Nymzreviews.com official thread

I’ll help out a little here: Kai is gonna be more balanced, QKZ will have more deeper bass, but Kai has VERY satisfying bass that (from memory) I find cleaner. Lower-mids are all Kai. Upper-mids I don’t remember discernible differences, and Kai is a little better (to my ear) in early treble but has NO extension.

I think Kai is a little better, but they’re close enough that I wouldn’t fight Nymz over his preference of QKZ. If I already had QKZ, I can find a better upgrade than Kai.

Kai is honestly in a no-man’s land in the budget hierarchy. Other than supporting HBB or wanting the physical aesthetic of the shell, it’s fine but utterly passable


I really just want to enjoy an in-depth opinion read by him on it is all. Personally I find the Kai filling out what I felt was missing for me in the Mele, mostly being a better balance on instruments (certain ones becoming a bit clearer or how I think I’d like to hear them) and a better balance between male and female vocals. For me more extention is nice a nice thing to have, but for the great coherencey and immersion in the musicality of it all is a fair trade off. I’m definitely not going to fight nymz on his preferences, just going to fight for the Kai for some decent attention :joy:


I’ll go back to my corner then, before I cause more troubles :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:


Wait you just named two of my Top 5. Does this mean I need the Top in my life? Everything tells me from chatting here and reviews they might be a bit much in the treble.



My review of the DUNU KIMA is out and can be found in the link below. Thanks for reading and merry x-mas! :santa:


From my short take, it’s just north of neutral. Instantly reminded me of Varitions’ treble with less gain on the female vocals but more 4.5k cymbal strikes.

Your definition of neutral is way less elevation, I don’t think you’ll like it, despite it all.

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I feel ya. One of my self xmas gift is an open back as well.

I gave you my current fav three options that are all different between them. Everyone can pick their poison I guess.

Heyday is now live!


Haha we were typing at the same time. Me in HBBs forum. I went ahead and ordered despite the chart telling me I’m probably not going to like it. Had the early bird code. I really want to like a planar but, one has to hit with me. Currently have the Z12 and it’s probably going back to Amazon. They’re all to elevated in the treble it seems for my taste. Z12 is almost hitting it but, it takes XBass or EQ for me to only somewhat enjoy it.


Heyday looks good. More relaxed than the competition which is always good. My 3 favs are Hook-X, Timeless AE and WZ. I can only see this one going there as well :slight_smile:

I’m not sure I’ll get a sample or be able to review it, but I bet it will flood the market.

On a side-note: I think this reservation / early birds are a great move from Linsoul, just like their coupon cards etc. Anything that makes you pay less has my thumbs up.

Have you ever tried the P1 Max. It’s definitely the smoothest planar I’ve heard, so if that doesn’t cut it for you, I don’t think anything would


I second this @MMag05

The P1 Max gave me a laid back DD vibe, with all the benefits of a planar - resolution, fast transients, small shell with normal fit and comfort. Granted, I only had a small 2 song session with them, but my thoughts seem to line up with Goober who had them for an extended period of time. If you haven’t given them a shot, it wouldn’t hurt to try!


According to Akros on YouTube who reviewed the Heyday and compared it to most other planars, he deems the Heyday an upgraded P1 Max, so @MMag05 is gonna be all set with that set :+1:t2:

I also ordered it, sold off my Hook for it.

Hook is great and all but I want more resolution.


I just hope the Heyday stages well sold my OG Timeless because of that.

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I am interested. If you leave it to me at a similar or lower price to the price of the TOP that will be the one I ask for the Three Wise Men. Let’s see if I’ve been good.


Never heard the P1 Max. Might be worth looking into at some point. I’ll see how the HeyDay goes. @domq422 laid back DD vibes sounds good.


The p1Max Can go as low as 80$ during sales :wink:
At that price, it’s a no-brainer

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Anyone in EU wanna send me P1 Max for a measurement and a quick take?


Oooh, I’m here for this! Lets go, people!

I don’t have it or I would send it to you. But I can send you PD1! Then you will feel what a dark lamp sound is :smiley: :frog: