Night Oblivion - discussions

That’s not a bad way to look at it, I don’t have twitter so I was mostly going by the trusted word of some folks on here about his total absence from this forum whilst being active on twitter at the same time. IMO it would take him no more than 20 minutes to respond with a blanket statement just like you said.

Its unfortunate but it is what it is


In the end, I didn’t really understand whether NOB is a good IEM or not??? At the level of SA6 MK2 maybe or not?! What is this argument really about? Maybe because defective IEMs from NOB cannot be returned for repair? If NOB is a good IEM I don’t see why people spit on it !? Most IEMs have prototypes in the configuration or tuning! Most companies do nothing but rework the FR slightly and release a “new” IEM at a higher price. Argument in this case is pointless…
I’m not defending anyone, just trying to reason logically. :sunglasses:

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I see what you’re saying brother, playing devils advocate and all - but I think the outrage stems from the blatant lies surrounding the entire situation. The cherry on top is @AmericanSpirit_JPs sudden departure from the forums altogether once problems started to arise. If he had been honest from the beginning and said the NOB was maybe a developed IEM stemming from the W10, with many improvements in SQ or comfort or pressure relief or whatever, I don’t think anyone would have batted an eye.


Ah, sure. There are many problems with the QC. Pity.
I haven’t been following this thread for very long. Apparently there are crooks everywhere…

I just read the last few days of replies and I’m kinda sad. Were all the reviewers honest at least? I dont know who to believe anymore

AS mentioned Jinny and his work on w10 during the story-telling phase, when bustastur wasn’t out yet. I’m pretty sure he spoke about reusing parts of the old w10 to produce at least some bustastur units. But I can’t remember exactly what link he drawed between the 2 sets.

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He didn’t hide its relation to W10, and it in fact has different BAs, so it wasn’t a simple retuning. Here’s some comments on head-fi (I never saw his Butastur thread the mods took down there, but it was probably the exact same verbiage he had here.)

It’s a difference one from W10, it’s redesigned from the scratch and using different drivers / crossovers but yes it’s the 10BA from Night Oblivion for international marketGrinning face with smiling eyes :smile:Thumbs up :thumbsup:

Thank you!!

It’s not as easy as I expected… not just sending FR and call it done…

from selecting proper drivers and testing the implementation, cost vs benefit, conflicts between master tuner from design to tuning, language barriers (we only communicated in Chinese) time difference ( 12-14 hours).

Which honestly makes less sense to me. Someone already commented recently that they were sent 2 via contacting Penon due to QC and one being sent to difference address. AS did reply to HBB (who obviously had a legit claim) and said to contact Penon which he apparently didn’t do. I don’t think Jinny even knows English, and AS might not even know what is going on here. I know Click said he ditched the place after just days after HBB replied to AS, but AS already mentioned in August (at least) he was going to Japan. He hasn’t really been that active on twitter either.

Here’s a few of his tweets:

I’m actually about to make a pretty big decision right now.

I poured my entire life into building the foundation of my life from scratch by moving from Japan to the United States.

I gave up all my status, honor, and money.
A path to living modestly with a certain woman in Japan
I’ve been with my girlfriend for 20 years, and the wind is against me.
I want to live a life without regrets

Good morning :smiley:Actually, the purpose of my visit to Japan this time was to gain ground in my current company, and to ask around to see if there are any good jobs available. He is a single aristocrat who has gotten everything he wants, but it doesn’t seem like he will be able to have a happy family, so he is starting to make preparations to move on to his current path. Thank you for your prayers

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You don’t visit a thread for a minute and this occurs.
I certainly hope AS hasn’t taken a powder.
He’s certainly got some 'splaining to do.

very disappointed

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They didn’t get it for free, so the potential bias may be with fanboying AS, but a large number of people who already had 500+ sets said that it was one of their top. It does come with really good BAs, and those that commented on the pressure relief system say it works so I don’t doubt that it is good value. Relatedly, I find it amusing that AS downplayed it in comparison to SR8 and expressed some strengths that it had over NOB, but then several people who got NOB were like, “This blows SR8 out of the water!”

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Just got a PM on x, I’m in Japan right now and am undergoing much more important life events than my hobby right now.

It dictates how I would live going forward.

Just saw @hawaiibadboy ’s giveaway unit’s topic, I can contact Jinny for the replacement but I do think after market customer care would go smoother if you directly contact the shop you purchased. It shall be covered by warranty I guess.

I’m going to be pretty busy with change of life for the rest of the month, hopefully everything gets back to normal, or maybe I have to abandon my hobby going forward.

Sorry for the slow response, I have much more important things going around than hobby right now…

See you guys around in a month or so!

Had a spare minute to audition 64 audio U12t at Fujiya Avic of Nakano Tokyo, and many others at E-earphone Akihabara main tower for TOTLs including UE Premier Pro , Visions Ears, Noble Audio, and all those $5k USD class ones.

