Nymzreviews.com official thread

I have lots of experience with the EJ07m (currently own a resin shelled version), I had the Variations for a couple weeks, and I tried the Tops briefly, but I still haven’t gotten to try the OH5s so my comments will only be germane to the first three that I have experience with. Of those three, the EJ07m would be my pick. The Variations have a very sub bass focus lower end that lacks body in the upper bass to lower mid region and for the music I tend to enjoy and the presentation style I normally go for, the mid bass tuck is just too much and makes the music sound unnatural/hollow to me. The Tops have an intense treble region that is uncomfortable for me on certain tracks and there are very few things that are more distracting for me. The EJ07Ms have a good sub bass boost, but retain enough mid bass and lower mid presence that music remains full sounding and complete. Sometimes when listening to them I do wish they had a bit more energy in the treble, but that’s only on certain tracks and they have a unique almost holographic presentation that I enjoy quite a bit.

I hope that helps!



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For my library, for my personal preferences and puting up a scenario I would have to buy any of those with my own wallet right now: Mangird Top.

Edit: I should be more specific, sorry.

Top >= EJ07m (depending on tastes and library) > Moondrop Variations >>> OH5 (judging only by its graph and feedback I got from trusted ears, but take it with a kg of salt).


Thanks for pointing this out and thanks for the kind words my brother. I would have totaly miss it otherwise.

@Timmy-Gizaudio is a great guy and we shared thoughts on sets a couple of times, including his upcoming colab. As a costumer, you will never agree with every reviewer out there, or share the same tastes/libaries with them, but one thing you can never point to timmy is his lack of effort. The boy is spitting out loads of vids target to new costumers, which most will thank for.

I skimmed the video on fast forward but I’d say overall I do agree with him about the Top. I think this will be another contender to throw into the $600 pit.


Sorry, I never heard the Vortex :confused: Can’t help you with that

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Congratz :fire: Hope you enjoy it, it’s a great set :slight_smile:

So from what you tell me the Mangird top competes in your ranking with the Oracle mk2?

I would like a little more competence and thoroughness from Tmi. Otherwise, he puts in a lot of effort, which is commendable :frog:.

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You seem to enjoy a wide array of tunings. Or at least seem to be more open to them than myself. I’ve been eyeing the Top as a fan of the UP and Tea but, your statement seems to seal their fate for me. Definitely don’t like to hear the words intense when it comes to treble. Out of pure curiosity mind if a ask what is distracting? For me its cymbals and hihats that get to distracting if the treble is off to my preference.

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No worries. I know Penon has left a sour taste in your mouth on several occasions.

I ended up pulling the trigger on them anyways. They were listed for +/- $105 USD so I couldn’t resist. I’ve spent most of the weekend with them and I like them. On the warmer side with great mids / midbass. They sound exceptionally good with rock or anything with live instruments. The sub-bass rolls off in stock form so not as good for my EDM, Electronic or J/K-pop playlists but they sound decent. I really like the coherency of a single DD.


I definitely do like many types of tunings. Cymbals and hihats don’t sound right and higher order resonances or notes for things like synths, pianos, and violins sound incorrect/annoying.

Well thanks for helping me scratch that off my list and saving money for the next buy.


No problem! If you don’t mind me asking, what other options do you have on the ol’ radar screen for the next buy?


Quite reliable sources have told me that the Ikko Oh5 has a small soundstage. Good imaging but it all happens inside your head.
It makes me rule it out. My choices now are the Oracle mk2 or the Mangird Top. Both the same price.

QKZ HBB Review

After a long hiatus, nymz is finally back. First review of the upcoming spam is a $20 IEM that I trully enjoyed and goes directly to one of 2022’s best in its bracket.


He’s back, ladies and gents - he’s back :clap: we missed you, brother :call_me_hand:


Just got the Z12 in today and will be getting the Wu on launch. Need to add a planar to the the mix. Last one I had was the Timeless and fit wasn’t so well and I vaguely remember it being a bit to hit for me. Other than that nothing as of now.


Suuuuuper curious on how you think the QKZ x HBB compare to the Kai :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks! It’s good to be back, but I still don’t feel :100: myself.

I’m running through backlogs. Next reviews will be DUNU Kima, Timeless AE and FatFreq MM.

On another update, to everyone that is getting a visit from Santa Nymz, expect delays. Not everyone got a tracker yet. Sorry, it’s the thought that counts. Hope people enjoy some free stuff while I enjoy going bunkrupt by my postal office :sweat_smile:


The fact that you did what you did is generous beyond question and anyone getting mad it’s “late” deserves coal!

But this is also why I didn’t ask what you’re sending. It’s one thing to be excited for a mystery, but I’d get way too hyped if I knew what is coming.

But really there is a certain magic to wondering:

On second thought…uhhhh