Nymzreviews.com official thread

Jesus Christ - I went back and read the exchange between you two. That’s kind of … sad. I don’t think it ever should come down to being so argumentative, but I digress.


Haha it’s all good man the past is the past mans got bills to pay I guess lol.


I would say a mission of a flavor of musicality. The QKZ goes for one too but I prefer the Kai, going back and forth between them I like the mids presentation more yum yum nom nom :yum:

@nymz if you were highly emotional would you prefer the Serratus or Ripples?

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Damn, making Daddy pick his favorite kid…you’re mean!

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He would prefer to cry and smash some KZs :joy:


So creepy… :joy:

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Let’s hear what the “hardcore audiophiles” have to say :smiley:. I don’t agree with most of the thoughts, but whatever. :roll_eyes:

:eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

Hey squad, I’m letting go my OG TEA and some other stuff at a special holiday price here :sunglasses: Buy/Sell and Looking for Thread - #3857 by VIVIDICI_111

Happy holidays :santa:


@nymz :eyes:


Now it’s making sense. Who needs your starter sets when a Big Boy set is right there?


As a respected source hater I decided that it was long gone since I bought my latest source to the collection.

Since the original announcement of the Fiio BTR7 I was eyeing that as it was one of the few BT dongles with 4,4mm connection (Shanling UP5 being the only other I know in <250$ category), later on PEQ functionality was promised so it was clearly showing as a replacement to well deserved Qudelix 5k. The only 2 things I don’t like about that device is 2,5mm balanced socket and the physical controls being shitty as hell for lack of better wording (it tends to turn on/off randomly on my pocket, it is really not intuitive to control songs, volume etc).

So it seemed like BTR7 would be a perfect choice, correcting everything that was wrong with already good device.

Boy, I was wrong. Fiio’s dongle is huuuuge.
It has terrible UI both in app and in the dongle itself. It turns on very long. It turns off very long. It is huuuuge. It is more in small DAP category than it is in BT dongle category. It is like a DAP without all the functionalities of dedicated audio player. It is like a dongle, but without the usability of a dongle. Qudelix has so much more developed app it should be a shame to Fiio to release something that shitty… PEQ doesn’t seem to work - only 10 band EQ as of now.

The sound is good and clean though (as all the rest of my sources to be fair).
It is definitely more powerful than Sony ZX300. It can chew 500Ohms Tantalus driver Bell Serratus with ease. So what, Qudelix5k can also drive them well in my opinion (our of single ended even?).
But if it can drive that it probably can drive everything else in the world - someone shoot me for that statement. But it is good to know there are BT sources capable of desktop like power delivery (5,6VRMS into 600Ohms in boost mode, 300mW into 32 ohm, come on - what else would you need).

I would be letting go of this device unless some miraculous enlightenment happens and I start to hear the difference. I am afraid though that it may only get worse if BT connection would turn out to be shitty - as if now I haven’t got a chance to test it properly.

Is anyone interested in buying this little gem? :dagger:

But let the pictures tell the 1000 words:


OG TEA as a starter set is pretty insane ngl LOL–>Straight to the big bois

Update: Bundle is officially sold! Sorry slow-pokes :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I’ll have to keep an idea like this in mind. Some time in 2023, I’m definitely going to have TOO many sub-$100 sets I never use. I may do something like this to pay it forward


Santa Mymz

Logo Dark Xmas


Most cultmas gifts are packed and ready to go. Before I make a comeback, I’d like to say there’s only a couple of starters sets left from all my gear. For those who want/need a freebie from daddy, let me know.

If I missed someone regular, please do let me know through PM.

Merry x-mas mofos. Be back soon :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree:


Oh look, my favourite set :rofl:

Sorry, can you explain further? Didn’t understand the question :confused:

QKZ x HBB exists and I love it

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Jesus, how many posts did u guys do?

I have one coming. All I’m gonna say is the tuning looks great :slight_smile:

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