IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

$12, or the time taken to audition and return it. It’s to do with driver performance at that price. Case in point, the HBBxQKZ has excellent tuning. The tonality is really good. But the technicalities are mediocre and there’s an overall timbre to it that reminds me of other $20 sets. I think there’s only so much that can be done with driver materials available at this price. Don’t get me wrong, I think HBB has done everything possible with the driver, it sounds as good as it’s going to, and it sounds good. But if I’m not going to reach for it, it’s still a needless buy.

In other words, if I only had $20 for an IEM then absolutely, and I’d be blessed that tuning like this are available at the price. But because I have IEMs that are better (like the Serial obviously will be), there’s no point in having something just for fun.

Even the Fan does not have typical driver tech for its cost, the timbre is well above its price range. But again, the Fan starts no lower than $70 so we’d expect that.

So even if it’s excellent it’s redundant for me to buy, but I’m sure it’s a godsend if it’s all someone can get. At least with the HBBxQKZ it’s very very good for the price, what would only be achievable for $70-100 a year or year and a half ago.


The reason I’m pushing isn’t because I think you’ll think it’s better than the Penons of the world. But your opinion matters about Bass sets, and for people that can’t spend Penon money, they need to know they have options. Just like people needed to know Chu and Zero exist, they should know QKZ and Rosefinch exist too. I just want people to know about this really good set and if a bass guy like you won’t even try it, why would anyone else?


That’s fair. Alright, I’ll probably check one out before the day’s close! The graph comparison was a nice touch!

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Order placed. Did I see “biological” in the driver material name??? Very promising if so, biodynamics have produced my favorite bass so far. I’ll get it Tuesday. $12.83 total.


Ya I have both the Pro 1 and 2, as well as the Galaxy Buds2 Pro and the XM4 (borrowed). Impressions:

Buds2 Pro:

@Kenyon And yes, sorry I didn’t clarify. I‘m currently using ann Android so the EQ would be on the Android. My audio chip is messed up on my iPhone. Sorry for getting your hopes up haha

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Yeah - my hope is that generally mac users tend to keep everything in the ecosystem and he has found a program that achieves it as I also thought there was no system eq on iOS.

I mean there is the audiogram workaround where you map an eq to a hearing profile and say it’s a hearing deficiency. You can apply that through health to gain a system wide eq…

UPDATE - damn it was android @VIVIDICI_111 thanks for coming back anyway chap

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Yep, unfortunately I was right about that android part…

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I had the Timeless, the more I listened to it the more I realized there was something about it I just didn’t like and I couldn’t ever put my finger on what exactly it was. Between the Kato, Olina and Timeless, music sounded a bit “unnatural” if you will on the Timeless


I have yet to hear an IEM that’s not above $300 that has the “wrap around your head” feeling that the Starfield gives me

I can’t find a planar that doesn’t sound “uncanny” to me yet either.


I can see that. I do listen to a lot of electronic music so there is less emphasis on sounding “natural”. People have described Timeless having planar timbre.

Yeah I agree - I don’t think planar timbre gels with me. I listen to a lot lot acoustic jazz and classical music, and DDs sound most organic. I wonder why!


Yes! I also took the chance, per @GooberBM rec - I’ll just say, it’ll be my set I take with me the most I think. I’ll definitely let you make your own opinions on the set, but I swear the Rosefinch does sound pretty damn good for the money.

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It’s really unfortunate because people talk so highly of the planars but I’ve heard the Raptgo Hook and the Timeless and they both give me this weird sound that I can’t help but notice and I really don’t like it


DD is definitely my preference, I’ve tried a hybrid and tribrid and they didn’t tickle my fancy the way my DD sets have


I’ll second that I actually preferred planars to DD’s for a while and still enjoy them a lot
Mjolnir MK2 and IE900 are so good tho

As far as DD go, I still enjoy BL-05 with EQ (great CNT driver) and I really liked JVC FDX1 when I tried it.

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Does anyone here use the Blessing 2 or Variations with Spinfit CP155 tips in small? I wonder if the nozzle fits my ears, I always use small tips on my IEM‘s.

Are the IE600s worth it