Nymzreviews.com official thread

Funny enough I came to this conclusion a few weeks ago without knowing about the post. Changed the sound a drastic amount. Almost gave them somewhat of a loose seal.


:man: :goal_net: :tea: :two:



Itā€™s no magic recipe. Some people even prefer to use them overear. Everyone has to find that sweet spot

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Itā€™s tea time!!! :smiley: I also have the Oracleā€™s, Mk1. Wouldnā€™t they be redundant with the Tea2? What do you think? I am basically looking for a second nicer set, but not that expensive :sweat_smile:

If you want the best value for money, the Hifiman Edition Xs and the Thieaudio oracle mk2 are the best options right now?
The truth is that between the Tea mk2 for 350ā‚¬ and the oracle for +150ā‚¬ (taking into account that this last one is better) I would pay themā€¦

I actually have the Oracles, but wanted to have a good second option :slight_smile: Oracles are kept at home, and was wondering what great IEM i could take with me (therefore maybe not that expensive). The S12 is a bit to bright for my liking (even with EQ).

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It always feels like the answer to this is Olina, in your case the SE since you donā€™t want the energy in the upper end

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I actually also have the Olinaā€™s, unfortunately not the SE. But I have the 500 mesh on them, so that should help a little. Just thought there was something a little ā€œhigher endā€, but I guess the Olinaā€™s are just really good in terms of value.

Iā€™m probably also thinking about it from the "I donā€™t want to have $500 on my ears outside, in case I lose an earpiece or somethingā€™ perspective.

I donā€™t think Iā€™d wear anything over $200 outside anyway, but thatā€™s just me lol

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Same. I keep my best and expensive IEMs at home, but wouldnā€™t mind to keep a good pair at work. I was also looking at the B2, but am not sure if the nozzle will fit my ear canals. On the go, I use TWS buds anyways :slight_smile:

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Heeeeey @nymz, curious if youā€™ve ever listened to any of the sweet tunes from the Sonic Adventure soundtrack and also curious which iem(s) you may use to have a listen? Maybe the Mahina perhaps?

Aaa, nostalgia trip. Love the OST from the old Sonic games.


I think Iā€™ll stick with EJ 07m. Thieaudio fails me once again according to ā€œthe man who empties walletsā€ review :upside_down_face: .
Maybe in 10 years Iā€™ll buy something on Thieaudio! :grimacing:

What stuck out for you?

Major typo on my review: The Oracle OG has imense driver flex and not the Mk2.

Sorry for the mistake.


Sonic The Hedgehog games have some of the best music ever my dude! :sunglasses:

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oh wow this is a big change. the Oracle MK2 was tempting until I saw the driver flex issue. I canā€™t deal with driver flex

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According to the review, the soundstage is still not excellent, and the price is not low. The high energy is a bit of a concern for me, the mid-bass might not be enough, even if itā€™s there. Might be a good deal right now, but not a deal breaker at this price! I think so, but still havenā€™t listened to it!! :wink:
Error in the post. I answer not to myself but to @GooberBM .

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Double subwoofer :nerd_face: