Nymzreviews.com official thread

Beware Nymz of buying and then returning. I tell you because I’ve done the same with over ears…I’ve tried more than 15 with that system and I’ve already been sent two messages a little “threatening”. You will say that we have the right to buy and return but that recurrence in a small period of time seems that Amazon does not like it.
I’ve read on the web that some people have had their account blocked and some consequences more…
I’m telling you this because hopefully nothing happens to you but just a heads up.


Threatened by Amazon? What did they even say? The whole point of a robust return policy is that Amazon is 1000% able to take the item back, repackage/refurbish, and sell again.


Amazon do have limits in place for abusing the return policy and I do know various people who have had their accounts blocked (with no possibility of opening another one using the same payment details).

Personally I have returned things that I didn’t like but have never used it just to try something out or to review it as it is usually a company behind the sale that loses out and not Amazon themselves.


If they suspect abuse, such as “you never keep any of these headphones despite there being no issue, but you put a month of wear on them that we have to pay for” I can imagine it.

I had a friend who would buy roller blades, and return them when they wore out. Did something similar with a mattress too. It’s that kind of unethical use that makes them check whether you are using their return policy in a honest or exploitative way.

I always err on the side of not abusing policies because they might eventually have to take them away if they’re abused too much, but it’s good to have them for when they’re really needed. One of those “this is why we can’t have nice things” situations, and why most companies don’t go through the suffering of offering those kinds of returns policies.

Headphones.com has a very logical way of refund based on level of wear, the buyer gets a decent amount back, and someone else gets a good used/open box price, but it doesn’t leave Headphones.com with unreasonable losses just for trying to offer a helpful policy that many would want.


Guys the FR looks surprisingly good on the new AirPods Pro 2 :thinking:

I think I’ll go grab a pair today and test them out :joy:


Does it work fine with Android?

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Ya the OG was the same sound wise but just not as convenient and you lose some features. I’m assuming the Pro 2 is the same; we will see in 2 hours :wink:

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Truer words, have never been spoken.



Impressions soon


@Precogvision 's notes about canjam socal 2022.

More than the cotent, it is a novel beautifully written - that I can only aspire. Terrific as always. I’m a simp.


AirPods Pro2 have excellent sound, timbre and good soundstage to my ears. I recommend :slightly_smiling_face:


Amazon stays hyper cool with their return policies, compared to “traditional” stores here. They offer you a refund if you want, but:

  • you have to leave the labels on the thing
  • if has to look like new
  • the box has to not be damaged
  • even if all this is good, you have to get to a physical store…
  • where the representative will find a greasy Marj, say it could refuse the refund and “go in the backstore to check with the manager” and finally accept the refund

All in all, all these tacticals are for helping them selling it back in shelves and discourage you to ask refunds.

It works in a sense: you stop buying on these stores and just go on Amazon, since they don’t pss you off with these sht.

And then these stores complain as Amazon is a bad company and all that. It isn’t totally false, but if Amazon understands something, it’s that a top notch customer service can’t hurt you, as it helps your sales in the long run…

Anyway, on another note, I thank you @nymz for the tzian wu review. It makes me realize that although it is a good set, it will be too v-shaped for me.


Impressions of the Airpods Pro 2 after around 4 hours of listening:

  1. Great sense of depth with improvement in soundstage over OG
  2. More precise and faster imaging
  3. Improvement in separation and overall clarity
  4. Treble is better extended and has more air, less unevenness
  5. Sub-bass is around the same with more mid-bass
  6. Vocals are more pushed back vs OG
  7. Improvement in timbre (not fuzzy like OG)

Probably going to be very competitive. Very good improvements !


TWS world is ramping up.

Cant wait for what sony will come out with next year with the WF-XM5.

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I was already eyeing them since their announcement but if my audio brothers can say stuff like this, I may be completely in.

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Just a heads up tho when I tested it on my iPad Pro and Mac it sounds great, but on my iPhone (XR) it sounds congested and not that good/would not recommend. Probably a difference in the AMP/DAC, and I’m not sure how it sounds on the newer iPhone models.

Buy with caution! If you can try it do that first. Apple’s return policy is really good.

That seems odd since the dac/amp would be built into the headphones (since they are wireless). I dont see how the different devices would matter…


That’s very strange I have to admit. Like said below, the DAC/AMP and the new chip is built into the actual set. I have an iPhone 13 Pro so I don’t foresee an issue. Thanks for the heads up tho!

Dac/amp will always be the same, but the the devices that have to prepare and send bluetooth signal are different. Someone with more knowledge on bluetooth connection will have to chime in, but I would not be surprised if there were audible differences between devices with different computing capabilities used as bluetooth sources.

Im not super knowledgeable with bluetooth but from my understanding that is the point of codecs, bit rate, bit depth, and sample rate. If all those are equal I would imagine SQ would be the same. Since its all apple devices I would imagine those would all be the same in the above example (definitely AAC)