Nymzreviews.com official thread

More intrigue me now! Will ask my contact in China to look one out for me

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They are not flashy then everything is fine. From what I understand, if they had better mid-bass, better resolution and completely removed the BA timbre, they would have been on top for a long time. But there is no complete happiness in life. :innocent:

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Whats your fav sub 1k set with impactful bass?

This couldnā€™t be anymore true. For me just add the UP to the mix.

Canā€™t wait to here your thought. I got an amazing deal on the RSV and it should be hear early next week. Need someone to help holdover my excitement until I get it.

Itā€™s definitely not. With that though we have to remember the price point. The U12T is killer but also a soul killing price. Did I find enjoyment in it for sure but, most of it was cut short because of the price. Guess I just donā€™t have deep enough pockets to overlook the price Iā€™m paying for a single set and marginal gains. Give me something much cheaper and if it gets me 90% there Iā€™m more happy and donā€™t cry inside everytime I put it in .


FYI there will be no restock

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Everyone in the hobby wants this, but no one has yet been able to offer this kind of value for money. Letā€™s not forget that a lot depends on your music library. :wink: :hear_with_hearing_aid:


Too. Late :upside_down_face::smiling_face_with_tear::joy:


Well, I warned everyone once I talked to a couple of people and saw that graph. Was a easy grab (if you have the funds ofc).

You all enjoy it and have fun with it. There will always be a new next hype train.

Iā€™ll try to catch that one

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Truth. Now that Dunu has shown it can be done, and demand is still pretty high due to the limited release. you know a bunch of companies are going to try to fill that void

Folks aboard the latest hype trainā€¦already awaiting the next :smile:ā€¦


Mangird Top :joy:


Compared to the SA6 Ultra, the Top has 3 extra drivers, one of which is beryllium dynamic in the bass for $70 less and from venerable Mangird?

If graph is decent it should do very well indeed.


I was just throwing a random name, but Iā€™d pay just to see a graph :grimacing:

I just realized SA6 Ultra was my 100th IEM heard. :fire:


When you bought something with the money you were going to spend on ULTRA.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


It donā€™t stop. It canā€™t stop.

Does the Diddy

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Wow more praises for the Ultra. Guess I woke up to some good news today :sunglasses:

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You bought one my brother?

Hail the cult

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I did indeed hehe :wink: Mineā€™s gonna take another 2 weeks though.