-things wowed me positively and negatively:

Monarch MKII: yea the bass response improved, best cost performance for the full stack EST tribrids

-Softears RS10: very nicely tuned slight U taste. Vocal oriented neutral with great technicality. Appears to be unvented, and probably one of my favorite unvented 10BA so far.

-Vision Ears VE8: very nicely tuned 8BA. Solid technicalities.

-Elysium and other TOTL of Vision Ears: great if not looking at price tag.

-64audio U6t: nicely tuned 6BA, taking best of a 6BA with 64 style, I like the tuning better than U12t, if technicality isn’t your priority, U6t worth a try.

-64Audio U12t: Highly technical, slightly unnatural in upper end, the colored brightness make U12t very widely open in space. Bass is very strong and I personally didn’t find U12t to be a likeable IEM at initial impression, but as we all know, set ups matter.

-64audio U18s: no comment….It was a nightmare to me.

-all Noble Audio IEMs: not my taste at all. Not natural at least, very very strong tastes.

-UE Premier Pro: pretty nicely executed multi-BA with UE taste, the relaxed top-end with mild V, pretty nice tuning. If I had unlimited spending budget, I may try it more with different set ups, it has a good potential.


…and scene

There you have ladies and gents. Jumping to conclusions is not prudent, it wasn’t in his character to disappear.
Don’t ya feel, a bit dirty…lol. I’m remorseful.


Are you serious? Time to give impressions of various expensive sets but not time to address the rebadged-W10 issue more convincingly? This little cameo does zero to change any of the serious claims. It wasn’t meant to, and it succeeds at that. But that’s what people need.

That’s like if Bob from IMR popped up on the Trinity kickstarter page to say “Hi, in a rush, lots going on, btw here’s what I think of several sets I’ve heard lately” - and had someone say “See, I knew it wasn’t a scam.” Appearing for a second isn’t the same as clearing your name.



Before you started an exciting new chapter of life you asked myriad strangers to invest heavily in your business endeavor. You’re still responsible to them, and owe them much more than this.


No, you can do it, since you took the lead in bringing it to the attention of folks who said it gets replaced otherwise I have to explain this story from zero

You were super engaged with selling this set, telling me it would be replaced so you get it done A.S.A.P
And then afer we can talk about your origin story…I’m going to break your story down brick by brick and then you will apologize to everyone in this Forum for going way way over the line with total bullshit

Get me my set.


Says different!’s all about priorities at the end of the day and I think it’s quite plain for everyone to see where yours lie.


Dude, I think you just dug your hole a little deeper. The part where you mentioned you’d be back In about a month from now and hopefully things go back to normal and if not, you’ll have to quit the hobby.

Brother, let me tell you something. That sounds like a sob story to me. The whole “poor me” act ain’t gonna cut it here.

If you can spare literally 5 minutes to type out something of an explanation or even an apology, that would go a long way. The fact that you had time to structure your thoughts on some other random IEMs at a show you had hours to spare in order to attend, just tells us you’re taking this conman persona to the grave.

Definitely not a good look on top of what’s happening already. If you don’t address what’s going on, yeah, you’ll have to walk away from this community and I think we can all agree that’s for the best.


Translation: Hey guys, a fan of mine messaged me on Twitter about getting slammed on HFGF, so I came back to spew some BS so that hopefully it will pacify my critics and get my remaining gullible fans to defend me more.

I have better things to do than to respond to criticisms on a forum for an IEM I hyped the ever living shit out of, like listening to a bunch of expensive IEMs. Sales dried up, so I can’t be bothered to keep shilling for it anymore. If I keep getting criticized, I’ll just dip again for another month, or maybe forever. LOL please believe my “life is too busy” excuse.

I’m too busy to check back with this forum that I lived on when I was trying to sell the recapped IEM you guys purchased, then disappeared for months when an influential YouTuber wanted me to replace a set that had messed up faceplates. Go bother Penon or this Jinny guy and not me about getting any replacements kthnx.

Hopefully y’all bought the shit I just typed up. Laters!



I would like to pitch in here. I still have the Butastur and it is an absolute Gourmet experience for me when I want to indulge myself. I do not see myself selling it anytime soon. Despite the questionable lack of activities on behalf of @AmericanSpirit_JP , the fact holds true that Butastur is truly a wonderfully tuned IEM with outstanding technicality and tonality.


Hello @AmericanSpirit_JP that’s great and all but there is a situation here that I think if I were you, I would address ASAP since this is your project, the success it had was in a big part, associated with you promoting it (ofc in the end what matters is the sound) and know you pretty much disappeared from the forums leaving at least two people with bad sets.

You don’t need to physically go to their place and give them a new set, but at least to influence Jin and penon to do the right thing.