Nymzreviews.com official thread

They are not the same cable, but yeah, always pick what appeals to you more!

Cables are all about comfort and A E S T E T H I C S.


sounds good. Its a Xinhs cable so I figure comfort is already top tier but wanted to check if the copper one was an outlier in that regard

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Iā€™m just a sucker for either the all copper look or the all black look with some sort of accent - it just does something to me :face_holding_back_tears:

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Dang thatā€™s cool!

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I was too slow. Way before me, someone rich enough bought out all the #001. Keep in mind this was way before TGX would imagine all this Tidal wave. All the guy needed was to hear Serratus.

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TGXEAR Ripples - First impressions

Homemade :pizza:


And this is why shorter reviews (this ainā€™t a review but u get the point) are better.

Freedom nymz is best nymz. :dancer:


Obviously, a fantastic article my friend - articulate and entertaining without rambling on for too long and causing readerā€™s fatigue which, may or may not be a thing but I certainly experience it with some other articles but not with yours. Nicely done, personal rank S+ - personal rank with Bias - S+.

With that out of that way, I have to ask - are Jimā€™s bud lineups just going to be legendary? Iā€™ve come to realize that after 4 sets, the man has not miss. I fear that after he seizes production, 2nd hand market prices will be too much for me to justify but I hope not.


Dam makes me wanna buy an earbuds again even though I know very well itā€™ll fall out right away :upside_down_face:

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ā€œā€œshortā€ā€, haha!

But, seriously, thanks! I enjoyed reading it.

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Thatā€™s why I pre-ordered the Ripples, honestly. It sounds like itā€™s only a matter of time before his stuff takes off. The prices he sets for the (from what Iā€™m gathering) SQ are practically unheard of in this hobby.

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Exactly my point. Nymz compared the dynamics on the Ripples to the U12t towards the end of the article ā€¦ thatā€™s a set that retails for $2k. That is literally unheard of. Since he also compared the TGX bud releases to Supreme, I also expect the 2nd hand market to almost mirror that of a supreme release lol (not to that extent but you get what Iā€™m trying to say).


Considering theyā€™re not even made any more, Iā€™ve always been surprised that used OG Dark Magicians have hovered from $450-$500. Not even reaching the original price.

Sorry if thatā€™s a sidestep, just talking about TOTL tunings at good prices, with the potential of short supply, that came to mind.


I think the difference there is that while the OG DM is a cult classic it is still a single DD and has some negatives. It seems like Jim is at the top of the earbud game!

Once some funds free up I think Im going to pull the trigger on the Serratus since that is his most bass emphasized bud. Does anyone know if he will do custom cable dimensions? I saw some very custom Serratusā€™ out but I know the man is busy


Where is the best place to check out used Dark Magicians?

Not sure if @MMag05 sold his yet, but otherwise just about nowhere.

Still available. Super shocked they havenā€™t sold yet.


Gave in and bought the Serratus LOL

Got the red one :red_circle: Looks stunning :star_struck:


Well, since I am not technical, I decided to purchase the GoBlu precisely because it didnā€™t have any app. As a geezer (I canā€™t help being old), I suppose Iā€™m still trying to be as analog as possible, though I only listen using DAPs, IEMs, and hirez streaming digital music these days (Apple Music). I do really enjoy the music stillā€¦ that hasnā€™t changed!


Nice writeup!
You almost got my shilled into buying this especially since you say the code works for Ripples as well, despite not having best relations with MX500 shells (and money 59 be fair) at the moment. Luckily you mentioned very fair point on the cable hanging down on the bud, so I am sure those would not work well for me.
But I am a :snowflake: