Nymzreviews.com official thread

I didn’t mean Blon or such a cheap DD. He has no way of doing things well in progressive genres. If you listen to mixed music best truly versatile hybrid, maybe Tea Top, we’ll see after the reviews. :wink:

Yeah, to be honest I’m not very versed in describing what my ideal sound signature would be nor do I necessarily even know what that signature is.

I know I liked the OG Tea a lot, but I guess I kind of felt like it could’ve had little bit more of everything. I’m not particularly treble sensitive, but I prefer a more laid back approach compared to high energy approaching shoutiness that I’ve experienced with some sets.

I might just go for the TOP and live with the consequences. It’s tempting to go for the Tea 2 and Hook X combo for the variety of sound signatures, but I’m pretty sure I’d end up just mainly using one of them. Therefore, I’d rather spend the money on one set that I’d more than likely use most if not all of the time when at home.

Oracle mk2 and the EJ07M have also been on my imaginary shortlist, but staying with Mangird seems like a safer bet.

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Welcome to the forum. I’d hold on the Top for now. @hawaiibadboy has a set in coming and will most likely graph it fairly quick. Maybe drop an initial thought. A more in depth review is probably much further out. I’m waiting myself as a huge fan of both OG Tea and UP.

Seems you may have the same treble taste I have. That description fits about every IEM in my collection. Best one I have that seems like your describing is the Mahina. Also, have the Tea for comparison. It’s definitely got more bass, a bit more energy and better imaging/seperation. Definitely not high energy approaching shoutiness. Really excels at electronic. Rock and reggae are also well suited for it. Only time it seems to moderately struggle is with faster metal in drums area. However, if the Tea did well for you the Mahina is still better than it.

Moonlight could also be a qualifier as it’s just Mahina with less bass. HBB colabed with Yanyin to retune Moonlight. Can be EQd easily to Mahina if you something like a Q5k. I actually EQ my Mahina to Moonlight occasionally. Originally had the Moonlight but, Mahina was better suited for me most times. EQd side by side when I had them both I couldn’t tell a difference. Also can be found used more often. HifiShark can be used to track multiple sites for a used set.


Thanks for the suggestions! I did think about the Mahina as a possibilty, but for some reason I dismissed it - probably something HBB said about it in his review that turned me off.

I’m not into EQing - I just want to plug and play. I mainly use IEMs when moving around the house or in bed, and I use them through the Earman Sparrow dongle and the USB Audio Pro on my phone.

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If I may share my 0.02$… Tea2 can be found for only 220eur on Aliexpress, it’s hard to beat it at this price point and you’ll have iem which will work well with most genres and is not significantly worse than Mahina, EJ07M etc.


is there anyone here that bought tea2 from aliexpress and live to tell?

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If it’s DDaudio, it’s the same as Linsoul so you will be fine :slight_smile:


I bought mine from DD-Audio Store (Linsoul) at AliExpress.
For me it’s the best and most reliable store there. And they ship VERY fast.


Do you have a link to the shop? Lowest I have seen was €270. Thanks

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A little off topic but let me say: I was listening to Sony WF-1000XM4 today and they were a muddy mess compared to Pods2 and Pods OG. I say it for people who wonder what to choose. :fire:


Yap, XM4 needs its built in EQ activated just to be listenable.

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Seems they increased the price, I shared screenshot with @nymz basically yesterday and they were like 220eur.

Edit: Ahhh just realized that price is shown without vat :man_facepalming:


Posting this here if anyone was interested…

edit: no affiliation with seller, just spreading the word


Dang, that’s a fast turnaround!


To the guy who kept asking about P1 Max… @SpiderTool was that you?

Well, I’m about to pay a 188€ fine on a low declaration, which also means that more than half a year later I’ll get to hear P1 Max…

With that and HBB Hook-X coming in tomorrow, and adding SeekReal Dawn + DUNU Talos to the mix, 11.11 planar wars will have to be settled vs the WU and Hook-X OG. I’ll take some quick impressions.

Meanwhile I’ve tried Stelaris. Yeah… no. Nope. Nein.


That fine is brutal.


Dam I was pretty close LOL $615 hahaha :joy: Sold: Dunu SA6 Ultra | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org @GooberBM

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I posted this a few hours ago in the deals thread and I’m genuinely shocked that it’s still up. @MMag05 made a really good point on the Head-Fi listing - the OP is really doing the community a solid.


Only time ever this happened. Not sure if pure bad luck or something shady on the declaration. It was a downhill once they refused to hear, to a point I said fine and it took them months just to get it to me.

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Oh I was definitely thinking more like 6 months or so from now when the hype died down and we were on the next hype train.

You nailed it for the first sellers though, brother!