Night Oblivion - discussions

Thx, appreciate that perspective.

On reflection, I would not have bought the IEM but for the hype (although I certainly would have ended up spending that money on something else - it was burning a hole in my pocket). But then, likely, I wouldn’t have learned a valuable lesson in addition to having a decent IEM.

So I regret if my contributions to the hype contributed to anyone else learning an expensive lesson, especially if, unlike me, they don’t want to hold on to the thing - because the resale value of this thing is now well flushed…

[edited for dumb typo]


Jesus Christ dude. Seriously there’s no need to get hostile over a common phrase that I used without bad intentions. Not sure what your “other barrier” phrase means, but if it’s meant to be some kind of threat, it’s unnecessary. I’ll step away from this for now.

I’m not looking to make enemies due to a misunderstanding.


Here they all accuse that NOB is a modified existing Chinese IEM. But maybe the dudes don’t account for labor costs, materials, FR casting, dynamics work, FR toggle switches, design, advertising, build time, etc. Maybe we should think before we spit on the work to somebody. I’m sure most of the “audiophiles” here have IEMs they don’t like, but they don’t say anything about them, how bad IEMs are, how much money they spent on them, etc. Think…

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:grinning: :grinning: :grinning:
No problem my man. I’m not threatening anyone. I just always honestly express my opinion. I am the most peaceful person in the world, even if it doesn’t look like it :wink: :grinning:

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Chap - before you accuse people of baseless slander you should heed your own advice - slow down and “think before you spit on people”.

Perhaps you are not familiar with how product businesses work but you don’t buy the existing IEM in a shop (with consumer taxes added) and then mod it - so those costs are not in addition to a retail price. There are part of the existing cost to create that retail price depending on the pricing method you are using - which you are taking to be cost+ but that is highly doubtful in such a high gross profit margin business. If the original producer is the same as the new producer in the form of a partnership - the partner is not paying for labour costs twice, materials twice, etc… so consequently, doubling the price for a recap or rebrand can seem problematic - look at the Lokahi or Hekili where Linsoul jacked up the price from its direct from manufacturer Taobao listing…

Moreover, I’m not sure if you understand the concept of building from the ground up, as it may be a phrase that gets lost in translation, but that usually does not involve the essential licensing of an existing product with modification by the original ODM. The extent of the window dressing that was done here and some of the stretching of the truth (to some that is the nature of marketing - but in a community based business you have to walk a fine line) has sadly come back to bite @AmericanSpirit_JP in the arse. Do I think this is the worst offense in the IEM world - no? This pails in comparison to stuff like IMR and in fact the Kinda Lava, Zex Pro, PR2, DQ6s fiascos were perhaps more egregious as it affected the actual product not just the reasons to buy the product. The difference is both/either:

  1. It was a company not a community member who was seen as the responsible lead so there is no direct line of complaint or feeling that it has been perpetrated by ‘one of us’; or/and
  2. The creators were responsive to show their lack of involvement/knowledge of the issues and to provide some form of explanation/distance - regardless of whether the audience found them compelling or sufficient.

Given the aggressive marketing utilized, misstatements about the novel venting system and the sale of W10 & Butastur prototypes (at a cut price) on a restricted marketing platform cut off from the target audience he was addressing on HFGF, extricating himself in such a way would be difficult for @AmericanSpirit_JP but trying would have maintained good faith in his community standing even if it may have made people skeptical to future marketing tales by NO. Getting out ahead of an issue is just basic PR as I am sure @AmericanSpirit_JP is aware given his professional occupation and familiarity with product/games marketing.

I am a NOB owner and have stated my thoughts and contentment with its SQ - I think it is not a TOTL world beater - but instead a top performer in its price bracket and whilst it is not an all rounder - for certain genres/types of more critical listening it delivers as it is a more technical set. However that doesn’t also stop me understanding and be alerted to the issues regarding the marketing of this product - from origin story to unique features that were not unique, to the availability/pricing issues on W10.l, etc… QC issues are QC issues and are everywhere (just this month I have had to send 2 subwoofers and a pair of Genelec speakers back for repair) so that is one of those things /but there was a public promise to replace the faulty QC immediately - and over 3 months later that has still not been addressed which when it happens to a large reviewer who is calling the manufacturer out publicly puts people on alert to either a potential issue with their set or concerns about any warranty issue being fulfilled. Concerns that would have been very easy for @AmericanSpirit_JP to address to ease his consumers minds as well as his own inbox.

Both appreciating the product and seeing the issues that have arisen are not mutually exclusive - one can be mentally flexible here. In the main I am not sure there have been many shitting on the SQ of the IEM itself so this is not some buyers remorse issue or vendetta as you are alluding to. This is just over the top community marketing, poor confidentiality within the production process (as white labeling or recapping happens all the time just people are not aware of it), bad customer service & lacking product after sale PR.


That’s bad, yes. But I don’t see a problem with the other one!

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Of course - should have figured the Bulgarian wouldn’t see a problem with propaganda :joy: :joy: :joy: (jokes jokes)


In fact, it is difficult for us Bulgarians to find something that surprises us. Propaganda is our life (just kidding) :joy:


Why another repetitive topic?

You can roll back that to

Jinny already stopped W10 from his shop or he still sells his own brand W10?

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Ok, so, since you commented, “ no I don’t need a replacement, all good”, once the faceplate QC popped up. I thought we were all set.

Then you probably changed your mind afterwards?

Why you are appearing so aggressive? That comments sound like I’m a criminal and you are the judge.

What’s up?

Chill man, if you want your bad faceplate to be replaced, I can contact Jinny. Or you can contact from the shop you purchased. If you prefer me to contact Jinny, ok. Will do.

My apologies for getting back with slow responses, but I don’t see any other issues besides that.


Yea, sometime you got a priority, you’ll know by some day.

Sorry I didn’t reply to your prompts but that doesn’t mean you are entitled to use the knife of words to attack on people.

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Very nice timbre especially you swap the opAmp to Muse 02 chips.

Only nitpick is that the volume knob around 7 o’clock is not very smooth for channel balance, you gotta adjust the volume knob to find right channel balance for 7-11 o’clock zone.

Considering the price $80USD, ADV is a very good purchase. So I don’t need to spend $3000 for Cayin’s fullsize DAP for a class-A analog sounding amp.


I’m still waiting for the AMP and OP AMP to arrive…
Relative to cables, the NICEHCK AceOrpheus is a good cable, but I found that I still prefer the Butastur with the original cable.

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i recommend effect audio cadmus if you like stock cable’s sound. almost same sound but much lighter.


Thanks for the rec but it’s more than I’m willing to spend on a cable :smiling_face_with_tear:


Replace my set. :ok_hand:

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You heard the fuckin man…replace his shit

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Ok, let me text Jinny.


@hawaiibadboy after all your BIG TALK your going to “tweet & delete” so long as you have your own QC issue sorted out… :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

@AmericanSpirit_JP care to actually answer those issues surrounding your massively conflicting origin story - all bullshit or not…?


I edited 1 post, the last one to make clear i want my set because that seems to constanly be over looked
And by the looks the simple “Get me my set” was met with a simple reply.

I’m not walking back anything or going to abandon the topic since I know more than most cuz I spoke to folks in China.

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