Nymzreviews.com official thread

LOL - Tell me about it brother :upside_down_face:

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No kidding. I was doing so good, Olina SE is my only major purchase in the last few months, and then Penon did us all dirty with Fan 2 and I couldnā€™t NOT take a shot on it.

They are some glorious bastards, and if you havenā€™t signed up for their newsletter, let me just tell you. Go do that (or donā€™t if you donā€™t want to put your wallet on a diet)!


Interesting :thinking: Thought the CRA was V-shaped.

Never heard of the Fan 2. Will check it out, but probably not buying anything anytime soon :joy:

The under $50 market is by far the strongest itā€™s been in years, if not ever. If youā€™re in this budget category, youā€™re pretty much set and you donā€™t have to dwell as much anymore on the FOMO this hobby produces which is absolutely fantastic.

When I was younger, all I could afford were sets under $50 and I remember that being a huge purchase, So I can relate heavy. I think naturally if youā€™re into this hobby as much as most of us are, the curiosity gets the best of you and you end up spending the big bucks for things you DEFINTETLY donā€™t need. However - if a set gives you a little more enjoyment, even 10% more then screw it, do your thing!


Meet me over in the FR thread and Iā€™ll go through it with you

Edit: What Makes a Graph a Graph You Love - FR Discussion - #28 by GooberBM

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Just donā€™t get broke or piss off your partner and get divorced over it or somethingā€¦


I actually kinda dig the lightning :grin:
Feels like it kinda fits with the bass regions being like THUNDER :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:


I didnā€™t even mention the really good $60 hybrids out there (Hi, TRN!), if you wanted to get a taste of that market. You can hit that too!

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HAA! Yes - my philosophy? Iā€™ve been married for 7 years and I have it pretty much down - if I canā€™t afford the item that I want to buy TWICE - itā€™s a no go :joy:

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Yeah thatā€™s how I feel honestly - I really love the all black aesthetic with the gold nozzle :face_exhaling: minus the lightning, I think itā€™s a really good looking set for the $20 asking price

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I mean ā€œgreat all arounderā€ will always be a very subjective statement. For me though they do work in that way. Itā€™ll hit nearly all my library to my tuning preference with good to great results. If our preferences and library donā€™t align you may not have the same experience.

The unfortunate thing is any set that is amazing in a key area or playing a certain genre or song which blows me away usually lacks in some other area. EJ07 is a prime example. God I love the subbass, imaging/seperation and treble. Itā€™s pure bliss. Except when I throw on a song, particularly old rock, that has a good amount of midbass. The opposite is true of the Kinda Lava more midbass presence but, on some songs I want more subbass. Then on few occasions the treble, particularly cymbal strikes, rides the line of almost being to crisp for me.

Itā€™s a give and take relationship. Nearly all my IEMs I consider as all arounders. About the only two I donā€™t are the EX800ST and XBA-N3. Each IEM does something different and pulls strengths of certain songs from my library or preference. While never faulting to the point of dislike for their asking price. I do believe, as you mentioned, the only way to get them is second hand now.


I cant rly recommend a105. Mahina are very easy to drive, but the interface and batery life of a105 still make me rage until today.

The sound is good tho. If you wanna go Sony, i have to recommend the non android + firmware from mr. Walkman.


Maybe pray that this is coming out soon and good price/performance.


I completely agree. I just got some listening time today, and qkz x hbb are mind blowing at $20. I even did my first listening session with stock tips, cable, and an apple dongle.


It might be a shape issue. I have problems with many large IEMs. The T3+ is the edge of tolerable for me, yet the qkz x hbb was pretty comfortable even for a long listening session.


:rofl::rofl: good to know! Thankfully Iā€™ve set up my own to be adequate in itā€™s battery life :sunglasses:

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Damn I hope so, freaking love everything about my A105 except the battery life which took some tinkering to make better and the lack of replacement for the battery whenever that would be needed. :open_hands:

Hope they donā€™t increase the price.

Heard it sounds like a budget FH3. Is that true?

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Did you try the Airpods Pro 2? A lots of reviews tend to better audio and was wondering how they compare to wired options in the 100-500 USD brackets :slightly_smiling_face: