Nymzreviews.com official thread

Did you get a refund or replacement?
I’m having the biggest headache to solve with AliExpress… The seller insists he sent it correctly, and AliExpress isn’t doing anything to help.

Seller is pushing responsibility and it’s not possible to prove who took it so you’re not going to get anywhere with this. It’s bad luck, but I’d take the L and move on and stop wasting time/stress on it.

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$200 to the trash but yeah, I think it’s better to let it go.

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If you used PayPal or a CC take it up with them. I personally wouldn’t let it go


Nah nah nah. No letting it go. Be a pain to them. It’s hardworking money being scamm. Don’t let it go.


I paid using a CC… Totally forgot that I can recur to them. Thanks for the tip!




Quite excited to hear your thoughts. Close to pulling the trigger on this unit, but I have bought so much gear lately. Need to sell some stuff.

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Enjoy! So far ive found tgxear gear to be the best value in the business. I already gushed on Headfi about the timbre and tone of my Tantalus

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Has been a while since I bought new cables, so why not?

Left: Serratus Cable with grey hardware, no chinslider or earhooks, 4.4mm (Xinhs).

Right: Faaeal Hibiscus 4.4mm


Wu Zetian and Hook-X reviews - Double drop, planar style

I know, I know, I’ve been a bit of away from the community and and I own most of you a catch up.

Sweat it no more, I’m back and to compensate my absense, here’s a double drop: extensive reviews of the RAPTGO Hook-X and TANGZU Wu Zetian, both planar IEMS.

Both reviews have the same structure that will be used for the future planar takes. I’ve gone deeper than I usually do, that why it took so much time but, oh well, it they are.

Hope you enjoy them. Have a nice rest of the week/weekend. :cookie:


Is the Serratus cable detachable?

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No. Mine isn’t (you can buy an MMCX version and use whatever cable you want, I think).

I just ordered the same cable, but for IEMS :slight_smile: It’s a Xinhs Cable

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I love hibiscus, probably one of better value for money in cables I know. The Xinhs looks very similar to stock Tea OG cable - the shape of the hardware and all. Is it just the pic?


Classic, the first really good stock and budget cable.

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Nah, the hardware is really close, but this is a very thinny 4 core, Tea is 8 core iirc.

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Sorry, here it is:

I still prefer my old one with U12T I think


Replacement It took less than a week

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Is there a Kai review still incoming my dude? Looking forward to reading it if there is! :smile:

Kai might probably be my next IEM review, yes. I even bought a Mele so I could do an trustfull A/B :slight_smile:

I’m just thinking about touching open backs or sources for my next take just so I can get a break. I’ve been listening to IEMs non-stop the last couple of weeks, and not even for leisure or only for reviews. I feel I need a couple of days IEM free, but my Serratus + Tantalus haven’t arrived back yet from Igor.

I’m currently giving a nice spin to the Hifiman Edition XS. I bought it on an Amazon ES sale so I could give them a nice spin for a month, review them and then return them…

… That was a nice plan.