Nymzreviews.com official thread

Sadly, I do not own meteor. @Xavilaw does (also portuguese).

I took my notes and i will post about it once I can. Will surely be on my current picks of 2022.


Not expensive enough!!! :joy:

Seriously tho, I like WC. They have their own tastes buy theres something atractive about seing people play monopoly - audio world edition. In the end of the day, just a bunch of friends getting together irl and sharing opinions and music. Thatā€™s already 90% better than most other threads.


Ok, IT07 falls apart completely on Rent I Pay by Spoon. The cymbals strikes are just drilling holes in your head, the vocals are like sandpaper. To be fair this recording gives trouble even to MEST (too much lesser extent) and only a few buds and Erasmus were able to play it good

But damn me, those are beauties with a great stock cable


Mate you have the Erasmus as well? Nice! I just got one from Tony. Still need to listen to it properly. Are you enjoying yours?

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Haha, yes I do! You need to watch me as closely in my steps in IEM as I watch you in your journey in earbuds as we probably have 90% match in all our purchases, but there are phase shifts that I am first in IEMs and you are first in buds :sweat_smile:

I am really enjoying Erasmus, they are my daily beaters on the go along with Q5k, but calling them beaters only does not give them the fairness. They have some special sauce, I love vocals they can produce - there is certain level of sweetness to them (I believe it can be even shown on graphs what produces this tiny sweet sound) that makes them very engaging and enjoyable. Also they fit me like a glove, so there is that


At the beginning of my hobby I was thinking of getting the IT07 instead of the FH7. I think I was not wrong to miss IT07 :nerd_face:.

Daaaaaaang I finally got to open my self xmas gifts. Oh boy

Probably some raise after the pinna and some late gain on it?

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I canā€™t really identify it as the IT07 graph is one of the strangest I have seen and I am not that good at interpretation as you anyways. But there is some sibilance in female vocals (like Adriana Lenkerā€™s Sparrow) and splashiness on cymbals in all my trial tracks.


glad to hear things are doing fine now, wish you all the best my friend :heart:
and well after your ear infection will heal we can all say to you "happy new ear :ear: :confetti_ball: " :joy:


For me the graphics are weird after 6K. It looks like the typical older Chinese setups.

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Haha yeah mate, exactly what I was thinking! Funny because Iā€™m not actually sure if our libraries overlap much :joy:

Iā€™m glad the Erasmus is treating you well! Iā€™m annoyed that I forgot to pack a suitable dac/amp before going on holiday, so the Erasmus is just sitting thereā€¦ Waiting to be heard :cry: it is beautiful though, not gonna lie. Itā€™s a shame that chifi has severe short term memory loss - everything moves so quickly and very few IEMs are remembered as classics. Well, maybe Tea MK2, thanks to the cult leader @nymz right here :stuck_out_tongue:


For me this whole common glide from sub-bass to 1kHz is very strange approach to tuning. I am very sensitive to 4kHz and 6kHz and it is dipped in there according to graph (not what I feel in real life though). 8kHz is resonance peak and not present IRL, but there is defininitely a huge dip in 12kHz

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Yes, this is funny, because I am quite sure that our libraries do not overlap - correct me if I am wrong, but you are mostly jazz, orchestral and classical music fan and I my library is almost entirely based on vocal tracks and this is where I look for enjoyement mostly


Haha youā€™re bang on - so what are we doing wrong :joy: just kidding, I guess thereā€™s quite a significant overlap in the frequencies for vocals and instruments. So nice mids without aggressive pinna gain, and no treble peaks to minimise sibilance. Plus decent mid bass for me (cello, bass, etc).


Agreed. Itā€™s oddly fun navel-gazing at them playing close to the sun. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever get in that club. But itā€™s interesting to see how treating $2000+ IEMs like theyā€™re $200 IEMs goes. LOL

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What are the iems that attack your Prtf the most? @nymz
(under 1000ā‚¬)

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Hi, @nymz. Do you plan to review JQ 4U Pro / Hisenior Mega5P? It looks like an interesting IEM somewhat similar to Tea in $200ish price range.

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Santa nCLAUz brought me a surprise for my ears. I didnā€™t believe that S12s were so good and I still canā€™t believe it! Polyphia sounds magical with the S12, incredible :guitar: :purple_heart: :purple_heart: :boom:


@nymz take it easy. Enjoy the music and life. Dont let it become the gear


Thank you for the response.
I was concerned about noise floor because those are mostly meant for hp.

Itā€™s for my P1+, I love it but would love it even more without the artificial spiciness up top.

Hmmm, didnā€™t know that. Interesting.
Are you selling one?

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