Nymzreviews.com official thread

I have no idea bro, I never owned a TA tribid. The queue time always threw me off.

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On some old news, EJ07m, Tea successor, @Resolution and Crin graph approved :drooling_face:


Also didnā€™t know that EJ07m could be customed to resin and have a longer nozzle :scream: Saw that in the same channel, result of someoneā€™s custom EJ07m looked like this:

Another set:



Nope, my pair has the same Vents :v:


It is, Iā€™ve told many people about it. EJ07m is a nice Tea sucessor. The main difference would be warmth and note weight. On that regard, RSV is closer.

Yes, you can do customs later. Those guys are from shortbus and Shuoer rep always talks about it. You can pay post-service to re-do shell or re-do shell + custom fit if you have the molds. You can even ask for retunes, I think. Shuoer is pretty amazing :slight_smile:


My favourite look on a shell, of any IEM, so far:

Custom EJ07. Credits to Musicman


7hz Timeless

The meme never dies. Somehow, it has been returned to china. Iā€™m now in contact with stores to try to get one express shipped to me as I keep get asked about it and I have literally zero experience with planars.



Just out of curiousity, who would one contact and how would one go about ordering on of these resin-bodied EJ07Ms?
Edit: just interested in the aesthetic; I would still want a ā€œUniversalā€ model, not a custom.

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If youā€™re on discord, thereā€™s an RP on most known discords like linsoul called LETSHUOER (I canā€™t get past their new nameā€¦).

You can also contact them on official site or store on aliexpress. The custom shell is cheaper if you buy it together with the IEM itself.

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Thanks! I havenā€™t been ā€œon the Short Busā€ since I sent my OG EJ07 back to Linsoul for repair (where it was subsequently lost in the mail ;_; ) and have been itching to get back into a pair since the EJ07m dropped. Gonna have to put these on the short list!

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Same, since by the screenshot I provided above it seems that the tuning becomes a hybrid of EJ07 and EJ07m, which is hard to tell whether itā€™s for the good or for the weird.

That said, the custom shells are freaking FIRE.


OG and M and different species, even tho they share the name, at least IMO.

I think they are both nice to have, but I prefer OG, if you can deal with the dark treble. I LOVE it.

Shortbus approved by Michael are EJs, RSV and Tanya. Dark Magician is also making huge waves, and has been on my list as my next iem for a while now, since I saw the graph and listing of Crinā€™s and Iā€™ve been looking for a nice single DD. @Tfaduh got it first and he keeps shilling it. I put it on hold til next month, since Iā€™ll need to flip some stuff first.


This is true. People have been trying to recreate the perfect tuning between EJ OG and M. Either on the treble, on the bass, or both. But ofc, trying to keep OG techs.

I know that the OG and m are different, but the slight increases in bass shelf and upper-treble made the m look like exactly what I wanted along with the OGā€™s sound. Iā€™ve been debating which one to get for a while now, but I feel like a resin-shelled EJ07m would be awesome (with the option to scoop an OG on the used market if I need the A/B. I already passed on some killer deals for used OGs, and Iā€™m kinda kicking myself).
As far as a dark treble, Iā€™m currently breaking in the GS Audio ST8B and Fearless Provence, both of which lean that way. Still tip rolling and getting my thoughts in order, but I would definitely rec the ST8B for an all-BA warm unit that still has treble energy and is fairly wide (not MEST mkII or EJ07-wide, but above average for sure) with a good sense of separation. The Provence isā€¦average. Crinā€™s quick review of it and HBBā€™s lack of in-depth review are both reasonable to what I am hearing so far; itā€™s about as average as you can get for a warm-leaning balanced sound. Doesnā€™t do anything wrong, but nothing really stands out, either. Also, the graph makes it look far bassier than it is to my ears.

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Iā€™d say to go for the M if you have that itch. I love it and rec it.

OG has the special sauce, but people will either love it or hate it, depending on tastes. M feels a safer rec.

There were only 3 iems and rocked my spine on my library : Mangird Tea, RSV and EJ07. 07m was very close to those indeed. I fell in love at the first track :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m really trying hard to not give more thoughts before folks start getting theirs, but the VR3000 did that to me.

2 days in, it made me start questioning whatā€™s the purpose of expensive tribrids or quadbrids if it can achieve the same level of tonality.



Well VR3000 has to have insane coherencyā€¦ Itā€™s a single DD :o


Gosh youā€™re right :joy: :joy: :joy:
But for some of my cheaper single DD IEMs, I just fail to find the sameā€¦ Not to mention VR3000 only uses a 6mm DD.

Iā€™m comparing VR3000 to the MEST, that means something, at least for me.

Disclaimer, not trying to hype it up to the level of the big bois, after all, itā€™s supposed to fit in the $50 price bracket. Folks should judge with that in mind :see_no_evil:


Apparently my setā€™s arriving tomorrow if I get a chance to pick up :smiley:


Donā€™t forget to drop your impressions. Im not getting mine til the end of the week, minimum. Seems amzn uk is slower than other amazon to me.


I got mine this morning - gotta love Amazon 1-day delivery. Still burning in though, and Iā€™m trying to understand ZEX Pro a bit more before trialling VR3000. Also, VR3000 sounds like a motorcycle model lol.

Edit: quick listen, and wow, canā€™t believe I paid so little for these! Definitely needs some power though (running off ifi Zen DAC, pot at 21:00 position, which is high for IEM for me).