Nymzreviews.com official thread

:rofl::rofl::rofl: hey itā€™s all good man, Iā€™m pretty easy going about things and didnā€™t see any troubles so long as I answer clearly enough :wink:

I just dealt with Linsoul for a refund and the service was fantastic.

They are here with us for couple of years now, so somehow they cannot be that bad. Those were stories of my friends though - for example they wanted for them to ā€œrecord the driver flexā€ as a proof of that being there. Or asking for recording of the earphone hissing. Or not respecting warranty for product bought with coupon. Or not respecting warranty for product as the product was bought second hand :stuck_out_tongue:
That may be bad luck or just some guyā€™s at CS bad day in handling of thousands of cases. Or maybe they just donā€™t like polish people. But nevertheless I havenā€™t heard anything bad on Shenzhen audio, Penon or hifigo in there

I cant answer that question, as I have ties and nothing but good experiences with both stores.

As for Canon or Top, they are pretty different soundwise (if I recall canonā€™s graph correctly), but I only heard the latter so far.

Thank you. I think both shops can be fine. Iā€™ve been buying sound from Amazon lately. I used to buy it from Aliexpress shops and never had any problemsā€¦ Now if I want them to arrive by kings day I think I will choose Linsoul.

The Cannonā€™s graphics are difficult because it has switches. It has 9 different sound possibilities. I will buy the Top which will be better technically. The Mangird Tea was my first big iem and I loved it. It was very musical and fun. It just lacked better picture and detail but I donā€™t know why the hell I sold itā€¦Iā€™ve regretted it many times.
At the time I preferred Timeless because it gave better technicalities and cleanliness but a more referential soundā€¦(less musical).


Merry Christmas.


I might be one of the first to have received something from Santa nymz, so allow me to make a big as announcement: thank you very much @nymz for being such a key figure in this community! You have given valuable time and resources to better our little group here, and I think we are very fortunate to have folks like you around and setting the convivial tone of the community.

Many thanks @nymz , and to all the regulars on here. Merry Christmas! Feliz Natal!


Merry Christmas folks!


For those who celebrate and even for those who donā€™t, I hope everyone of you beautiful souls have a lovely holiday season and an incredible new year!

Hereā€™s to another year in the books, gents :champagne::clinking_glasses:

Iā€™m grateful beyond belief that Iā€™ve spent a majority of my year with you fine gentleman, thank you, thank you, thank you!



Merry Christmas to you all men of good will :slightly_smiling_face:


@nymz Have you (or anyone here) tried the xDuoo MT602 tube amp headphone amp with IEMs?
Curious to know if it could help with the sibilance ?

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All the time.

It does, under the condition that you feed it with a workable dac with RCA. MT602 translates everything you hear from your original source to an elementary tube sound, which is a tad bit fuller and rounder for me (emphasis on ā€œa bitā€).

But if youā€™re feeding it directly from your PC/laptop socket, audio will sound as bad as the original, just with a tube filter.

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Ho Ho Ho Ho. Hope every got a wonderful and healthy christmas!

This year I decided (almost forced) to take a break during these days for cooking, shopping and trying to rest. Also seems everyone and their cousin is sick, so somehow I got a light flu but Iā€™m better now. I also managed to get an ear infection while not using iems :person_shrugging::person_shrugging::clown_face:

Iā€™m riding home as Iā€™m writting this on my phone. Still catching up with all the messages and news, but really hope everyone is doing well, thatā€™s the only thing that matters.

To everyone asking, yes, my daughter is stable and healthy now and things are getting smootherā€¦ but my gf will say otherwise. Weā€™re getting on that no sleep zone of the last quarter and sheā€™s starting to need so help, but manageable. Also, to answer the most asked question, due date is March 6th :slight_smile: The baby has been the main reason why my content has been so dry to the public eye and also why I have not been home much, but it is what it is. First things first.

Speaking of babies, the most important news of the month for anyone that missed it: @hawaiibadboyā€™s son, Kai, has born. Chris has been dealing with some nasty covid so letā€™s send some good vibes torwards him.

Iā€™ll now try to answer some of the most commonly asked questions over the past weeks in my inbox:

  • Yes, Iā€™m getting Heyday and Khan. Will post feedback once they arrive
  • No I wonā€™t be getting Prestige, at least for the time being
  • Yes Iā€™ll be getting LETSHUOER x @Timmy-Gizaudio 's Galileu
  • Mangird Top is still a go. So is Meteor
  • Iā€™m not the biggest fan of Helios
  • Still wrapping my head around Yume II
  • Timeless AE is about to get posted. Itā€™s a go, but price is a con.
  • New tier list / best of 2022 will be posted when it gets posted. Sorry

Weā€™ll resume tomorrow. Love,



Glad to hear that everything (and everyone) is well! A Happy New Year to you and yours (and everyone here)!


So weird - I swear I was thinking about you earlier today, brother. Trying to send good vibes telepathically ā€¦ I hope you felt emā€™!

Happy to hear the little one is stable and ready for landing! Prepare the luggage cause the first month youā€™ll be upside down lol.

Looking forward to the regularly scheduled program soon enough, but first, take care of that ear infection, thatā€™s nasty stuff and could cause permanent damage and we wouldnā€™t want that.

Take care, brother //^\


About the Thieaudio Prestige, there are first impressions from an head-fi user:


Ah, the watercooler bourgeoisie gatekeeping what expensive IEMs are worthy? Yup, sounds about right


Just a very clutch comeback before 2022 ends! Glad to hear your loved ones are fine (or as fine as a woman 3 months before delivery can be in respect to your GF). :heart:

The primal fear (sometimes irrational) about health of your loved ones was a feeling I never had before pregnancy and that was woken and now present in my life like it was always there. Sometimes it still takes sleep off my eyes. We with Klara spent way too many days in hospital after she was born, then whole pandemic came (with itā€™s initial doomsday feeling) and those were the hardest times ever. Every major holidays we were sick, even on last Christmas everyone in my family was positive for Influenza A - at least we could meet in this state then :slight_smile:

But now I am here, enjoying audio, so life could be worse.

@nymz if you would be thinking of selling of those Symphonium Meteors hit me up - you shilled it so much it is now on my 1st spot on my want to listen list (followed by Penon Serial, Z1R, U12T and B2D).

I just swapped my Saber 1 for not very popular flagship from iBasso IT07 for some time, so I would post some impression on it quite soon, but first feeling is really really good and the build quality is the best I have seen in IEM


Hey @Cameleon30, sorry for the late reply.

Ive previously owned 602. Despite being hibrid and not pure tubes, it might help with the trebles due to tubeā€™s warm nature. Keep in mind I dont think any source will make you love an iem if you donā€™t love it already, well, at least most of the times.

If you want to kill treble sibilance, es100 and ru-6 also come to mind, especially the first.

On a side note, I cant recommend 602 for most iems due to noise floor. Unless you are using harder to drive iems, thereā€™s a pretty big chance you will get some hiss. I found that using it as pre amp kinda killed some of that hiss.

If you need an es100 let me know. Hope this helped