Nymzreviews.com official thread

if anybody is still needing final iems exclusively for tips, i’ve bought two e1000s from this company and they still had all original accessories + plastic wrappings and so it’s probably a safe bet, they sell the final type as, bs and cs too for pretty cheap


I have a pair of Softears RSV in my ears right now.

For my taste, it is end game, listening so far. It adds some detail and treble that the Aladdin leaves out (which is part of the Aladdins’ overall vibe, it’s not something I necessarily pine for when I’m listening to them).

I’d say my top 3 IEMs would be this RSV,
then Oracle (a slightly different flavor to the other two),
and then very close behind, the Aladdin.

Despite the extra treble presence, I’m not having to get used to them at all, they’re not harsh. I prefer it to almost all the EST implementation I’ve heard so far (not much to be fair).

Mids are beautiful, but not the first thing I notice as the Aladdins are off to a terrific start.

Stage/imaging is far ahead of the other two, especially the Aladdins. Although the Aladdins have some of the most realistic stage I’ve heard, capturing the exact dimensions of the room studio/stage via all sorts of reverberations and characteristics, even if they don’t project outside of the head far.

I will say that although great for BAs… contrary to what I’ve read so far, I think it is detectable as being BA bass. Texture is top notch, but timbre isn’t always real. The Aladdins biocellulose driver is tricky to compete with for bass timbre (though could slam more).

Although the best technical and tuning-preference combination I’ve heard in any IEM so far, I’ll have to weigh very carefully the keepability, in the context of family finances. I’m very very impressed, but the refinements and technicalities aren’t adding a whole new level to my enjoyment. We all know about diminishing returns, that’s what I’m dealing with here. Sadly finding the best doesn’t always mean keeping the best.

I’m using UM silicone tips (I think they’re called blue heart or something?) that end up creating excellent seal around the edge, but barely adding length to the nozzle if at all, pretty much flush.

Powered from an Apple dongle and an iPhone 7 Plus, volume is fine, I have to raise it a little less than for the Oracle. At the moment I’m at 65% and wouldn’t want to raise it. Isolation is very solid.



Im glad you got them and glad you loving them :slight_smile: try other source other and apple dongle and you’ll sh*t your pants off. Trust me on this, I wasnt believing it too.

Welcome to the sparkles cult!!! :fire::fire::fire:

My pair salutes you :call_me_hand:


Separate note - you love Daft Punk, let me know if you’ve ever listened to the group Justice? If not I think you’d like them a lot for vibe, and they’re really interesting sonically on earphones etc.


I freaking love justiceeeee. Their first live album is one of the most played by me and my gf on our car trips :fire::fire:


Glad that you loved it, mate!!
Always best to see a perfect match between IEM and ear :sunglasses: :ok_hand:

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Now, you!

There was a secret deal that might have happened between me and @rattlingblanketwoman in case RSV didn’t make it for him/her (I really can’t tell lol), but I got EJ07m before the discount expired so :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :see_no_evil:

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I heard the guy that sold you ej07m also sells rsv :smirk:

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Yes, yes, dont do it.


I am about to purchase the EJ 07 OG, the BTR5 (240mw on BAL) is enough in terms of power to drive then well?

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Can you do qudelix 5k or ifi blu?

Yes, you will be fine :slight_smile:

EJ07 is godmode. I only took a quick listen yet and some notes, but lets say christmas doesn’t come soon enough :santa:

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Well I like the BTR5 and I think it sounds good. I will save for a good DAP I am deciding between Ibasso DX 240 or Fiio M11 Plus LTD, but I think that it will be the DX 240.

Oh, thought you were buying the amp as well. Yes, it’s more than enough :slight_smile:

Look for the new hiby r6 and dx300 as well, when you got the cash for it :slight_smile:

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I still wanna get the Qudelix 5k sometime. That parametric EQ feature is just so good.

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Yeah, one of the reasons I got. For portability is hard to beat EQ wise. Since i need everything portable, it’s a dream :slight_smile: now I just need customs to release it

Hifiman RE600S V2

So I just got these on the mail last week, together with my custom GS Audio ST1 from @igor0203. Will take these for a spin. They are neutral and there aren’t many graphs on the internet, as I’m not even sure they are still in production, but they can still be bought on Hifiman store.

Very early impressions is tuning is great, techs seems to be good but depth sucks. I’ll come back to these soon. I can say they are my favourite bullet style IEM I’ve tried so far, not counting on Etys.

Etymotic ER2XR

I’ve fallen in love with these mini guys, but the truth is, it’s not a one size fits all (pun intended). As I think they are still one of the best 100$ deals you can get, I’ve been trying to get around the fit. I have Comply Foams (P Series) coming in tomorrow and I’ll A/B them vs stock foams.

While messing with these, I just found out a neat party trick: You can use regular tips with them. Sure, not every tip on the market, as stuff like Comply T-600 is too wide for it still.
So, as you might be asking how, let me tell you the secret sauce: Do you remember that micro adapters that come with some tips (Azla Crystal as an example) to attach to smaller IEMs?

Yap, those work. So what it means is that you can use stuff like regular tips (narrow bore advised) with it. Final E work great, but I’ve been using Sony EPX11, and the result is the following:

I’m also trying to find replacement cables, as stock is bad but usuable. I might get some freaky color, for a chance. I’m thinking red:


And of course Oracle and Excalibur is on Drop now, right after I crossed Oracle off my wishlist due to low stock on Linsoul (still only pre-orders) :sweat_smile:

Interestingly, this was the photo for Excalibur on Drop:

Were the vents always like that? Or is this a new batch done similarly to the Mangird/Xenns?