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Review coming for performer5? atleast short and sweet comparison.

Interested to know if this is better than Tea2 in 3D. Thanks.

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It is, release of the set is around black friday.

No, it does not. In fact, one of the only things that I dislike about Perf5 is its staging.


oh thanks…got it. Hope the price will reflect this. Sometimes intimate soundstage is not bad as long as spearation is good. I suddenly love my BL03 (nice change coming from attention grabbing S12) intimate presentation after tanya filter change…guess due to tuning and tamber.

HBB teasing the Top


I’m officially a budliever! I got some Rikubuds (shout out to @rattlingblanketwoman ) that I have been listening to more recently due to their open nature and my ability to hear what’s going on in my house and last night I used them for gaming which was an amazing experience. To be able to hear game cues while also hearing what’s around me was truly immersive and they were also so weightless I forgot they were even in my ears. I’m definitely excited about getting the Serratus although Im still not 100% sold on the high impedance for my use cases.

EDIT: also as someone who produces a lot of ear wax, buds help minimize impacted ear wax in my canal so another win!


Do you mean the Serratus? What are your sources and preferred sound signature? the Serratus is (to my ears) neutral and has less bass than my Rikubuds (Alter Rider 1). TGX has other warmer sets, but all very high impedance.

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Ripples 100ohm :imp:


yep! Silly autocorrect. I was looking at the Serratus because of the sub bass emphasis but now I feel like a warmer set would be a good compliment. however, it seems all the TGX offerings require a decent source

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oh I didnt realize it was 100 ohm. seems like a winner!

Oh yeah!! So it sounds good on something like Qudelix? @cal_lando just FYI, the Ripples is pricier than the Serratus

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Good enough :slight_smile: Way easier to drive than the other 3.

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Ok, very interesting, from memory my Bell Sertatus is much more bass heavy (or the bass is more palpable) than Alter Rider 1. But I left those at work - would AB on Monday as you got me very confused now with my perception.
Like it has much more rumbly and "physical"bass than MEST for example


Yeah, I’ve discussed this with @nymz. Might be a YMMV thing? I hear a lot more bass through my AR1. I’ll give them another listen soon to verify.

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is the AR1 the bassiest Rikubud? I thought it was the Grand Beserker

AR1 are definitely not the bassiest! I may be the oddball here, so I don’t want to cause confusion - AR1 are not supposed to be a bassy set, but for me, I hear more bass compared to the Serratus in tracks like this:

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Its somewhere in the middle.

I do think it has comparable bass quantity to the Serratus driver though.

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Eagerly awaiting mine - should be on its way to me soon!

Hi All…anybody got Hisenior Mega 5p…thoughts?

Is it worth getting at usd 190?..i cant afford tea2 at 340.


Are you located in the US @HariramV ?

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No I am in India…thanks for sharing the link though