

I would say that op amps of this model priced around 10$/15$ can’t be real.

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Gotcha - thought that might be the case. Thanks! :pray:

I’ve certainly seen my share of fake transistors :confused:

yes, they are sold for like 40 usd per PIECE on mouser which is an official/legit site.


what is the story about the W10/ NOB controversy?

All started here…

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I’ve read that, but thanks for putting it up. bottom line is how much did the w10 retail for?

I was following it on Taobao and it retailed for 1880 RMB but when the Butastur released, the W10 increased its price to 2880 RMB…


i have the NOB & i’m happy with it, but can’t help wondering if the w10 is the same iem for less

Don’t sweat it…

Chill and enjoy the :notes: brah


must have missed that filum :sweat_smile:

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I don’t have any evidence the taobao page linked above in a screenshot existed months ago; it was always 2880 RMB. But here’s the link AS bought his from that was 1880 previously. I don’t know if anything has changed on this page since then and I never clicked on it when it was discussed, but it list the previous configuration.

This looks pretty dope. I like the look of this better than Butastur.


I just wondering where is @AmericanSpirit_JP rightnow ?


yeah me too :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
if i have a problem with my nob, do i return it to forget night audio. i’ve had it with this market

I’m fairly confident that @AmericanSpirit_JP will probably never be seen on this forum or Headfi again. He accomplished his pump and dump, dipped out silently, and probably checks in every now and again here under the radar. He’s reading these messages and comments… he wants nothing to do with all this heat.


Aye tis strange, roll and existing IEM, spin a yarn about it’s blah, blah…then do one :man_running::dash:
Can’t believe he made much :dollar: out of that, lost face, trust within our community so where does that leave him and NO after that :man_shrugging:

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I have to agree. I don’t know how much he could have made from this whole fiasco, but losing all credibility cannot be worth the amount of money he got as a kickback. It’s so fascinating to me, the decision-making aspect of it all that is.


We say that but look how long he got away with it even after he basically admitted the grift.

The only reason he got scrutiny was HBB stayed on his ass about the messed up set. If not for that, he would have gotten away with it pretty clean


Chris keeping things real and above board…

Dope track too :call_me_hand:

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I am not the one to hop easily on definite conclusions as - well, there is a chance you are all wrong and I just tend to believe in people. From his twitter it looks like 3-4 weeks ago (which coincides with the beginning of this whole drama) he decided to relocate from US back to Japan and it is a work in progress now. So there is a small chance private life got in the way and he would go.
However, seeing that he is active from time to time on twitter talking about other IEMs it is hard to believe he would not have 20 minutes to respond to any of those serious accusations… If what you say would turn out to be true that would really suck on many different levels