Nymzreviews.com official thread

Eye watering price :upside_down_face:


Yes, I hope to try something like this somedayā€¦

Yeah, same. I hope one day I can justify spending more than $1k on a set.
I think thatā€™s why I cruise around on these forums rather than over there on Head-fi. All those guys are rocking $10k + in IEMs alone and Iā€™m over here like :upside_down_face: thatā€™s ā€¦. Thatā€™s as much as my car is worth.


The dude a week or 2 ago selling like $15k in gearā€¦

Could NOT be me

Buddy, some of these dudes arenā€™t in audio as their hobby, itā€™s actually spending money.


I have a riddle for you allā€¦

Guess the thing,
That makes U12T sound amazing,
Has no interface,
And that drives me crazy.

Micro USB for charging,
Color blind canā€™t use it.
Iā€™ll end up complaining,
While wiping my ears to it.


Yes, chord is ridiculous in their design decisions sometimes. Though I love how this form factor of mojo

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Did you demo it? I wonder if you cant pick a difference on this one :joy:

No, but had mojo 1 in hand and it felt substantial (like dense, solid - all good features).
My guess is probably not - I only heard a difference when I was using shitty usb dać dongle CX31993 - all the rest DAPs, DACs, dongles are more or less same for me.
I am not saying they do not differ for someone trained, but that I donā€™t hear the difference even when ABing. The only time I think I hear difference to be honest is when I am during a long listening session on new device and at some points I THINK some parts of songs donā€™t sound as dynamic as on previous. But quick switch back to the 1st source verifies this belief most of the time

Edit: it may be like drinking wines, whisky, teas etc where you need to train a lot to start to see and appreciate the differences. But for all of that I am also not patient enough to get there - I also piss off my sommelier friends with my ignorant statements that I donā€™t feel a difference between 4ā‚¬ and 30ā‚¬ Riesling :smiley: it is only with coffee, that I spent enough time - but it is substantial beverage to keep me alive everyday


Coffee>sources ! :coffee::grin:


Haha, for real I am sure that listening to same IEM before and after a cup of coffee makes much more difference in the sound perception than changing from any source to any other :eyes:

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I always wonder who is supporting A&K by buying their overpriced products so they can continue to exist selling overpriced products.

I never did. Can you send me good links for me to check out? (not youtube pls :cry: )

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Are two great contenders, yes :slight_smile: I have both on my desk and I love both. (I decided to keep EXS)

Tea2 have more bass and a different presentation, not as mid-heavy as the Oracle OG. I like both, but I need to know more about you really looking for :slight_smile:

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I should do the same lol

I don`t know. I guess there are people who buy them. And maybe they are good?! Iā€™m curious to hear them though. Their new IEMs looks promising.

How about this one here? :wink:

Edit: shit I hope it will take you to the link too :sweat_smile: Search internet archives for it they have 320kbps and up I believe.

Nothing they makes outperforms anything a third of the price or less that Iā€™ve tried. Case in point their DAPs. Iā€™ve used at least two. One of them actually sounded distinctly bad to my ears.

Just the old guard of ā€œmaybe people will connect our pricing with performanceā€ going strong even in todayā€™s market.


I always did the opposite.
Am I doing it wrong?