Nymzreviews.com official thread

I assume you have plans to review the his other new one too.

HBB has three in the pipe that we know of right now.

  • Olina SE
  • QKZ x HBB - $20 for something that has more bass than the ZEX or CRA, and as much sub-bass as the FHE. The smoother treble, and the 5k cut makes it look an easy rec, at least for bargain hunters.
  • HBB Maka - The $35 dollar replacement / upgrade to the Mele. At this point we don’t know much, but it looks nice, and given that Mele is a favorite for many of us, I am guessing it will be popular.
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I can’t wait for these as well.

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I would be very desperate to get a QKZ x HBB vs. KBear Rosefinch comparison. Barely anybody has listened to this set but it fucking SLAPS, man.

I’m like “please somebody try this set so that I don’t look like a psychopath simping shill”.

But I will keep looking like a simp because I can’t even with that set!

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Yes. Qkz coming soon and Maka is on hold. Rest I cant disclose :disguised_face:


You know it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::fire:


There’s a $9 off coupon on Amazon and I am so tempted …

Edit: I bought them. Why not :sweat_smile:

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Seriously, for $12 I just took a chance, and I can’t believe what I heard for $12!

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Dude! I got them for $11 so I seriously doubt I can be dissatisfied in any way.

I got you with a comparison between the QKZ and KBear on Wednesday night my man :metal:

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Rosefinch is 33€ for me :hatching_chick:

If you were willing to mod it, I’d say it’s worth it! But I’m clearly biased at this point

What’s the mod you recommend?

Definitely listen to it stock first.

But what I did was put a micropore tape air vent between the nozzle and eartip, to bring down the bass level and clean up the mid-bass bloat, then taped the front vent to put the sub-bass back in.

The bass tightens up and is cleaner but still very high quantity, but the little space between the eartip and nozzle gives an added effect of expanding the soundstage a lot and improving technicalities like imaging and layering.

After the mod, it’s in the ballpark of Kai. It’s still V-shaped, and has a huskier, thicker mid-bass/low-mids than Kai, where I’d say Kai still has a little better tonality and timbre. But Rosefinch is a more dynamic replay in terms of soundstage and layering/imaging.

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Dude, thanks for this - I’m definitely going to be playing around a bit once they come in. When I do the comparison, it’ll for sure be in stock form.

Exciting times :fire:



Exactly that!

This is ridiculously useful - my thought of the mod from the description was COMPLETELY wrong :sweat_smile:


I just jammed to Alive 2007 on Kai.

My job is done for the day.



Me on my 2,348th listen of Alive 07’


Looks up Alive 2007

Puts on track 1

Doesn’t make it 15 seconds

What have you two wrought upon me, this day? :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :+1:t5:

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Buckle up, my friend - the greatest live electronic set is about to bestow greatest on your ear drums.