Night Oblivion - discussions

I like mine too, it was gifted to me and I really appreciate it. It’s the best set I have for treble.

But if it’s true that buyers could have simply bought an already existing set for much less, and even then might have passed without the added incentive of supporting someone’s dream project, they need to know.

There’s a glimmer of a chance AS could be innocent of the above but his effort and attitudes toward the people who supported him aren’t promising, and frankly suggest the opposite.

If I came up with a story about designing it from the ground up and called it the Assflavur, how much do you think I could sell my modded Kiwi Ears Cadenzas for recapped? It’s a great sounding IEM in its own right but that doesn’t entitle me to abuse people’s trust and pocket a massive markup.



Can’t agree more on that.
To my ears Butastur still is the most enjoyable set I’ve ever heard, the most comfortable as well.

Mind you, I’ve never had any kilobuck IEM, any 64Audio, Fir Audio, etc. so I may be a lot behind.

Sure, all the shady stuff is not to be ignored. If all this holds true, then American Spirit deserves to be approached with caution.

Still, I don’t feel bad with my purchase and I think it’s money well spent.
What to say, I like me Butasturs.


wow. many things happened lol

Observation, let’s get some perspective:

Previous to his post yesterday AS posted Oct 25, not gone for months.

In addition he posted on Sept. 29:

"Not anytime soon. Busy with job, I’m away from home traveling around for most of October/November time frame.

For IEM project, I’m trying to find a possibility of an affordable EST model."

We collectively are so instant gratification oriented.

Yes maybe he should have addressed the huge number of bad sets, (two), directly and in a more timely manner.

A customized and reworked W10 that what, 90% of the buyers agree is pretty amazing for the price, and the others, didn’t enjoy for lack of bass? That was the description of the IEM from the beginning, and AS’s self described preferred sound signature.

Let’s jump on a member who took the time to develop an IEM for the community.

Did you develop and release an IEM? (with the exception of HBB and perhaps a few others)

Manage your expectations, two people put this custom IEM out, they aren’t a company with customer service or staff.



Two out of how many units?

If your customer care is this arrogant on a small batch order, that’s not a flex


This just seems so disconnected from reality. Why on earth do you have so much loyalty and belief in the guy given how he’s handled everything?

You may be an incredibly trusting soul, but that doesn’t make people seeing obvious signs of being shafted “gratification oriented”.

I’d say that I wish I had as much in trust in people as you do, but to be honest I don’t. I’d be taken to the cleaners on a weekly basis.


I don’t specifically have loyalty to AS, just followed along with the developments and am puzzled by unrealistic expectations.

Especially because someone posted erroneously he’d been absent from the forum for “months”. Additionally AS posted he’d be traveling for much of Oct/Nov.

I could be wrong and trust misplaced, we’ll see how it all pans out in time.


Sorry I used the plural term of month. You got me there bud. Continue with your defense of AS.

While I don’t think your trust is rightly placed, just to be clear I’m not attacking you personally. The last thing we’d want is for any unnecessary enmity to come out of this mess.


Could be my trust is misplaced. No worries haven’t taken it personally.

@click, yes “month” and “months” certainly do make a difference Bub, it paints an entirely different picture, especially since there was a relevant post informing of possible absence beforehand.

Again I’m not defending, just commenting on what I observed.

We are so eager to judge and jump to conclusions before the story unfolds entirely. We will see.


I was also accused of being a “devil’s advocate”, and I was just trying to think logically and ask some questions, for example: is IEM a good NOB or not!? Most IEMs, especially Chinese ones, are slightly modified versions of some FR. The only thing that made a difference to my ears was this Thieaudio’s isobaric bass. The other stuff sounds similar to me, with different FRs. :eyes:


all we can do is wait and watch. if the problem is not solved, none will buy from night oblivion again. I hope they know this.

making people fanboy of small new unkonwn company doesn’t make problem better.

let’s see how it ends.

Dude, that’s exactly what being a devils advocate means…

a person who advocates an opposing or unpopular cause for the sake of argument or to expose it to a thorough examination

Didn’t mean anything by it. I understand there’s a language barrier, but jeez.


Thing is, they can just rebrand themselves and go by a different name and 99.99% of people wouldnt know…

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yeah. that was just my hope.

:grinning: :grinning: :grinning:
I’m not advocating for anyone. ^^^ I don’t like to be told in clichés and quotes from the internet :wink:.
There is no language barrier, but there may be another barrier…

tl/dr, the IEM is fine, the rest of the situation, including any fanboyish contributions from me ain’t.

I can’t really re-evaluate the actual performance of the NOB (unintentionally funny acronym, haha) rn since it’s out on loan, but this whole project caught me @ the perfect time to suck me in. I was, and remain, relatively new to serious IEMs, and was willing to go deep financially, to my self-set max, for something that I felt would complement the few pieces I had already landed that stood out to me. I felt doing so would “settle me down” and take the edge off the fomo and newb spendlust, and also that the IEM itself would play well with certain parts of my library (jazz, classical, first-wave progrock, latin, American roots music) where I wanted bass articulation without needing high quantity, or even lushness or fullness, in the low-end. It gave me that, plus a sense of balance and, for lack of a better term, restraint, that slotted in nicely with some of my other then-fave sets.

Some have asked about whether the reviews were real. Well, nothing I wrote was as detailed or sophisticated as a review, but I definitely went off a bit…

Being a newb, but also familiar from other hobbies of the dangers of gushing about a new acquisition, I tried to preface my remarks to warn the reader (maybe not strongly enough) that I was feeling gushy and to keep that in mind in interpreting what I wrote. Looking back, I feel like that in itself could come across as annoyingly fanboyish to a reader that doesn’t know me at all, if not a shiller’s ploy. Re-reading, I cringe a bit.

I’ll also cop to pushing my remarks out sooner than I naturally would have had I not bought into the mythology of the dream project brought to fruition by a well-heeled insider to the hobby to re-shuffle expectations of where TOTL begins. I bought into that mythology big time and I’m straight-up red-faced about it, but I’ve learned something about myself and how to spot a marketing arrow aimed at my soft underbelly. I’ll definitely be more reticent about gushing from the hip about any other new acquisition.

Out of many lessons learned, I will be wary of small-shop or boutique offerings, of hype and slickly tailored insider-oriented marketing appeals, of Night Oblivion, of all-BA sets, and of the hobby itself.

My new max spend is a small fraction of what it was, and I can’t imagine it rising too much higher. But I’ll hold onto my NOB (lol) and probably continue to enjoy it for much the same reasons as I expressed in my original comments, although at the same time I will think about all of this while I am listening.

I’ll be fine, as I trust the rest of us will as well (other than folks that got problem sets that aren’t being, and absolutely, no excuses, should be addressed), and probably better off in the long run…and I hope to stick around. See ya.


There is no point in feeling guilty or remorseful. If an IEM is good, then it is good. That’s it. IEM is an inanimate object and is not responsible for what happens…
Sorry for the people with a defective pair, but that’s life.


Could anyone summarize what’s the issue going on?

HBB once said “nah you don’t need to replace” then suddenly I see a change in the attitude. What’s going on?

Any other issues beside this?

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I mentioned

Here that I’m gonna be off, so not sure what’s happening.

It’s 2:30am here, will be checking tomorrow afternoon.

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